Enrolment for the Doctoral Programme
Enrolment for the doctoral programme
1. Please register in the doctoral database and print out the notification of intention to do a doctorate and the supervision agreement.
2. Send the following documents in full and in the original to the postal address provided:
- Notification of doctoral intention
- Supervision agreement (original signed by first and second supervisor)
- Certified proof of the admission requirements including proof of performance in accordance with §4 of the doctoral degree regulations of the Faculty of Arts
Note: If you intend to write your dissertation in a language other than German, please contact the office of the Doctoral Committee.
3. After your submitted documents have been checked, we will return your signed notification of intention to do a doctorate, which you will then use to enrol.

Doctoral Committee
Administrative office
Constanze Röderstein
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Building 11, Room 216
Postal Address
Universität Potsdam
Dekanat der Philosophischen Fakultät
Geschäftsstelle Promotionsausschuss
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam