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Exciting and extensive fieldwork in Ghana from March 2022 to July 2022 has finally come to an end within the framework of the GreenGaDe project. The fieldwork included data collection at four sites in Ghana spanning two climate zones i.e. moist semi-deciduous ecological zone in the Southern part of Ghana and Guinea Savanna in the Northern part of Ghana. There were three land-use types namely Forest, Fallow and Cropland for the data collection in each climate zone. We worked within and close to Bobiri Forest and Butterfly Sanctuary, Pra-Anum Forest Reserve, Mole National Park and Gbele Game Resource Centre. Plant and soil parameters were measured and collected in 120 plots to complete the picture of carbon pool dynamics in vegetation and soil along a climatic and land-use gradient in Ghana.

fieldwork in Ghana
Photo: Padmore Boateng
Field data collection in Ghana, in the photo from left to Right: Maximus Anochirim, James Nana Ofori
fieldwork in Ghana
Photo: Padmore Boateng
Field data collection in Ghana, in the photo from left to Right: Maximus Anochirim, James Nana Ofori