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Tawfik, A. Y., Ondrak, R., Winterleitner, G., & Mutti, M. (2023). The Upper Cretaceous petroleum system of the East Beni Suef Basin, Egypt: an integrated geological and 2D basin modelling approach. Petroleum Geoscience, 29(4).

Vallati, M., Tomás, S., Galli, C. I., Winterleitner, G., & Mutti, M. (2023). Depositional controls in an ancient, closed lake system: A high-resolution and multi-scalar case study from the Yacoraite Formation (Salta Basin, Argentina). Sedimentary Geology, 454, 106456.

Mutti, M., Vallati, M., Tomás, S., Galli, C. I., Rumbelsperger, A. M. B., Maerz, S., & Coira, B. (2023). Constraining depositional evolution and reservoir compartmentalization in a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic lacustrine system: The Yacoraite formation, Salta Group, NW Argentina. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 149, 106049.

Wahlman, G. P., & Rendall, B. E. (2023). Middle Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) fusulinids of the bug scuffle limestone member of the gobbler formation, Sacramento Mountains, South-Central New Mexico. Stratigraphy (Online), 20(2), 73–108.


Tella, T. O., Winterleitner, G., Morsilli, M., & Mutti, M. (2022). Testing sea-level and carbonate production effects on stratal architecture of a distally steepened carbonate ramp (Upper Miocene, Menorca): A 3D forward modelling approach. Sedimentary Geology, 441, 106267.

Tawfik, A. Y., Ondrak, R., Winterleitner, G., & Mutti, M. (2022b). Source rock evaluation and petroleum system modeling of the East Beni Suef Basin, north Eastern Desert, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 193, 104575.

Vallati, M., Tomás, S., Winterleitner, G., Galli, C. I., & Mutti, M. (2022b). Exploring hypotheses about mixed carbonate-siliciclastic successions in lacustrine settings: A case study from the Yacoraite Formation, Tres Cruces sub-basin, Argentina. Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience &Amp; Energy.

Van Der Looven, T., Winterleitner, G., & Mutti, M. (2022, March 28). Sensitivity analysis of a forward stratigraphic model to study carbonate production in the Oligo-Miocene Maldives carbonate platform.

Tawfik, A. Y., Ondrak, R., Winterleitner, G., & Mutti, M. (2022a, March 27). Subsidence and sedimentation rates of the Beni Suef Basin, Egypt: Insights from the burial and thermal History Modeling.

Foster, W. J., Ayzel, G., Münchmeyer, J., Rettelbach, T., Kitzmann, N. H., Isson, T. T., Mutti, M., & Aberhan, M. (2022). Machine learning identifies ecological selectivity patterns across the end-Permian mass extinction. Paleobiology, 48(3), 357–371.

Mutti, M., Vallati, M., Tomás, S., Galli, C., Bahniuk, A., Maerz, S., & Coira, B. (2022). Constraining depositional evolution and reservoir compartmentalization in a mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic lacustrine system: The Yacoraite Formation, Salta Group, NW Argentina. Social Science Research Network.

Tawfik, A. Y., Winterleitner, G., & Mutti, M. (2022). Sensitivity Analysis in Basin Modeling: a Case Study from the East Beni Suef Basin, Egypt. 83rd EAGE Annual Conference &Amp; Exhibition.

Van Der Looven, T., Winterleitner, G., Betzler, C., & Mutti, M. (2022). A Biotic Perspective on the Oligo-Miocene Evolution of the Maldives Carbonate Platform from Forward Stratigraphic Modelling (Indian Ocean). Social Science Research Network.

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Gliwa, J., Ghaderi, A., Leda, L., Schobben, M., Tomás, S., Foster, W. J., Forel, M.-B., Ghanizadeh Tabrizi, N., Grasby, S. E., Struck, U., Ashouri, A. R., & Korn, D. (2020). Aras Valley (northwest Iran): high-resolution stratigraphy of a continuous central Tethyan Permian–Triassic boundary section. Fossil Record, 23(1), 33–69.

