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University of Potsdam Moves up to 17th Place Worldwide in THE Ranking of Young Universities and Remains at the Top in Germany

Media information 14-05-2024 / No. 035

The University of Potsdam achieved an excellent 17th place in the Times Higher Education Ranking of universities that are under 50 years old, THE-Young Universities Ranking for short, and has thus moved up another five ranks compared to the previous year. In Germany, the University of Potsdam, founded in 1991, takes the top spot again ahead of the University of Bayreuth (37), Constructor University Bremen (57), and the University of Passau (66). Internationally, it is on a par with Queensland University of Technology, while Nanyang Technological University Singapore and the University of Paris Sciences et Lettres – PSL Paris are at the top of the ranking. More than 600 universities from over 100 countries were ranked.

“The fact that we have once again improved our position in the THE ranking of ‘young’ universities underlines our claim of academic excellence despite a relatively short history as an institution of higher education. We feel we are in good company when we look at the universities ranked in the same bracket, such as Queensland University of Technology. We are already a research-intensive university with a very good global research network and a high volume of third-party funding,” says President of the University of Potsdam, Prof. Oliver Günther, Ph.D. “In the future, we want to expand this potential even further with several applications for Collaborative Research Centers (CRC),” Günther adds. “We do not just strive for excellence in research, but also with regard to teaching and transfer as well as to our contributions to the global sustainable development goals. We will continue to evolve our vision of academic excellence in a global context in order to remain at the forefront in the future.”

THE rankings, along with the Academic World University Ranking (AWUR) and the QS World University Ranking, are among the most important university rankings worldwide. In addition, THE has been publishing the “Young University Ranking” since 2012 in order to adequately present the mission and performance of young up-and-coming universities in an international comparison. Just like the big international ranking, the THE ranking of young universities also evaluates a total of five criteria: Teaching, research, citations, knowledge transfer, and international reputation. However, the reputation factor, which usually benefits long-established academic institutions with their often centuries-long tradition, is of less importance in the “young” universities ranking. The University of Potsdam has been actively participating in THE rankings since 2017 and has been highly successful among the young universities ever since, which underlines the attractiveness of the Potsdam alma mater on an international level.

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Contact: Dr. Silke Brodersen, International Office
Phone: +49 331 977-124436
E-Mail: silke.brodersenuni-potsdamde

Media information 14-05-2024 / No. 035