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Book Review January 2023

Studierender in der Bibliothek sitzend mit Büchern, Laptop und Stift in der Hand
Source: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group

Academic Writing.
A Handbook for International Students



Bailey, Stephen
2018, Routledge, 312 Pages
ISBN 9781138048744
Signature: (Neues Palais) AK 39580 BAI
This book is also available as an e-book via the OPAC  of the University Library.


You are looking for a book with a lots of opportunities to practice? Would you rather read less information and practice more?
Either English ist your language of study, but not your first language – or you simply want to consolidate your writing in English?

Then „Academic Writing. A Handbook for International Students“ by Stephen Bailey may be just what you need!

The author Stephen Bailey has taught English for Academic Purposes all around the world. He published three more books about Academic Writing in English. Additionally, Stephen Bailey has been created the online Academic Writing Hub. Students (and teachers) can access many additional materials and ressources related to his books for free. Try it out!
For all the information:

Bailey offers emphatic accompaniment throughout the book. He provides guidance for students (and teachers) of how to make the best usage of the book. You can use this book with others or for self-study. Solutions for the exercises are all given within the book.

From his many years of experience, Bailey points out that speaking English is usually not a problem for international students. However, writing in English, especially in Academic Writing, seems to be more challenging. Writing as such might be perceived as more difficult than oral communication. Secondly, following the specific conventions of Academic Writing (in English) (e. g., plagiarism) might be demanding. Thirdly, the ability to achieve appropriate Academic Style through the use of proper English vocabulary is another task in which students seek for guidance.

Considering these three challenges, Bailey has structured his Handbook as follows:

  • Part 1 The Writing Process („from finding sources to proofreading“, p. xxiii),
  • Part 2 Elements of Writing („from argument to visual information“, p. xxiii),
  • Part 3 Language Issues („from cohesion to time markers“, p. xxiii),
  • Part 4 Vocabulary for Writing („from abbreviations to synonyms“, p. xxiii) and
  • Part 5 Writing Models („from case studies to emails“, p. xxiii).

Thus, important tips on time management can be found here, as well as on using the right connective word in an argument - or on structuring an essay, proofreading a text, or even writing successfully in a team.

As mentioned earlier, the author uses brief explanations and provides more detailed opportunities to practice the chosen topic.

Given the book's broad approach to writing, it could be the right campagnion for you at really any stage of your studies! Whether you want to deepen your knowledge of English Academic Writing or you are just starting your academic career and looking for an overview, you may find just the information you need!

Reviewed by Alyssa Schmid, December 2022

Studierender in der Bibliothek sitzend mit Büchern, Laptop und Stift in der Hand
Source: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group