Dr. Manuel Roeleke

Dr. Manuel Roeleke
Campus Neues Palais
University of Potsdam
Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation
Zeppelinstraße 48 A, Room 1.10
14471 Potsdam
2015 – 2018 PhD in Biology on Foraging strategies of insectivorous bats at Free University Berlin and Leibniz Institute for Zoo- and Wildlife Research Berlin
2013 - 2015 Master Biology at Free University Berlin and Leibniz Institute for Zoo- and Wildlife Research Berlin
2010 - 2012 Bachelor Biology at University of Ulm
Current employment
Since 2019 PostDoc in the research group Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation.
Research interests
- Movement ecology
- Information flow in local bat populations
- Plasticity of foraging strategies and their role for coexistence
- Influence of agricultural landuse on interactions between predators
- Animal tracking systems
BioMove Research Training Group
Roeleke M, Schlägel UE, Gallagher C, Pufelski J, Blohm T, Nathan R, Toledo S, Jeltsch F, Voigt CC (2022). Insectivorous bats form mobile sensory networks to optimize prey localization: The case of the common noctule bat. PNAS 119: 33. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2203663119
Roeleke M, Blohm T, Hoffmeister U, Marggraf L, Schlägel UE, Teige T, Voigt CC. (2020). Landscape structure influences the use of social information in an insectivorous bat. Oikos, 129(6), 912–923. doi.org/10.1111/oik.07158
Schlägel UE, Grimm,…, Roeleke M,…, Jeltsch F. (2020). Movement‐mediated community assembly and coexistence. Biological Reviews, 95(4), 1073–1096. doi.org/10.1111/brv.12600
Voigt CC, Bumrungsri S, Roeleke M. (2019). Rapid descent flight by a molossid bat (Chaerephon plicatus) returning to its cave. Mammalian Biology, 95. doi.org/10.1016/j.mambio.2019.01.001
Fritze M, Lehnert L, Heim O, Lindecke O, Roeleke M, Voigt CC. (2019). Bat conservation in the shadow of wind energy - Germany’s experts miss transparency and nationwide standards in approval procedures. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 51(1).
Roeleke M, Johannsen L, & Voigt CC. (2018). How bats escape the competitive exclusion principle - Seasonal shift from intraspecific to interspecific competition drives space use in a bat ensemble. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 6, 101. doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2018.00101
Roeleke M, Teige T, Hoffmeister U, Klingler F, Voigt CC. (2018). Aerial-hawking bats adjust their use of space to the lunar cycle. Movement Ecology, 6(1), 11. doi.org/10.1186/s40462-018-0131-7
Voigt CC, Currie SE, Fritze M, Roeleke M, Lindecke O. (2018). Conservation strategies for bats flying at high altitudes. BioScience, 68(6), 427–435. doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biy040
Roeleke M, Bumrungsri S, Voigt CC. (2018). Bats probe the aerosphere during landscape-guided altitudinal flights. Mammal Review, 48(1), 7–11. doi.org/10.1111/mam.12109
Voigt CC, Roeleke M, Marggraf L, Pētersons G, Voigt-Heucke SL. (2017). Migratory bats respond to artificial green light with positive phototaxis. PLOS ONE, 12(5), e0177748. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0177748
Roeleke M, Blohm T, Kramer-Schadt S, Yovel Y, Voigt CC. (2016). Habitat use of bats in relation to wind turbines revealed by GPS tracking. Scientific Reports, 6, 28961. doi.org/10.1038/srep28961