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The Faculty of Sciences at the University of Potsdam awards the academic degrees of Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) or Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing.). The prerequisite is the completion of a written dissertation, which is defended orally as part of the disputation.

The legal basis for a doctorate at the Faculty of Sciences is the doctoral degree regulations dated 18.09.2013.

(English version of the doctoral degree regulations not legally binding)

Procedure and frequently asked questions

Would you like to find out more about the doctoral process or do you have any questions? You can find all the information about the process here.


Registration of doctoral project

Would you like to start a doctorate? You can find all the information you need to start a doctorate here.

Opening of the doctoral procedure

Would you like to submit your dissertation? Here you will find all the information about the process and the necessary documents.


Completion of the doctoral procedure

You have completed your disputation! Here you can find out what happens after the defense and how to get your certificate here.

Doctoral Committee

List of meeting dates with respective editorial deadline and subject representatives of the individual institutes/teaching units
