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The 5 key questions: Quick information for the emergency services

  1. Where has something happened?
  2. What has happened?
  3. How many people are affected?
  4. What injuries or damage are there?
  5.  Wait for further questions! Do not simply hang up. Answer questions and stay on the line until the emergency call center ends the call.

Emergency Phone Numbers

If you are calling from a landline on university premises, please dial “0” before any external telephone number.

Police: 110

Fire department and emergency medical services: 112

Medical on-call service: 116117

Poison emergency hotline of the Charité University Hospital Berlin: 030-19240

Klinikum Ernst von Bergmann - head office: 0331 241-0 & emergency department: 0331 241-5051

Radiation accident: 030 450 550 461

Durchgangsarzt (accident insurance consultant) close to you

Technical Control Center of the University of Potsdam: 0331 977-2010

Campus of the University of Potsdam – general emergency telephone numbers as a PDF file (to download or to print out)

Further safety instructions