Name | Title | Research Group | Phone | |
Bookhagen, Bodo | Prof. Dr. | Geological Remote Sensing | +49 331 977 5779 | bodo.bookhagenuuni-potsdampde |
Eibl, Eva | Prof. Dr. | General Geophysics | +49331977203102 | eva.eibluuni-potsdampde |
Krüger, Frank | Prof. Dr. | General Geophysics | +49 331 977 5813 | kruegerfugeo.uni-potsdampde |
Mutti, Maria | Prof. Dr. | Sedimentology | +49 331 977 5812 | mmuttiugeo.uni-potsdampde |
O´Brien, Patrick | Prof. Dr. | Petrology | +49 331 977 5807 | obrienugeo.uni-potsdampde |
Sobel, Ed | Prof., PhD | Thermochronology | +49 331 977 5855 | edugeo.uni-potsdampde |
Strecker, Manfred | Prof., PhD | General Geology | +49 331 977 5811 | streckerugeo.uni-potsdampde |
Trauth, Martin | Prof. Dr. | Paleoclimate Dynamics | +49 331 977 5810 | trauthugeo.uni-potsdampde |
Tronicke, Jens | Prof. Dr. | Applied Geophysics | +49 331 977 5815 | jensugeo.uni-potsdampde |
van der Beek, Peter | Prof. Dr. | General Geology | +49 331 977 5808 | vanderbeekuuni-potsdampde |
Wilke, Max | Prof. Dr. | Mineralogy | +49 331 977 5108 | max.wilkeuuni-potsdampde |
Joint Appointments and applied Professorships
Name | Title | Research | Phone | |
Arnold, Gabriele | Prof. Dr. | Planetare Fernerkundung | +49 30 67055370 | gabriele.arnoldudlrpde |
Braun, Jean | Prof. Dr. | Modelling of Earth Surface Processes [GFZ] | +49 331 6264-27520 | jean.braunugfz-potsdampde |
Brune, Sascha | Prof. Dr. | Geodynamic Modelling (GFZ) | +49 331 6264-1928 | |
Cotton, Fabrice | Prof. Dr. | Engineering Seismology and Seismic Hazard [GFZ] | +49 331 6264-1125 | fabrice.cottonugfz-potsdampde |
Dahm, Torsten | Prof. Dr. | Earthquake Risk and Early Warning [GFZ] | +49 331 6264-1201 | tdahmuuni-potsdampde |
Diekmann, Bernhard | Prof. Dr. | Quaternary Geology [AWI] | +49 331 58174-5100 / 5101 | bernhard.diekmannuuni-potsdampde |
Emmermann, Rolf | Prof. Dr. Honorarprof. | |||
Grosse, Guido | Prof. Dr. | Permafrost Research (AWI) | +49 331 58174-5401 | guido.grosseuawipde |
Hainzl, Sebastian | PD Dr. | GFZ Potsdam | +49 331 6264 1897 | sebastian.hainzlugfz-potsdampde |
Hallmann, Christian | Prof. Dr. | Organic Geochemistry [GFZ] | +49 331 6264-1733 | christian.hallmannugfz-potsdampde |
Hovius, Niels | Prof. Dr. | Geopedologie | +49 331 6264-28810 | niels.hoviusugfz-potsdampde |
Kühn, Michael | Prof. Dr. | Fluid Systems Modelling [GFZ] | +49 331 6264-1594 | michael.kuehnugfz-potsdampde |
Kurths, Jürgen | Prof. Dr. Honorarprof. | Nonlinear Dynamics [PIK] | +49 331 288-2647 | juergen.kurthsuuni-potsdampde |
Lantuit, Hugues | Prof. Dr. | Geomorphology of Polar Coasts | +49 331 58174–5403 | Hugues.Lantuituawipde |
Marwan, Norbert | Prof. Dr. | PIK | +49 331 288 2614 | |
Metzger, Sabrina | PD Dr. | Geology [GFZ] | +49 331 6264 -1316 | sabrina.metzgerugfz-potsdampde |
Paasche, Hendrik | PD Dr. | UFZ Leipzig | +49 341 6025-2335 | hendrik.paascheuufzpde |
Romer, Rolf | Prof. Dr. | Isotopengeologie [GFZ] | +49 331 6264-1405 | rolf.romerugfz-potsdampde |
Schildgen, Taylor | Prof., PhD | Landscape Evolution and Climate Interaction [GFZ] | +49 331 6264-27507 | taylor.schildgenugfz-potsdampde |
Wagner, Dirk | Prof. Dr. | Geomicrobiology [GFZ] | +49 331 6264-28800 | diwagneruuni-potsdampde |
Walter, Thomas | Prof. Dr. | GFZ | +49 331 6264 1253 | twalterugfz-potsdampde |
Weckmann, Ute | PD Dr. | GFZ | +49 331 6264 2824 | uweckugfz-potsdampde |
Weis, Philipp | Prof. Dr. | GFZ | +49 331 6264-28967 | |
Zang, Arno | Prof. Dr. | Geophysik und Felsmechanik | +49 331 6264-1325 | arno.zangugfz-potsdampde |
Scientific Staff
Administrative Assistants & Financial Management
Name | Function | Room | Phone | E-Mai |
Heidemann, Martina | Study Affairs | 1.56 | +49 331 977 5842 | |
Klaka-Tauscher, Tanja | Assistant to the Executive Director | 1.54 | +49 331 977 2116 | |
Mareck, Annika | Travel expenses, Organization | 0.34 | +49 331 977 5870 | |
Pohl, Claudia | Financial Management | 0.32 | +49 331 977 5780 | claudia.pohluuni-potsdampde |
Technical Staff
Name | Title | Research Group | Phone | |
Amalberti, Julien | PhD | General Geology | +49 331 977 5841 | julien.amalbertiuuni-potsdampde |
Bölke, Jens | Mineralogy | +49 331 977 5816 | jens.boelkeuuni-potsdampde | |
Dubnitzki, Marko | Applied Geophysics | +49 331 977 5769 | | |
Fischer, Christine | Mineralogy, Sample Preparation | +49 331 977 5878 | fischerugeo.uni-potsdampde | |
Günter, Christina | Dr. | Mineralogy | +49 331 977 5605 | |
Heimann, Sebastian | Dr. | General Geophysics | +49 331 977 5783 | sebastian.heimannuuni-potsdampde |
Kaspar, Manuela | Dipl.-Ing | General Geology, graphic design | +49 331 977 5830 | manuela.kasparuuni-potsdampde |
Münch, Ines | Dipl.-Ing (FH) | Mineralogy, Systemadministration | +49 331 977 5820 | ines.muenchuuni-potsdampde |
Musiol, Antje | Mineralogy, Chemical Laboratories | +49 331 977 5829 | antje.musiolugeo.uni-potsdampde | |
Schernthanner, Harald | Dr. | Geological Remote Sensing | +49 331 977 2408 | hscherntuuni-potsdampde |
Vollmer, Daniel | Dipl.-Ing (FH) | General Geophysics | +49 331 977 5879 | danielugeo.uni-potsdampde |