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An overview of various contact, counseling and advisory services at the University of Potsdam.

An overview of supporting institutions and initiatives at the University of Potsdam.

What's UP

Studierende auf dem Campus Golm stehen am Treppengeländer

Application Master

Information on the application procedure for the winter semester 2024/2025 | Photo: Matthias Friel

Rowena Garcia

Awards and Honors

Researchers at the University of Potsdam have received awards for their work in recent months. One of them is Rowena Garcia. | Photo: R. Garcia

Prof. Dr. Rebecca Lazarides

Pepper, ChatGPT & Co. – How intelligent tutoring systems are changing teaching

AI has arrived at work, university - and also at school. | Photo: Nuravan Dongen, AdobeStock/Pedro

Gruppe von kolumbianischen Studierenden vor dem Physikgebäude in Golm

Fostering oversea contacts

students from Colombia visited Potsdam geoscientists

The image illustrates how in electron microscopy the electron beam interacts with a protein, providing detailed information about the protein's structure.

Tracking photosynthesis

Breakthrough in cryo-electron microscopy | Photo: Dmitry Shevela/SciGrafik

Holger Lange

Newly Appointed

The university is once again happy to welcome several new professors. Holger Lange is one of them. | Photo: privat