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Hauke Köhn wins the 3rd Golm Science Slam at University of Potsdam

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Photo : Josephine Stolte
winner Hauke Köhn
Photo : Josephine Stolte
moderator Bryan Nowack (right)
Photo : Josephine Stolte
slammers 2024
Photo : Josephine Stolte
initiator Amitabh Banerji

The physicist Hauke Köhn is winner of the third Golm Science Slam at the University of Potsdam with his slam on speed dating with neutron stars. He is PhD student in the working group of Theoretical Astrophysics.

Now in its third edition, the Golm Science Slam has firmly established itself in the University of Potsdam's calendar of events. Prof. Amitabh Banerji took the initiative for this entertaining format of science communication. He was able to win Potsdam Transfer, the Universitätsgesellschaft and the Press and Public Relations Department as co-organizers. This time, the chemistry didact presented a project from the new Collaborative Research Center 1636, which deals with light-driven chemical reactions on nanoscale metals.

This year's slammers came from the fields of geology, computer science, materials research and astrophysics. Molecular biologist Bryan Nowack, who won the first Golm Science Slam two years ago and now also very successfully hosts the university's regular slams in Waschhaus Potsdam, was once again the moderator. As always, the audience acted as the jury and awarded the points. The winner of the evening was astrophysicist Hauke Köhn. After the slam, the guests relaxed at the after-show party with music by Fui Deibel, free drinks and pretzels, actively supported by the Biology, Chemistry and Nutritional Science student council.

Potsdam Transfer - Science Slam

Theoretical Astrophysics Group



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