Prof. Dr. Jens Tronicke

Prof. Dr. Jens Tronicke
Applied Geophysics
Campus Golm
Building 27, Room1.38
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam-Golm
since 2019 Professor (W3), Applied Geophysics, University of Potsdam
2005 – 2019 Professor (W2), Applied Geophysics, University of Potsdam
2004 – 2005 Oberassistent, Institute of Geophysics, ETH Zürich
2002 Visiting Scientist at CGISS, Boise State University, USA (Research Fellowship of the German Research
Foundation DFG)
2001 – 2004 Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Institute of Geophysics, ETH Zürich
2001 Guest Scientist at University of California, Berkeley, USA
2001 Dr. rer. nat. in Geophysics, University of Tübingen
1998 – 2001 Doctoral Student, University of Tübingen
1991 – 1997 University of Münster: Diploma in Geophysics
- Near-Surface Geophysics
- GPR, Seismic and Electric Methods
- Crosshole Techniques and Tomographic Imaging
- Multi-Sensor and Integrated Geophysical Approaches
- Archaeological, Engineering, Environmental, and Hydrological Applications
We offer numerous courses in the programs BSc Geowissenschaften and MSc Geosciences that cover almost the entire spectrum of applied geophysical methods. Further information on currently offered courses can be found in the course catalog of the University of Potsdam.
For Bachelor and Master projects usually a variety of topics are available - ranging from more theoretical to more applied projects with an emphasize on fieldwork and data interpretation. Usually, these projects are embedded in ongoing research projects of the group. Please contact me for more detailed information.
International Journals and Books
Roncoroni, G., Koyan, P., Forte, E., Tronicke, J., Pipan, M. (2025): A realistic 2D multi-offset, multi-frequency synthetic GPR data set as a benchmark for testing new algorithms. Scientific Data, 12, 221. doi:10.1038/s41597-024-04300-1
Koyan, P., Tronicke, J. (2024): 3D ground-penetrating radar data analysis and interpretation using attributes based on the gradient structure tensor. Geophysics, 89, B289–B299. doi:10.1190/geo2023-0670.1
Stephan, S. M., Allroggen, N., Tronicke, J. (2024): Adding realistic noise models to synthetic ground-penetrating radar data. Near Surface Geophysics, 22, 127–139. doi:10.1002/nsg.12273
Guillemoteau, J., Dousteyssier, B., Heinig, L., Nzouatchoua Tchana, S., Tronicke, J. (2023): Evaluation of the 3D multi-channel deconvolution method for the case of low S/N inphase data collected with loop-loop FD-EMI sensors. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61, 1–9. doi:10.1109/TGRS.2023.3336528
Arboleda-Zapata, M., Guillemoteau, J., Lucia, A., Eberle, J., Tronicke, J., Korup, O. (2023): Tracing past extreme floods on an alluvial fan using geophysical surveying. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46, 3273–3286. doi:10.1002/esp.5695
Klose, T., Guillemoteau, J., Vignoli, G., Walter, J., Herrmann, A., Tronicke, J. (2023): Structurally constrained inversion by means of a Minimum Gradient Support regularizer: Examples of FD-EMI data inversion constrained by GPR reflection data. Geophysical Journal International, 233, 1938–1949. doi:10.1093/gji/ggad041
Arboleda-Zapata, M., Angelopoulos, M., Overduin, P., Grosse, G., Jones, B. M., Tronicke, J. (2022): Exploring the capabilities of electrical resistivity tomography to study subsea permafrost. The Cryosphere, 16, 4423–4445. doi:10.5194/tc-16-4423-2022
Lück, E., Guillemoteau, J., Tronicke, J., Rummel, U., Hierold, W. (2022): From point to field scale - indirect monitoring of soil moisture variations at the DWD test site in Falkenberg. Geoderma, 427, 116134. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116134
Schennen, S., Wetterich, S., Schirrmeister, L., Schwamborn, G., Tronicke, J. (2022): Seasonal impact on 3D GPR performance for surveying Yedoma ice complex deposits. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 741524. doi:10.3389/feart.2022.741524
Lück, E., Guillemoteau, J., Tronicke, J., Klose, J., Trost, B. (2022): Geophysical sensors for mapping soil layers – A comparative case study using different electrical and electromagnetic sensors. In: Bochtis, D. D. et al. (eds.) Information and Communication Technologies for Agriculture—Theme I: Sensors, Springer Optimization and Its Applications 182, pp. 267-287. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-84144-7_11
Klose, T., Guillemoteau, J., Vignoli, G., Tronicke, J. (2022): Laterally Constrained Inversion (LCI) of multi-configuration EMI data with tunable sharpness. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 196, 104519. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2021.104519
