If you would like to complete your degree theses under the supervision of the Chair of Economics, you will need to meet the following requirements:
- For Bachelor’s theses: completion of at least one of the courses conducted by the Chair, with a final grade of at least 2.3.
- For Master’s theses: no restrictions
Theses are generally only assigned at the chair during the following fixed periods:
- 01.04.-15.04.
- 01.10.-15.10.
If you are interested in writing your thesis with us, please contact Nicole Pohle by e-mail from March/September before the period relevant to you. In the e-mail, you should briefly explain which courses you have already attended at the chair (including final grades and current transcript of records) and where your thematic interests lie.
In addition to the official registration with the examination office, you will also have to take part in the BA: Colloquium or Research Colloquium Economic Policy in the semester in which you write your thesis. Please note the registration deadlines for PULS.
Topics for Bachelor- and Master theses
These are suggested topics. Alternative research ideas can also be pursued after consultation with Prof. Siedler.
1. Health, Education, Family, and Labor Economics
2. Economic returns to education in industrialized countries
3. Economic returns to school degrees in Germany
4. Economic returns to college
5. Education and crime
6. The impact of education on civic behavior and political participation
7. Computer usage and pupils’ success in school
8. How important are teachers for pupils’ learning?
9. Effects of ability tracking on student achievement
10. Effect of comprehensive schools on educational inequality
11. Schools and socio-economic inequality
12. Labor market returns to vocational education
13. School supply in rural areas and educational attainment
14. Family size and children’s education: does a quantity-quality trade-off exist?
15. The importance of nature and nurture for children’s education. Evidence from twin and adoptee studies
16. 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall: East-West Migration in Germany
17. Labor market effects of immigration to Germany
18. Parental leave and women’s labor market outcomes
19. Return migration of immigrants: who stays? Who goes?
20. Attitudes towards immigration: how important are economic factors?
21. The impact of immigration on natives’ preferences for redistribution
22. Intergenerational income mobility in Germany and the United States (or United Kingdom)
23. Immigration assimilation in Germany
24. The economics of language: how important are language skills for labor market outcomes?
25. Educational attainment: The intergenerational transmission among immigrants and natives in Germany
26. How important are social and ethnic networks for immigrants’ integration and labor market outcomes?
27. Does intergenerational economic mobility influence political behavior?
28. How important is family structure during childhood for young people’s economic success later in life?
29. Economic consequences of marital dissolution
30. Child care and women’s work
31. Economic consequences of teenage pregnancy
32. Demographic change and the labor market
33. The importance of cognitive and non-cognitive skills for labor market outcomes
34. Economic consequences of employment protection
35. Unemployment duration in Germany
36. EU enlargement and the labor market37. The development of the wage structure in Germany
38. Unions and the labor market
39. Is there an added worker effect in Germany?
40. The motherhood wage penalty in Germany
41. Marriage and wages: does a marriage wage premium exist in Germany?
42. Equal employment opportunity laws and economic outcomes
43. Labor Force participation of women in Germany
44. Health consequences of minimum drinking age laws
45. Are there health benefits of smoking cessation?
46. Tobacco control policies and smoking behavior
47. Tobacco advertising bans and tobacco consumption
48. Smoking bans and smoking behavior
49. Alcohol policies and traffic fatalities
50. How important is education for individual’s health?
51. The socioeconomic gradient in health and mortality
52. Health effects of environmental factors
53. Nutrition, nutritional policies and obesity