B4: Plasticity of photorespiratory activity in Arabidopsis thaliana in response to nitrogen
Prof. Dr. Alisdair Fernie
Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Am Mühlenberg 1, 14476 Potsdam-Golm
Tel. +49-331-5678211, fernieumpimp-golm.mpgpde
Prof. Dr. Zoran Nikoloski
Institute for Biochemistry and Biology, University of Potsdam, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25, 14476 Potsdam-Golm
Tel. +49-331-9776305, zoran.nikoloskiuuni-potsdampde
We will study plasticity in photorespiration to variation in nitrogen availability. Photorespiration recycles the toxic product from the oxygenation reaction of RubisCO into the central carbon metabolism; it is thus wasteful, but also essential. The rate of photorespiration is plastic to nitrogen availability. The project will combine high-throughput metabolite measurements and refined constraint-based computational modelling to estimate photorespiratory fluxes across a panel of Arabidopsis accessions grown in a range of environments. Based on this, plasticity genes will be identified and functionally analysed.
Project-related publications
Bauwe H, Hagemann M, Fernie AR (2010). Photorespiration: players, partners and origin.Trends Plant Sci. 15:330-6.
Fernie AR, Bauwe H (2020). Wasteful, essential, evolutionary stepping stone? The multiple personalities of the photorespiratory pathway.Plant J 102: 666-677.
Pandey P K, Yu J, Omranian N, Alseekh S, Vaid N, Fernie AR, Nikoloski Z, Laitinen R (2019) Plasticity in metabolism underpins local responses to nitrogen in Arabidopsis thaliana populations.Plant Direct 3: 186
Sajitz-Hermstein M, Töpfer N, Kleessen S, Fernie AR, Nikoloski Z (2016) iReMet-flux: constraintbased approach for integrating relative metabolite levels into a stoichiometric metabolic models.Bioinformatics 32(17): i755-i762.
Szecowka M, Heise R, Tohge T, Nunes-Nesi A, Vosloh D, Huege J, Feil R, Lunn J, Nikoloski Z, Stitt M, Fernie AR, Arrivault S (2013). Metabolic fluxes in an illuminated Arabidopsis rosette. Plant Cell 25: 694-714.
Tong H, Küken A, Nikoloski Z (2020) Integrating molecular markers into metabolic models improves genomic selection for Arabidopsis growth.Nature Communications 11:2410.
Wu S, Alseekh S, Brotman Y, Fernie AR (2021). Metabolomic analysis of natural variation in Arabidopsis. Methods Mol Biol 2200: 393-411