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Michelle Eckhardt - MSc Student


University of Potsdam

Biodiversity Research/Systematic Botany

Maulbeerallee 1

14469 Potsdam, Germany



Current Project

Sensing Biodiversity Across Scales (SeBas)



Master / Bachelor thesis

Title:  Species diversity effects on the temporal stability of productivity: Insights from managed grasslands in Central Europe


Supervisors: Sophia Meyer, Prof. Dr. Anja Linstädter

Project: SeBAS



Research Interests

  • Socio-ecological systems
  • The relationship between Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning and Ecosystem Services
  • Spatial data analysis
  • Functional Diversity
  • Landscape Ecology



Education and Experience

Since 2023 Student Assistant at Research Area 3 Agricultural Landscape Systems, ZALF Müncheberg

2021 – 2022 Student Assistant at Department of Ecohydrology and Biogeochemistry, IGB Berlin (project Aquatag)

Since 2021 Master of Science Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, University of Potsdam

2015 – 2021 Bachelor of Science Ecology and Environmental Planning, Technische Universität Berlin




Jean-Louis, G., Eckhardt, M., Podschun, S., Mahnkopf, J., & Venohr, M. (2024). Estimating daily bicycle counts with Strava data in rural and urban locations. Travel Behaviour and Society, 34, 100694