Arboleda-Zapata, M., Guillemoteau, J., Tronicke, J. (2022): A comprehensive workflow to analyze ensembles of globally inverted 2D electrical resistivity models. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 196, 104512. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2021.104512
Koyan, P., Tronicke, J., Allroggen, N. (2021): 3D ground-penetrating radar attributes to generate classified facies models: A case study from a dune island. Geophysics, 86, B335-B347. doi:10.1190/geo2021-0204.1
Angelopoulos, M., Overduin, P., Westermann, S., Tronicke, J., Strauss, J., Schirrmeister, L., Biskaborn, B. K., Liebner, S., Maximov, G. M., Grigoriev, M. N., Grosse, G. (2020): Thermokarst lake to lagoon transitions in eastern Siberia: Do submerged taliks refreeze? Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125, 10, e2019JF005424. doi:10.1029/2019JF005424
Allroggen, N., Garambois, S., Sénéchal, G., Rousset, D., Tronicke, J. (2020): Crosshole reflection imaging with ground-penetrating radar data: Applications in near-surface sedimentary settings. Geophysics, 85, H61-H69. doi:10.1190/GEO2019-0558.1
Tronicke, J., Allroggen, N., Biermann, F., Fanselow, F., Guillemoteau, J., Krauskopf, C., Lück, E. (2020): Rapid multi-scale analysis of near-surface geophysical anomaly maps: Application to an archaeo-geophysical data set. Geophysics, 85, B109-B118. doi:10.1190/GEO2019-0564.1
Allroggen, N., Beiter, D., Tronicke, J. (2020): Ground-penetrating radar monitoring of fast subsurface processes. Geophysics, 85, A19-A23. doi:10.1190/geo2019-0737.1
Koyan, P., Tronicke, J. (2020): 3D modeling of ground-penetrating radar data across a realistic sedimentary model. Computers and Geosciences, 137, 104422. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2020.104422 (associated data available under doi:10.17632/by3yh79hx4.1 )
Guillemoteau, J., Simon, F.X., Hulin, G., Dousteyssier, B., Dacko, M., Tronicke, J. (2019): 3-D imaging of subsurface magnetic permeability/susceptibility with portable frequency domain electromagnetic sensors for near surface exploration. Geophysical Journal International, 219, 1773-1785. doi:10.1093/gji/ggz382
Allroggen, N., Booth, A., Baker, S., Ellwood, S., Tronicke, J. (2019): High-resolution imaging and monitoring of animal tunnels using 3D ground-penetrating radar. Near Surface Geophysics, 17, 291-298. doi:10.1002/nsg.12039
Hugenschmidt, J., Giannopoulos, A., Tronicke, J. (2019): Foreword (Special Issue: GPR in Civil and Environmental Engineering: Recent Methodological Advances). Near Surface Geophysics, 17, 199-200. doi:10.1002/nsg.12050
Klose, T., Guillemoteau, J., Simon, F.-X., Tronicke, J. (2018): Toward subsurface magnetic permeability imaging with electromagnetic induction sensors: Sensitivity computation and reconstruction of measured data. Geophysics, 83, E335-E345. doi:10.1190/geo2017-0827.1
Tronicke, J., Trauth, M.H. (2018): Classroom-sized geophysical experiments: magnetic surveying using modern smartphone devices. European Journal of Physics, 39, 035806. doi:10.1088/1361-6404/aaad5b
Guillemoteau, J., Lück, E., Tronicke, J. (2017): 1D inversion of direct current data acquired with a rolling electrode system. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 146, 167-177. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2017.09.010
Guillemoteau, J., Christensen, N. B., Jacobsen, B. H., Tronicke, J. (2017): Fast 3D multi-channel deconvolution of electromagnetic induction loop-loop apparent conductivity data sets acquired at low induction numbers. Geophysics. doi:10.1190/geo2016-0518.1
Jakisch, C., Angermann, L., Allroggen, N., Sprenger, M., Blume, T., Tronicke, J., Zehe, E. (2017): Form and function in hillslope hydrology: in situ imaging and characterization of flow-relevant structures. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, 3749–3775. doi:10.5194/hess-21-3749-2017
Angermann, L., Jakisch, C., Allroggen, N., Sprenger, M., Zehe, E., Tronicke, J., Weiler, M., Blume, T. (2017): Form and function in hillslope hydrology: characterization of subsurface flow based on response observations. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, 3727-3748. doi:10.5194/hess-21-3727-2017
Tronicke, J., Paasche, H. (2017): Integrated interpretation of 2D GPR, P-, and S-wave velocity models in terms of petrophysical properties: Assessing uncertainties related to data inversion and petrophysical relations. Interpretation, 5, T121-T130. doi:10.1190/int-2016-0081.1
