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This site offers an overview of the university's partnerships.

Calls for Proposals

This site offers an overview to all recent international calls for proposals and fellowships

Information for International Students

Are you interested in studying at the University of Potsdam or are you already a student here? These pages provide specific information to international students.

Stories of Internationalization

These pages offer you authentic insights into the everyday and student life of both international students here at the UP and Potsdam students abroad.

The Welcome Center offers service and support for international scientists and their hosts before and during their research stay.

Focus on

Europäische Flagge

How Much of Europe Is in Our Everyday Lives?

Andrea Liese, Christian Rauh, and Thomas Sommerer talk about international organizations.

Ehizode Irefo (l.) und Hikmet Güler (r.)

Committed to Europe – “I am a big fan of the European Union and of Europe.”

Ehizode Irefo and Hikmet Güler have dedicated themselves to something that transcends university and even national borders.

2016 wurde das Netzwerk der „Young European Research Universities Networks“ aus der Taufe gehoben.

“The Aim is to Increase the Competitiveness and Visibility of Young Universities” – YERUN

Marita Böhning speaks in this interview about the idea behind the network, the work that it does, and how the university benefits from it.


EDUC – "European Digital UniverCity"

EDUC" stands for an innovative form of cooperation in the European Higher Education and Research Area.

The Franco-German Degree Program in Law, jointly established by the Universities of Potsdam and Paris Nanterre in 1994 – that is, 30 years ago.

Building Bridges in Europe – Franco-German Degree Program in Law Turns 30

The law is the law, right? Not quite. Just like language and culture, laws and their implementation can differ from country to country.

Weltweit werden Demokratien untergraben und angegriffen.

Democracy in a Downward Spiral – How Behavioral Science Can Strengthen Our Political Resilience

Democracies all over the world are under pressure with a very real danger of them becoming increasingly autocratic.