The University of Potsdam

The Department of Legal Studies was integrated into the Law Faculty of the University of Potsdam, which was founded on July 15, 1991. As the legal successor to the Brandenburg State University, it took over the properties in Babelsberg Park and Griebnitzsee and established the Law Faculty and the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. The GRC headquarters (building 1), a listed building since 1993, was restored. On its eastern side, a new building with lecture halls and seminar rooms was erected between 2003 and 2007 (building 6). A part of the cafeteria is located in the former mess hall of the Nazi officers, while the new library is situated in the former GRC clothing store (buliding 5). In 1993, nine student dormitories were built on the south-eastern part, the former “death strip.” The premises of the Institute for Computer Science (building 4) were constructed from 1998–2001. The headquarters of “Potsdam Transfer” was completed in 2014 (building 7). Since 2007, classes have been exclusively held on the site at Griebnitzsee. The railway station, built in 1932, which connects Griebnitzsee with the University’s other campuses, as well as with Potsdam and Berlin, was restored and rebuilt in 2000, with an additional platform added in 2016. Griebnitzsee Campus also hosts the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI), which was founded in 1998 and is financed by the Hasso Plattner Foundation. Since 2017, it has been the Faculty of Digital Engineering of the University of Potsdam.