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A4: Comparing developmental plasticity to warm temperature between Arabidopsis thaliana and Capsella

Prof. Dr. Philip A. Wigge

Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ), Theodor Echtermeyer Weg 1, 14979 Grossbeeren

Tel. +49-33701-78411, wiggeigzevde



A4 (Wigge) will investigate the plasticity of shoot traits to temperature. Prion-like domains (PrDs) are unstructured protein domains that can undergo liquid-liquid phase separation. Wigge has recently identified a PrD-containing Arabidopsis protein as a thermosensor, and differences in the length of the PrD are associated with different temperature responses. This project will test to what extent variation in PrD-containing proteins underlies differences in reaction norms of shoot traits to temperature in Capsella, using both an untargeted QTL mapping and a candidate-gene approach focused on variable PrD-proteins.


Project-related publications

Jung JH, Barbosa AD, Hutin S, Kumita JR, Gao M, Derwort D, Silva CS, Lai X, Pierre E, Geng F, Kim SB, Baek S, Zubieta C, Jaeger KE, Wigge PA. (2020) A prion-like domain in ELF3 functions as a thermosensor in Arabidopsis. Nature, doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2644-7.

Chung BYW, Balcerowicz M, Di Antonio M, Jaeger KE, Geng F, Franaszek K, Marriott P, Brierley I, Firth AE, Wigge PA. (2020) An RNA thermoswitch regulates daytime growth in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants, 6:522-532.

Ezer D, Jung JH, Lan H, Biswas S, Gregoire L, Box MS, Charoensawan V, Cortijo S, Lai X, Stöckle D, Zubieta C, Jaeger KE, Wigge PA. (2017) The evening complex coordinates environmental and endogenous signals in Arabidopsis.Nature Plants, 3:17087

Jung JH, Domijan M, Klose C, Biswas S, Ezer D, Gao M, Khattack AK, Box MS, Charoensawan V, Cortijo S, Kumar M, Grant A, Lock JC, Schäfer E, Jaeger KE, Wigge PA. (2016) Phytochromes function as thermosensors in Arabidopsis. Science,354:886-889.

Kumar SV, Lucyshyn D, Jaeger KE, Alós E, Alvey E, Harberd NP, Wigge PA. (2012) Transcription factor PIF4 controls the thermosensory activation of flowering. Nature,484:242-5.