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Logo des SMURF-Seminars
Picture: Dr. Heiko Pingel

Our group seminar, SMURF seminar for short, takes place every Thursday at 14:15 during the lecture period in house 27, room 2.07 or 2.24.

Logo des SMURF-Seminars
Picture: Dr. Heiko Pingel
SMURF seminar dates
Winter semester 2024/25
17-Oct-24>>Get together<<
24-Oct-24Syed Ali TurabEscarpment evolution of the Red Sea margin of southwestern Saudi Arabia
31-Oct-24>>Reformation Day<<
07-Nov-24Florian JochamControls on knickpoint generation and propagation on Réunion island
14-Nov-24Ricardo GómezClimate impact on glacial erosion in tectonic landscapes (Patagonian Andes) 
21-Nov-24Xudong Zhao Late Cenozoic topographic evolution of the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
28-Nov-24Mario AlbertengoFragmentation of the Andean foreland basin at 26°S, northwestern Argentina
05-Dec-24Ed SobelThermochronologic and structural constraints on deformation in the Northeast Pamir 
12-Dec-24Andreas RubyDrivers of fluvial terrace formation & quantifying their impacts
26-Dec-24>>Christmas break<<
02-Jan-25>>Christmas break<<
09-Jan-25María Oneda Dal PaiTracing cosmogenic signals of erosion and sediment transport in Central Chile's river basins
16-Jan-25Cody CollepsProgress in 4He/3He Thermochronology at the University of Potsdam
23-Jan-25Zihao ZhaoRelict Landscape Evolution and Fault Reactivation in the easternmost Tianshan
30. Jan. 25Sohini BhattacharjeeHow quickly is sediment transported from the highest mountain range on earth to its foreland?
06. Feb. 25Maxime BernardTBA

Previous SMURF seminars

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