The Institute of Geosciences works closely with non-university research institutes in the region. This is reflected both in joint research activities and in the field of student education.
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ)
Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI)
AWI's research centre in Potsdam
Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK) e. V.
Potsdam Institut for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
Helmholtz Centre UFZ in Leipzig
External Lecturers
Name | Title | Institution | Phone | |
Heeschen, Katja | Dr. | GFZ Plotsdam | ||
Kallmeyer, Jens | Dr. | GFZ Potsdam | +49 331 6264-28785 | jens.kallmeyerugfz-potsdampde |
Kempka, Thomas | Dr.-Ing. | GFZ Potsdam | +49 331 6264-1865 | thomas.kempkaugfz-potsdampde |
Laue, Steffen | Prof. Dr. | FH Potsdam | +49 331 580-1244 | |
Lenz, Josefine | Dr. | AWI Potsdam | ||
Lobanov, Sergey | Dr. | GFZ Potsdam | sergey.lobanovuuni-potsdampde | |
Matzka, Jürgen | Dr. | GFZ-Potsdam | | |
Metzger, Sabrina | Dr. | GFZ Potsdam | metzgerugfz-potsdampde | |
Norden, Ben | Dr. | GFZ Potsdam | +49 331 6264-1578 | ben.nordenugfz-potsdampde |
Ondrak, Robert | Dr. | GFZ Potsdam | rondrakuuni-potsdampde | |
Overduin, Paul | Dr. | AWI Potsdam | +49 331 58174-5426 | |
Seehafer, Norbert | Prof. Dr. | +49 331 977 1601 | seehaferuagnld.uni-potsdampde | |
Stoof-Leichsenring, Kathleen | Dr. | AWI Potsdam | +49 331 58174-5662 | |
Strauss, Jens | Dr. | AWI Potsdam | +49 331 58174-5427 | jstraussuuni-potsdampde |