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Past Semesters

SoSe 23Lecture / Tutorial: Introduction to EconomicsBachelor
Lecture / Tutorial: Topics in Economics of EducationBachelor
Bachelor Colloqium: Economic PolicyBachelor
Lecture / Tutorial: Education, Labour, and Health Economics: Applications with the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)


Seminar: Data Visualization Master
Master Research Colloquium:  Economic PolicyMaster
WiSe 22/23

Introduction to Economics


Bachelor Colloqium: Economic Policy


Seminar: Labor Economics


Lecture: Labour and Education Economics

Seminar: Labour and Education Economics


Lecture / Tutorial: Regression Discontinuity Designs and Synthetic Control Method in Economics: Theory and Applications


MA Research colloquium:  Economic Policy

SoSe 2022Lecture: International Economic Policy IBachelor
Seminar: Historical EconomicsBachelor
Colloquium: BA Colloqium Economic PolicyBachelor
Lecture: Education, Labour, and Health Economics: Applications with the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)Master
Advanced Tutorial: Education, Labour, and Health Economics: Applications with the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)Master
MA Colloquium: Research Colloqium Economic PolicyMaster
WiSe 21/22Bachelor-Colloquium Economic PolicyBachelor
Lecture + advanced tutorial: Labour and Education EconomicsMaster
Seminar: Development EconomicsMaster
SoSe 21Lecture: International Economic PolicyBachelor
Lecture: Labour EconomicsMaster
Lecture: Education, Labor, and Health Economics: Applications with the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)Master
Advanced tutorial: Education, Labor, and Health Economics: Applications with the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)Master