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Fostering oversea contacts – students from Colombia visited Potsdam geoscientists

Gruppe von kolumbianischen Studierenden vor dem Physikgebäude in Golm
Vortragsreihe am Campus Golm
Laborbesuch am Institut für Geowissenschaften
Photo : Verónica Torres Acosta
Gruppe von kolumbianischen Studierenden vor dem Physikgebäude in Golm
Photo : Verónica Torres Acosta
Vortragsreihe am Campus Golm
Photo : Verónica Torres Acosta
Laborbesuch am Institut für Geowissenschaften

The Institute of Geosciences at the University of Potsdam has established diverse contacts to Latin America for long time via study exchanges, Cotutelles procedures, and joint projects to investigate the Andes. To strengthen the international cooperations and to explore new opportunities, the geoscientists recently hosted a delegation of students from the National University of Colombia.

During past years, it has become a tradition for the University of Potsdam to welcome a group of students from various Latin American countries annually. This year, a delegation of 15 geology students from the National University of Colombia, Bogotá, visited the Institute of Geosciences end of June. Sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and its regional office in Latin America, these students came to Germany to explore opportunities for their Master's and Doctoral studies.
The meeting featured a dynamic format that enhanced interaction, promoting the exchange of academic and cultural experiences between scientists and students from the University of Potsdam (UP), Technische Universität Berlin, and the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ). The international students presented the progress of their Master's, or Doctoral theses, showcasing significant interest in alternative energy research, innovative methods for mineral exploration, and numerical models for risk and hazard analysis of natural phenomena.
Over the two days, more than 30 participants, including professors, students, and staff from UP and GFZ, the GFZ press office, and the International Office of UP, engaged in laboratory visits, lectures, and open discussions at the UP campus in Golm and at Neues Palais, as well as at the Telegrafenberg, site of the GFZ. This event provided an excellent opportunity for senior researchers and professors to identify potential young researchers for pursuing a future scientific career at UP.

1) Group of Columbian students in front of the physics and astronomy building in Golm. Image Credit: Verónica Torres Acosta
2) Lecture Series on campus Golm. Image Credit: Verónica Torres Acosta
3) Lab visit at the Institute of Geosciences. Image Credit: Verónica Torres Acosta

Further Information:
International Office of the University of Potsdam
German Academic Exchange Service
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences

Dr. Verónica Torres Acosta
Institute of Geosciences
Tel.: +49 331 977 5854