CRC 1644 PhD Student Representatives
Dhanush Srikanthan
PhD student - Project B7
University of Potsdam, Institute for Biochemistry and Biology, AG Biopolymer-Analytics
"Hello, I'm Dhanush Srikanth Srikanthan from Chennai, India. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Genetic Engineering from SRMIST, India, and a Master's in Molecular Biology from the University of Pavia, Italy. Now, I am part of CRC1644 as a PhD researcher, working on Project B7 to study the phenotypic plasticity of starch metabolism. My research has always been driven by a deep interest in plant biotic and abiotic stress tolerance. Beyond academia, I'm a fun-loving person who enjoys making new friends, creating memorable experiences, and embracing life to the fullest. Being elected as the PhD student representative of CRC1644 is an honor, and I look forward to working alongside Sinah to make this journey enriching, collaborative, and enjoyable for everyone."
Sinah Ehlert
PhD student - Project A2
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam Science Park, Figueiredo Lab
"Hey, my name is Sinah Ehlert and I am from Germany. I did my Bachelor's degree in Biology at the University of Bremen. After finishing my Bachelor thesis in the lab of Prof. Dr. Barbara Reinhold-Hurek, I begun my Master degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Potsdam, during which my interest in plant science, especially in plant genetics and plant related molecular biology, deepened. After finishing my Master thesis at the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology in the group of Dr. Duarte Figueiredo, I started working on my current PhD project in his group which is a part of the CRC1644. My project, A2, investigates the influence of temperature on the development of autonomous endosperm in seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana.
Being elected as PhD representative fulfills me with excitement and I am looking forward to shape our PhD time together with Dhanush and all of our PhD colleagues to make it an unforgettable and enriching experience."