The University of Potsdam

Aerial photo from 2015.
Department of Physics and Astronomy, 2015
The legal successor of the Brandenburg State University was the University of Potsdam, which was founded on July 15, 1991, and also took over the Golm complex. At first a majority of the humanities were located here; later, the campus came to host the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Human Sciences. Today, the University’s institutions are part of the “Golm Science Park,” which includes institutes of the Max Planck Society and the Fraunhofer Society on its 50-hectare complex. With its 62,000 square meters, the Golm Campus is the largest of the University of Potsdam’s three campuses. There are still buildings on the campus from all of the site’s various historical phases. The cafeteria (building 4) is located in the former Luftwaffe mess hall of 1936. The highest building, the seven-story prefabricated building 14, was built in 1977 and received a new facade in 2010/11. From 2006 to 2008, the “Golden Cage” (building 28) was built, which is a laboratory building for physicists and astronomers. The Information, Communication and Media Center (IKMZ) opened its doors in 2011 in building 18; it houses about one million books and other media and received the German Higher Education Construction Prize in 2014. In January 2016, a memorial by artist Volker Bartsch was placed south of the library to remind us of the problems associated with the education of Stasi employees in Golm.