Zhang, L., Chen, D., Kuang, G., Guo, Z., Zhang, G., Wang, X. (2020). Persistent oxic deep ocean conditions and frequent volcanic activities during the Frasnian-Famennian transition recorded in South China. Global and Planetary Change, 195.

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Martindale, R. C., Foster, W. J., Velledits, F. (2019). The survival, recovery, and diversification of metazoan reef ecosystems following the end-Permian mass extinction event. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 513, 100–115.

Eberli, G. P., Bernoulli, D., Vecsei, A., Sekti, R., Grasmueck, M., Lüdmann, T., Anselmetti, F. S., Mutti, M., Porta, G. Della. (2019). A Cretaceous carbonate delta drift in the Montagna della Maiella, Italy. Sedimentology, 66(4).

Tomás, S., Aurell, M., Bádenas, B., Bjorge, M., Duaso, M., Mutti, M. (2019). Architecture and paleoenvironment of mid-Jurassic microbial-siliceous sponge mounds, northeastern Spain. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 89(2), 110–134.

Wang, X., Foster, W. J., Yan, J., Li, A., Mutti, M. (2019). Delayed recovery of metazoan reefs on the Laibin-Heshan platform margin following the Middle Permian (Capitanian)mass extinction. Global and Planetary Change, 180, 1–15.

Frijia, G., Forkner, R., Minisini, D., Pacton, M., Struck, U., Mutti, M. (2019). Cyanobacteria Proliferation in the Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Interval of the Apennine Carbonate Platform: Immediate Response to the Environmental Perturbations Associated With OAE-2? Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20(6).

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Christ, N., Maerz, S., Kutschera, E., Kwiecien, O., & Mutti, M. (2018). Palaeoenvironmental and diagenetic reconstruction of a closed-lacustrine carbonate system – the challenging marginal setting of the Miocene Ries Crater Lake (Germany). Sedimentology, 65(1), 235–262.

Schütz, F., Winterleitner, G., & Huenges, E. (2018). Geothermal exploration in a sedimentary basin: new continuous temperature data and physical rock properties from northern Oman. Geothermal Energy, 6(5).

Sayago, J., Di Lucia, M., Mutti, M., Sitta, A., Cotti, A., & Frijia, G. (2018). Late Paleozoic seismic sequence stratigraphy and paleogeography of the paleo-Loppa High in the Norwegian Barents Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 97, 192–208.

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Di Lucia, M., Sayago, J., Frijia, G., Cotti, A., Sitta, A., & Mutti, M. (2017). Facies and seismic analysis of the Late Carboniferous–Early Permian Finnmark carbonate platform (southern Norwegian Barents Sea): An assessment of the carbonate factories and depositional geometries. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 79, 372–393.

Foster, W. J., Danise, S., & Twitchett, R. J. (2017). A silicified Early Triassic marine assemblage from Svalbard. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 15(10).

Huck, S., Wohlwend, S., Coimbra, R., Christ, N., & Weissert, H. (2017). Disentangling shallow-water bulk carbonate carbon isotope archives with evidence for multi-stage diagenesis: An in-depth component-specific petrographic and geochemical study from Oman (mid-Cretaceous). The Depositional Record, 3(2).

Huang, X., Stärz, M., Gohl, K., Knorr, G., & Lohmann, G. (2017). Impact of Weddell Sea shelf progradation on Antarctic bottom water formation during the Miocene. Paleoceanography, 32(3).

Sun, Y. D., Liu, X. T., Yan, J. X., Li, B., Chen, B., Bond, D. P. G., Joachimski, M. M., Wignall, P. B., Wang, X., & Lai, X. L. (2017). Permian (Artinskian to Wuchapingian) conodont biostratigraphy in the Tieqiao section, Laibin area, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 465(A), 42–63.

Foster, W. J., & Sebe, K. (2017). Recovery and diversification of marine communities following the late Permian mass extinction event in the western Palaeotethys. Global and Planetary Change, 155, 165–177.

Foster, W. J., Danise, S., Price, G. D., & Twitchett, R. J. (2017). Subsequent biotic crises delayed marine recovery following the late Permian mass extinction event in northern Italy. PLoS ONE, 12(3).

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