Guillemoteau, J., Tronicke, J. (2016): Evaluation of a rapid hybrid spectral-spatial domain 3D forward-modeling approach for loop-loop electromagnetic induction quadrature data acquired in low-induction-number environments. Geophysics, 81, E447-E458. doi:10.1190/GEO2015-0584.1
Guillemoteau, J., Simon, F.-X., Lück, E., Tronicke, J. (2016): 1D sequential inversion of portable multi-configuration electromagnetic induction data. Near Surface Geophysics, 14, 411-420. doi:10.3997/1873-0604.2016029
Schennen, S. Tronicke, J., Wetterich, S., Allroggen, N., Schwamborn, G., Schirrmeister, L. (2016): 3D GPR imaging of ice complex deposits in northern East Siberia. Geophysics, 81, WA185-WA192. doi:10.1190/geo2015-0129.1
Allroggen, N., Tronicke, J. (2016): Attribute based analysis of time-lapse GPR data. Geophysics, 81, H1-H8. doi:10.1190/geo2015-0171.1
Tronicke, J., Allroggen, N. (2015): Toward automated delineation of GPR facies in clastic sediments: an example from stratified glaciofluvial deposits. Geophysics, 80, A89-A94. doi:10.1190/geo2015-0188.1
Allroggen, N., van Schaik, N.L.M.B., Tronicke, J. (2015): 4D ground-penetrating radar during a plot scale dye tracer experiment. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 118, 139-144. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2015.04.016
Rumpf, M., Tronicke, J. (2015): Assessing uncertainty in refraction seismic traveltime inversion using a global inversion strategy. Geophysical Prospecting, 63, 1188-1197. doi:10.1111/1365-2478.12240
Allrogen, N., Tronicke, J., Delock, M., Böniger, U. (2015): Topographic migration of 2D and 3D ground-penetrating radar data considering variable velocities. Near Surface Geophysics, 13, 253-259. doi:10.3997/1873-0604.2014037
Guillemoteau, J., Tronicke, J. (2015): Non-standard electromagnetic induction sensor configurations: Evaluating sensitivities and applicability. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 118, 15-23. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2015.04.008
Tronicke, J., Böniger, U. (2015): Denoising magnetic data using steering kernel regression. Near Surface Geophysics, 13, 33-44. doi:10.3997/1873-0604.2014038
Zehe, E., Ehret, U., Pfister, L., Blume, T., Schröder, B., Westhoff, M., Jackisch, C., Schymanski, S.J., Weiler, M., Schulz, K., Allroggen, N., Tronicke, J., van Schaik, L., Dietrich, P., Scherer, U., Eccard, J., Wulfmeyer, V., Kleidon, A. (2014): HESS Opinions: From response units to functional units: a thermodynamic reinterpretation of the HRU concept to link spatial organization and functioning of intermediate scale catchments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18, 4635-4655. doi:10.5194/hess-18-4635-2014
Paasche, H., Tronicke, J. (2014): Non-linear joint inversion of tomographic data using swarm intelligence. Geophysics, 79, R133-R149. doi:10.1190/geo2013-0423.1
Tronicke, J., Hamann, G. (2014): Vertical radar profiling: Combined analysis of traveltimes, amplitudes, and reflections. Geophysics, 79, H23-H35. doi:10.1190/geo2013-0428.1
Hamann, G., Tronicke, J. (2014): Global inversion of GPR traveltimes to assess uncertainties in CMP velocity models. Near Surface Geophysics, 12, 505-514. doi:10.3997/1873-0604.2014005
Paasche, H., Rumpf, M., Lontsi, A.M., Hausmann, J., Hannemann, K., Fechner, T., Ohrnberger, M., Werban, U., Tronicke, J., Krüger, F., Dietrich, P. (2014): MuSaWa: Multi-Scale S-wave tomography for exploration and risk assessment of development sites. In: Weber, M., Münch, U. (eds.), Tomography of the Earth’s Crust: From Geophysical Sounding to Real-Time Monitoring. Geotechnologien Science Report No. 21, Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 95-114. pdf
Rumpf, M., Tronicke, J. (2014): Predicting 2D geotechnical parameter fields in near-surface sedimentary environments. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 101, 95-107. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2013.12.002
Tronicke, J., Böniger, U. (2013): GPR attribute analysis: there is more than amplitudes. First Break, 31(8), 103-108. pdf
Paasche, H., Rumpf, M., Hausmann, J., Fechner, T., Werban, U., Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P. (2013): Advances in acquisition and processing of near surface seismic tomographic data for geotechnical site assessment. First Break, 31(8), 59-65. pdf
Hamann, G., Tronicke, J., Steelman, C., Endres, A. (2013): Spectral velocity analysis for determination of ground wave velocities and their uncertainties in multi-offset GPR data. Near Surface Geophysics, 11, 167-176. doi:10.3997/1873-0604.2012038
