Writing Night
Writing through night! Find your writing flow! On the 6th of March 2025, 3 pm -11 pm!
Campus Golm, IKMZ
Coffee, tea, a rich buffet organised by all participants and the productive atmosphere of writing together give you the energy and motivation to keep writing until almost midnight. The programme also keeps you fit with impulse workshops, individual consultations, a healthy break from the Feel Good Campus, a night walk, our wheel of fortune and much more. Trained writing consultants provide advice on all phases of writing academic texts.
Staff members from the University Library, the Central Student Advisory Service | Inclusive Studies, Equal Opportunity Coordination Office, ZfQ and ZIM will also be on hand to provide advice.
We would be delighted to receive a contribution to the buffet.
Check-in starts at 2:50pm at the information desk.
The event will officially open at 3:15pm.
- 3:30pm: Die Zeiten Gendern sich – How to: geschlechterinklusiver Sprachgebrauch an der UP (Franzi Fiene, Koordinationsbüro für Chancengleichheit;
- 3:30pm: Schreibgruppen (Fiona Wünsch, Schreibberatung;
- 4:30pm: Gliederung (Sophie Streichan, Schreibberatung;
- 4:30pm:Formatieren mit Word (Luise Nickel, ZIM
- 5:30pm:Aufschiebeverhalten - Überwinden durch Verstehen (Dr. Lucas Mielke, Zentrale Studienberatung | Inklusive Studiengestaltung
- 5:30pm:Die KI schlägt vor! Wir schlagen nach - in Katalogen und Datenbanken! (Kathrin Agethen, UB
- 6:30pm: Healthy Break (Malte, Feel Good Campus; Innenfoyer)
- 6:30pm: Literaturverwaltung mit Citavi Web (Sascha Mähler, UB;
- 6:30pm: Forschungsliteratur jenseits der Paywall: Ein Open Access Baukasten (Joshua Shelly, UB;
- 7:30pm: Healthy Break (Malte, Feel Good Campus; Innenfoyer)
- 7:30pm:Zeitmanagement und Motivation (Alina Friebe, Schreibberatung;
- 7:30pm: Schreibtechniken (Louis Jasch, Schreibberatung;
- 8:30pm: Wissenschaftlicher Stil (Louisa Pole, Schreibberatung;
- 8:30pm: Überarbeitung (Greta Bach-Sliwinski, Schreibberatung
- 9:00pm: Night Walk (Alina and Louis, Schreibberatung; Innenfoyer)
- 9:30pm: Literaturverwaltung mit Zotero (Dr. Ulrike Ziler, UB;
- starting from 10:30pm: Cleanup
The individual consultations are conducted by
Writing Assistance
University Library Potsdam
Central Student Advisory Service | Inclusive Studies
Zim, ZfQ
Equal Opportunity Coordination Office
Registration will be possible here from mid-February.
Check-in on the 6th of March 2025: event room, IKMZ
We are looking forward to welcoming you!
Impressions of Writing Night
Finally, the Writing Night could take place on 26 September after it had to be postponed in March 2024 due to the precarious train situation!
The first of the 78 participants arrived at 3 pm at Zessko on Campus Neues Palais - prepared to keep writing until 11pm. People joined Writing Night from all different faculties, such as the Faculty of Human Sciences, the Faculty of Arts or the Faculty of Science. Responding to the high number of participants, the team of the Writing Assistance had prepared two silent writing rooms, as well as a room to relax and a large social writing room. There were also several other rooms with a varied offer of workshops. According to the motto “Everything can but nothing has to”, the participants had the freedom to focus on their individual writing projects or attend workshops with input about time management, citation and writing techniques or motivation and revisiting. The workshops were led not only by the team of the Writing Assistance but also by representatives from the University Library, ZIM and ZfQ. There was an especially high demand for the AI-workshop which was given by Dr. Anja Swidsinski. In addition to that, people could join a tour of the Media Center (Mediothek). All of that contributed to a feeling of productivity and an atmosphere that invited everyone to keep on writing.
During the breaks, the team of the Feel Good Campus offered a moving and relaxing session but there was also the possibility to go for a relaxing night walk around campus with one member of the Writing Assistance. For those who preferred to stay indoors, the relaxation room provided a space to socialize with participants from other faculties, exchanging ideas about term papers, bachelor’s or master’s theses, and even dissertations. The team of the Writing Assistance was always available in case anyone needed advice and, if there was a more extensive question, also offered individual writing assistance. Alongside inspiring conversations, of course there had to be good food which is why the participants prepared a buffet with all kinds of snacks for everyone.
As the team of the Writing Assistance we can say that we were positively surprised by the productive and open working atmosphere which contributed to everyone progressing with their projects and some even finishing them. It also was a good chance to make people aware of the varied programme of the Writing Assistance as we could read in the feedback.
We look forward to organizing more Writing Nights for you which will take place on the first Thursday in March and at the end of September.
We organised digital Writing Nights in 2021 and 2022 because of the coronavirus. Platforms like wonder.me or gather.town brought students closer together and created the feeling of interacting on a personal basis in times of social distancing.
Just like any other Night, we offered mini workshops, answered individual questions regarding the different phases of the writing process, and supported you when it comes to technical problems and formatting difficulties. We also offered short yoga or breathing breaks when relaxation was needed. Those having attended without a specific writing project profit from the productive and motivating atmosphere in order to plan new projects or to learn.