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Early Career Support

A key objective of our CRC 1644 is to support early-career scientists and encourage their progress towards research independence. To achieve this, we offer comprehensive career development support for both PhD students and postdocs.

Representatives of Early Career Scientists

To ensure that the interests of early-stage researchers are consistently taken into account in our CRC, the PhD students, postdocs and non-professorial researchers have elected a voting“Representative of Early Career Researchers” and a deputy representative to the CRC Steering Committee.

PhD Student Representatives

PhD students in our CRCs also elect two PhD student representatives. This is essential to ensure that the voices and concerns of postgraduate students are heard and addressed within our CRC. They act as a vital link between the students and the administration, as well as the PIs and the Steering Committee.

Our PhD representatives also promote a sense of community and collaboration by organising regular PhD Student meetings and events where students can share experiences and advice.

They promote transparency and inclusivity so that different perspectives are taken into account in decision-making processes.

Young Research Groups

The CRC 1644 supports the careers of promising young researchers.

With the start of the first funding period in April 2024, several excellent young researchers have been appointed as independent Principal Investigators in CRC 1644:

Dr. Sandra Correa (A9), Dr. Anika Küken (B6), Dr. Jaqueline Nowak (A10, B1) and Dr. René Schneider (B2).


Both PhD students and postdoctoral researchers are encouraged to select a mentor from among the PIs of the CRC, who will provide career advice and support for the next stage of their career, e.g. by commenting on and reviewing applications.

(Potsdam) Graduate School

Our PhD student and postdoc training is primarily organised within the framework of the umbrella graduate schools/academies of the participating universities.

The Potsdam Graduate School (PoGS) provides a permanent organisational framework for the promotion of young researchers and supports PhD students and postdocs through a range of funding, training and mentoring opportunities.

PhD and Postdoc Programme

In our CRC 1644, we endeavour to provide high-quality scientific and professional training for PhD students employed on the projects, with a view to offering strong early career support. We aim to provide a broad portfolio of methods, promote early scientific independence and establishment of professional networks and ensure acquisition of transferable skills.