Rumpf, M., Böniger, U., Tronicke, J. (2012): Refraction seismics to investigate a creeping hillslope in the Austrian Alps. Engineering Geology, 151, 37-46. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2012.09.008
Schmelzbach, C., Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P. (2012): High-resolution water content estimation from surface-based ground-penetrating radar reflection data by impedance inversion. Water Resources Research, 48, W08505. doi:10.1029/2012WR011955
Paasche, H., Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P. (2012): Zonal cooperative inversion of partially co-located data sets constrained by structural a priori information. Near Surface Geophysics, 10, 103-116. doi:10.3997/1873-0604.2011033
Böniger, U., Tronicke, J. (2012): Subsurface utility extraction and characterization: Combining GPR symmetry and PCA polarization attributes. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50, 736-746. doi:10.1109/TGRS.2011.2163413
Böniger, U., Tronicke, J. (2012): High-resolution GPR data analysis using extended tree-based pursuit. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 78, 44-51. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2011.04.006
Tronicke, J., Paasche, H., Böniger, U. (2012): Crosshole traveltime tomography using particle swarm optimization: a near-surface field example, Geophysics, 77, R19-R32. doi:10.1190/geo2010-0411.1
Schmelzbach, C., Scherbaum, F., Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P. (2011): Bayesian frequency-domain blind deconvolution of ground-penetrating radar data. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 398, 615-630. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2011.08.010
Schmelzbach, C., Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P. (2011): Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphic models from ground-penetrating radar and direct-push data. Journal of Hydrology, 398, 235-245. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.12.023
Linder, S., Paasche, H., Tronicke, J., Niederleithinger, E., Vienken, T. (2010): Zonal cooperative inversion of crosshole P-wave, S-wave, and georadar traveltime data sets. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 72, 254-262. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2010.10.003
Böniger, U., Tronicke, J. (2010): Improving the interpretability of 3D GPR data using target-specific attributes: application to tomb detection. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37, 672-679. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2009.09.049
Böniger, U., Tronicke, J. (2010): On the potential of kinematic GPR surveying using a self-tracking total station: Evaluating system crosstalk and latency. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48, 3792-3798. doi:10.1109/TGRS.2010.2048332
Böniger, U., Tronicke, J. (2010): Integrated data analysis at an archaeological site: A case study using 3D GPR, magnetic, and high-resolution topographic data. Geophysics, B169-B176. doi:10.1190/1.3460432
Paasche, H., Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P. (2010): Automated integration of partially colocated models: Subsurface zonation using a modified fuzzy c-means cluster analysis algorithm. Geophysics, 75, P11-P22. doi:10.1190/1.3374411
Belina, F.A., Dafflon, B., Tronicke, J., Holliger, K. (2009): Enhancing the vertical resolution of surface georadar data. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 68, 26-35. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2008.08.011
Dietrich, P., Tronicke, J. (2009): Integrated analysis and interpretation of cross-hole P- and S-wave tomograms: a case study. Near Surface Geophysics, 7, 101-109. doi:10.3997/1873-0604.2008041
Holliger, K., Tronicke, J., Paasche, H., Dafflon, B. (2008): Quantitative integration of hydrogeophysical and hydrological data: Geostatistical approaches. In: Overexploitation and Contamination of Shared Groundwater Resources, ed. Darnault, C., Springer, New York, 67-82. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-6985-7_5
McClymont, A.F., Green, A.G., Streich, R., Horstmeyer, H., Tronicke, J., Nobes, D.C., Pettinga, J., Campbell, J., Langridge, R. (2008): Visualization of active faults using geometric attributes of 3D GPR data: An example from the Alpine Fault Zone, New Zealand. Geophysics, 73, B11-B23. doi:10.1190/1.2825408
Paasche, H., Wendrich, A., Tronicke, J., Trela, C. (2008): Detecting voids in masonry by cooperatively inverting P-wave and georadar traveltimes. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 5, 256-267. doi:10.1088/1742-2132/5/3/002
Paasche, H., Tronicke, J. (2007): Cooperative inversion of 2D geophysical data sets: A zonal approach based on fuzzy c-means cluster analysis. Geophysics, 72, A35-A39. doi:10.1190/1.2670341
