Completed projects
- (2015-2024) Research Training Group BioMove (DFG)
- (2019-2023) ORYCS - Options for sustainable land use adaptations in savanna systems: Chances and risks of emerging wildlife-based management strategies under regional and global change (BMBF) [more]
- (2016-2022) BIBS - Bridging in Biodiversity Science
- (2015-2018) OPTIMASS - Options for sustainable geo-biosphere feedback management in savanna systems under regional and global change (BMBF)
- (2013-2019) Development of a novel approach for risk characterisation of non-target-terrestrial-plants at the plant community level (Bayer Crop Science)
- (2014 - 2017) RootHerb II - Resilience of Grassland Plant Communities as Influenced by Root Herbivores under Different Land Use Intensities (DFG, Biodiversity-Exploratories)
- (2011 - 2015) COMTESS - Sustainable COastal Land Management: Trade-offs in EcoSystem Services Modelling of biodiversity and plant-mediated ESS in response to land use management and environmental change & Trade-offs in multiple functions and services (BMBF)
- (2011 - 2015) Understanding lifetime tracks and fitness of long-distance avian migrants (DFG/DIP)
- (2011 - 2014) RootHerb – Land use intensity and insect root herbivores: from spatial pattern to plant community feedback (DFG, Biodiversity-Exploratories)
- (2011 - 2014) TIP Vegetation-based climate reconstruction for the Tibetan Plateau: integrating vegetation modelling and pollen data reanalyses (DFG, SP 1372)
- (2011 - 2014) Modeling past and future climate induced vegetation changes in East African savannas (DFG)
- (2008 - 2012) The Biodiversity Exploratory additional modeling component BEAM (DFG, Biodiversity-Exploratories)
- (2008 - 2011) Studying plant scale dependent biodiversity and life-history traits in a heterogenous landscape using advanced spatially-oriented technology (GIF)
- (2008) Leaf traits and life strategies of the species in dry grassland on acidic sandy soils
- (2006 - 2011) Integrating dynamic and statistical modelling approaches to improve predictions for scenarios of environmental change
- (2006 - 2010) The impact of land use on plant functional trait diversity, productivity and resilience in grasslands: a mechanistic, scale-crossing approach
- (2006 - 2009) Understanding and Predicting the Invasion Dynamics of the South-African Ragwort Senecio inaequidens in Central Europe
- (2006 - 2009) Ecological processes determining the range dynamics of plant species, and their consequences for biodiversity conservation in the face of environmental change
- (2006 - 2008) List of the endemic taxa of higher plants of Germany
- (2005 - 2008) Options of land use in the catchment area of the River Havel: Reduction of the nutrient load accumulated in the sediments of river lakes by an increase of water discharge during summer
- (2005 - 2006) Biotop mapping in Turkey: examples of two conservation sites
- (2005 - 2006) Red Data Book and checklist of higher plants of the federal state of Brandenburg
- (2004 - 2008) Spatio-temporal dynamics of vegetation in arid and semi-arid systems - effect of rainfall variability on annual plants (GLOWA, BMBF)
- (2004 - 2007) Impact of overgrazing on reptile diversity and population dynamics in the southern Kalahari (BIOTA, BMBF)
- (2004 - 2007) Investigating mechanisms maintaining plant species diversity in fire prone Mediterranean type vegetation using spatially explicit simulation models (DFG)
- (2004 - 2005) Plant metapopulations and climate change - detecting sensitivity hierarchies of relevant processes
- (2004) Comparison of the Strength of Self-incompatibility in Native and Invasive Populations of Lythrum salicaria (BMBF)
- (2002 - 2006) Dynamic range limitation of distribution and reaction to climatic change - metapopulation processes in outpost occurrene of Juncus Atratus (DFG)
- (2001 - 2012) GLOWA Jordan River - Simulation-based guidelines for management of uncultivated rangelands subject to climate change
- (2000 - 2009) BIOTA Southern Africa Structural, functional and species diversity in semiarid savannas of southern Africa: scaling up and model-based integration
- Impacts of native versus domestic ungulates on three trophic levels in arid savanna rangeland (DAAD)
- Responses of bird functional types to climatic and land use changes in African savannas - An animal functional type approach