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Dr. Kolja Bergholz


Campus Neues Palais
University of Potsdam
Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation
Zeppelinstraße 48 A, Room 1.06
14471 Potsdam


2004 – 2007 Biology, University of Kassel

2007 – 2010 Biology, University of Potsdam

2009 – 2010 MSc thesis (German Diploma), “Relating colonization success to traits – a case study of dry grasslands adjacent to ex-arable fields”

2011 – 2019 PhD, University of Potsdam, “Trait-based understanding of plant species distributions along environmental gradients”

Current employment

PostDoc in the research group Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation

Research interests

  • Functional ecology of plants and insects
  • Mechanisms of coexistence
  • Landscape ecology



BioHet - Biodiversity in Heterogeneous Environments



Bergholz K, Balthasar C, Weiss AM, Brunkhardt J, Ristow M, Weiss L (2023) Niche differentiation of arthropods and plants along small-scale gradients in temporary wetlands (kettle holes). Basic and Applied Ecology 73, 10-17. 10.1016/j.baae.2023.10.003

Bergholz, K., Sittel, L.-P., Ristow, M.,Jeltsch, F., & Weiss, L. (2022). Pollinator guilds respond contrastingly at different scales to landscape parameters of land- use intensity. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e8708.

ergholz K, May F, Ristow M, Giladi I, Ziv Y, Jeltsch F, (2017). Two Mediterranean annuals feature high within-population trait variability and respond differently to a precipitation gradient. Basic and Applied Ecology25, 48–58. doi:10.1016/j.baae.2017.11.001

Bergholz K, May F, Giladi I, Ristow M, Ziv Y, Jeltsch F, (2017). Environmental heterogeneity drives fine-scale species assembly and functional diversity of annual plants in a semi-arid environment. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics24, 138–146. doi:10.1016/j.ppees.2017.01.001

Bergholz K, Jeltsch F, Weiss L, Pottek J, Geißler K, Ristow M, (2015). Fertilization affects the establishment ability of species differing in seed mass via direct nutrient addition and indirect competition effects. Oikos124, 1547–1554. doi:10.1111/oik.02193