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News from the ZIM

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Maintenance work 07/25 from 7:00 pm | Internet connection briefly interrupted

On 07/25 from 7:00 pm o'clock there may be short interruptions of the internet connection and disconnection of sessions due to maintenance work until …

eduroam | malfunction fixed

The dial-in problem with eduroam has been fixed. Logging in with a UP account on a campus outside the University of Potsdam can now be done without …

eduroam | Technical malfunction

Currently there may be dial-in problems with eduroam. Mainly this concerns logins with a UP account on a campus outside the University of Potsdam. We …

Security vulnerability Windows Zoom Desktop Clients / Your action required

Currently there is a vulnerability in the Windows Zoomclients that allows unintended privilege escalation. Malicious actors could, for example, delete …

Mail.UP | POP3 service shutdown

Dear POP3 users we would like to inform you that the final shutdown of the insecure POP3 service, which has already been announced several times, has …

All IT services of ZIM were unavailable

There was a technical disruption in our infrastructure on 3rd July 2023 between 8.00 pm and 10.30 pm. As a result, all IT services of ZIM were …

Emails from external senders marked as SPAM

Yesterday on 3rd July 2023 in the time from 12.00 pm to 10.30 pm emails from external senders were erroneously marked as SPAM. As a result, the emails …

Mail.UP | [Update 06/21]Malfunction fixed

Due to a possible attack, the mail system was only partially available yesterday, June 19, from about 4:00 p.m  to 23:00 p.m. Currently, there are …

Moodle Updates Open.UP, Exam.UP, Moodle-EFP

On the dates listed below, updates will be carried out on the respective platforms. Limited accessibility of the systems is to be expected on the …
Ein stolzer 3. Platz (Foto: U. Lucke)

Team des ZIM erfolgreich beim Obstacle Cross Run auf dem Campus Festival 2017

Wir freuen uns mit euch und sind gespannt auf die Fortsetzung im nächsten Jahr!