Dr. Dirk Lohmann

Dr. Dirk Lohmann
Campus Golm
University of Potsdam
Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation
Am Mühlenberg 3, building 60, room 3.11
14476 Potsdam
- 2000 - 2002: Biology, University of Ulm (pre-diploma)
- 2002 - 2007: Biology, University of Potsdam (Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation; Freshwater Ecology; Ecological Genetics; Geoinformatics)
- 2006 - 2007: Diploma Thesis "Plant-Plant interaction modelling"
- 2010: International Teaching Professionals Program (University of Potsdam)
- 2007 - 2012: PhD Thesis "Sustainable management of semi-arid African savannas under environmental and political change
- 2012 - 2013: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (University of Potsdam)
Current Employment
since 08/2014: Project coordinator & PostDoc in the OPTIMASS project (BMBF, SPACES initiative)
Since 2012: PostDoc Position (Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation, University of Potsdam)
Research Interests
- Sustainable use of savannas
- Feedbacks of ecological and socio-economic processes in savanna systems (Ecological-Economic Modelling)
- Interactive roleplays with simulation models
- The impacts of landuse and global change on biodiversity of savanna systems
- Individual-based and process-oriented ecological modelling
- Interaction of landuse and global change
- Genetic algorithms and optimization
- Southern African Savannas
- Savanna rangeland management
- Agent-based modelling
- NetLogo
- ORYCS - Options for sustainable land use adaptations in savanna systemms: Chances and risks of emerging wildlife-based management strategies under regional and global change: A German-Namibian Research Project(BMBF)
- OPTIMASS - Options for sustainable geo-biosphere feedback management in savanna systems under regional and global change (BMBF)
- BIOTA Africa Project task 2
- Lohmann D, B Tietjen, N Blaum, D F Joubert, F Jeltsch (2014): Prescribed fire as a tool for managing shrub encroachment in semi-arid savanna rangelands 107 pp. 49 - 56. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2014.04.003
- Lohmann D, T Falk, K Geißler, N Blaum, F Jeltsch (2014): Determinants of semi-arid rangeland management in a landuse reform setting in Namibia. Journal of Arid Environments 100 - 101. pp. 23 - 30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2013.10.005
- Müller, E N, L van Schaik, T Blume, A Bronstert, J Carus, J H Fleckenstein, N Fohrer, K Geißler, H H Gerke, T Graeff, C Hesse, A Hildebrandt, F Hölker, P Hunke, K Körner, J Lewandowski, Lohmann D , K Meinikmann, A Schibalski, B Schmalz, B Schröder und B Tietjen (2014): Scales, key aspects, feedbacks and challenges of ecohydrological research in Germany. HyWa 58: 221-240 DOI: 10.5675/HyWa_2014,4_2
- Lohmann D, B Tietjen, N Blaum, D F Joubert, F Jeltsch (2012): Shifting thresholds and changing degration patterns: climate change effects on the simulated long-term response of a semi-arid savanna to grazing. Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (4): 814 - 823.
- Lohmann D, T Falk, E-A Nuppenau, E Rossmanith, N Blaum, F Jeltsch (2010): Integrating socio-economic and ecological research in F Jeltsch et al.: Impacts of landusse and climate change on the dynamics and biodiversity in the Thornbush Savanna Biome. pp. 63 - 65. - In: Hoffmann M T, U Schmiedel, N Jürgens [Eds.]: Biodiversity in Southern Africa. Volume 3: Implications for landuse and management. pp. 33 - 74. Klaus Hess Publisher, Göttingen & Windhoek.
- Falk, T, B Kruger, D Lohmann, R Kamukuenjandje, I Zimmermann, M Kirk, R Kambuli, L Koop, N Heil, L Lebershausen, D Neu, A Frank (2010): Economic and ecological indicators of land reform projects in easstern Namibia. - In: Schmiedel U, N Jürgens [Eds.]: Biodiversity in Southern Africa. Volume 2: Patterns and processes at regional scale. pp. 200 - 206. Klaus Hess Publishers, Göttingen & Windhoek.
- Jeltsch F, N Blaum, D Lohmann, S Meyfarth, E Rossmanith, S Schütze, J Tews, B Tietjen, M Wichmann, M Wieczorek (2010): Modelling vegetation change in arid and semi-arid savannas. - In: Schmiedel U, N Jürgens [Eds.]: Biodiversity in Southern Africa. Volume 2: Patterns and processes at regional scale. pp. 274 - 282. Klaus Hess Publishers. Göttingen & Windhoek
Conference contributions
- Lohmann D, B Tietjen, N Blaum, D F Joubert, F Jeltsch (2013): The role of a water dependent bottleneck in semi-arid savannas response to climate change. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Switzerland and Austria (GfÖ) in Potsdam, Germany.
- Falk T, I Zimmermann, D Lohmann (2010): Rangeland condition as precondition and outcome of land reform policy in Namibia. Accepted for the IX International Rangeland Congress. Rosario, Argentina.
- Lohmann D, T Falk, E Rossmanith, N Blaum, M Kirk, F Jeltsch (2009): Launch of the ecological-economic savanna rangeland training support tool. Oral presentation at the BIOTA Sustaining our Savannas Open Day at Polytechnic of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia.
- Lohmann D, T Falk, E Rossmanith, N Blaum, M Kirk, F Jeltsch (2009): Application of an ecological-economic rangeland management model for interactive roleplays, scientific analyses and training purposes 13th Namibian Rangeland Forum: The role of biodiversity in rangeland management and policy, Windhoek, 27 - 29 October 2009. p 12
- Lohmann D, T Falk, E Rossmanith, B Tietjen, M Kirk, F Jeltsch (2009): How do land reform beneficiaries decide on resource use? Empirical experiments based on an ecological-economic modelling approach. Diversitas Open Science Conference 2. 13 - 16 October 2009, Cape Town, Book of abstracts. p. 141
- Falk T, D Lohmann, M Kirk, F Jeltsch (2009): Cooperation in water supply manangement in small groups - Participatory assessments with bio-economic models. Presented at the 8th session of the European School on New Institutional Economics. Cargese, France.
- Lohmann D, N Blaum, S Domptail, A Popp, E Rossmanith, F Jeltsch (2008): Dynamical linkage of ecological and economic models of Namibian commercial rangelands: assessing land use impacts and identifying sustainable land use strategies. Biodiversity of Africa Observation and Sustainable Management for our Future, Spier, RSA.