The University of Potsdam

When the University of Potsdam was founded as the legal successor to the Brandenburg State University on July 15, 1991, all of the real estate holdings at Neues Palais were also trans-ferred to the university. After comprehensive modernization efforts, the southern Commun now houses the President’s Office and part of the university administration, while the depart-ments of the Faculty of Philosophy are located in the northern Commun. A new library was built in the interior courtyard of the southern equipage stall (Building 10) in 2006. A festive re-opening of the Colonnade, which was renovated from 2008 to 2014, restored the original splendor of the University’s iconic emblem. The grounds at the Neues Palais, as well as all of the palaces and parks of Potsdam and Berlin, have been UNESCO World Heritage sites since December 12, 1990.