Paasche, H., Tronicke, J., Maurer, H., Green, A.G., Auken, E., Stauffer, F. (2007): Geophysical surveying an active well catchment in the presence of significant topography and anthropogenic disturbances. Near Surface Geophysics, 5, 309-319. doi:10.3997/1873-0604.2007012
Tronicke, J. (2007): The influence of high frequency uncorrelated noise on first-break arrival times and crosshole traveltime tomography. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 12, 173-184. doi:10.2113/JEEG12.2.173
Böniger, U., Tronicke, J., Holliger. K., Becht, A. (2006): Multi-offset vertical radar profiling for subsurface reflection imaging. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 11, 289-298. doi:10.2113/JEEG11.4.289
Paasche, H., Tronicke, J., Holliger. K., Green, A.G., Maurer, H. (2006): Integration of diverse physical-property models: Subsurface zonation and petrophysical parameter estimation based on fuzzy c-means cluster analyses. Geophysics, 71, H33-H44. doi:10.1190/1.2192927
Tronicke, J., Villamor, P., Green, A.G. (2006): Detailed shallow geometry and displacement estimates of the Maleme Fault Zone, New Zealand, using 2-D and 3-D georadar. Near Surface Geophysics, 4, 155-162. doi:10.3997/1873-0604.2005041
Dafflon, B., Tronicke, J., Holliger, K. (2005): Inferring the lateral subsurface correlation structure from georadar data: Methodological background and experimental evidence. In: Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, eds. Renard, P., Demougeot-Renard, H., and Froidevaux, R., Springer, New York, 467-478. doi:10.1007/3-540-26535-X_39
Hyndman, D., Tronicke, J. (2005): Hydrogeophysical case studies in the saturated zone. In: Hydrogeophysics, eds. Rubin, Y. and Hubbard, S., Springer, The Netherlands, Water and Science Technology Library, Vol. 50, 391-412. doi:10.1007/1-4020-3102-5_13
Tronicke, J., Holliger. K. (2005): Quantitative integration of hydrogeophysical data: conditional geostatistical simulation for characterizing heterogeneous alluvial aquifers. Geophysics, 70, H1-H10. doi:10.1190/1.1925744
Tronicke, J., Knoll, M.D. (2005): Vertical radar profiling: influence of survey geometry on first-arrival traveltimes and amplitudes. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 57, 179-191. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2004.11.001
Tronicke, J., Holliger. K. (2004): Effects of gas- and water-filled boreholes on the amplitudes of crosshole georadar data as inferred from experimental evidence. Geophysics, 69, 1255-1260. doi:10.1190/1.1801942
Tronicke, J., Holliger, K., Barrash, W., Knoll, M.D. (2004): Multivariate analysis of crosshole georadar velocity and attenuation tomograms for aquifer zonation. Water Resources Research , 40, WO1519. doi:10.1029/2003WR002031
Becht, A., Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P. Appel, E. (2004): Inversion strategy in crosshole georadar tomography using information of data subsets and residual analysis. Geophysics, 69, 222-230. doi:10.1190/1.1649390
Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P., Wahlig, U., Appel, E. (2002): Integrating surface georadar and crosshole radar tomography: a validation experiment in braided stream deposits. Geophysics, 67, 1516-1523-1504. doi:10.1190/1.1512747
Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P., Appel, E. (2002): Quality improvement of crosshole georadar tomography: pre- and post-inversion data analysis strategies. European Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 7, 59-73.
Tronicke, J., Tweeton, D. R., Dietrich, P., Appel, E. (2001): Improved crosshole radar tomography by using direct and reflected arrival times. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 47, 97-105. doi:10.1016/S0926-9851(01)00050-7
Russel, A. J., Knudsen, Ó., Fay, H., Marren, P. M., Heinz, J., Tronicke, J. (2001): Morphology and sedimentology of a giant supraglacial, ice-walled, jökulhlaup channel, Skeiðarárjökull, Iceland: implications for esker genesis. Global and Planetary Change, 28, 193-216. doi:10.1016/S0921-8181(00)00073-4
Tronicke, J., Blindow, N., Groß, R., Lange, M. A. (1999): Joint application of surface electrical resistivity- and GPR-measurements for groundwater exploration on the island of Spiekeroog - northern Germany. Journal of Hydrology, 223, 44-53. doi:10.1016/S0022-1694(99)00111-0
Conference Proceedings and Further Significant Contributions
Guillemoteau, J., Dousteyssier, B., Heinig, L., Nzouatchoua Tchana. S., Tronicke, J. (2023): Enhancing FD-EMI inphase observations by means of 3D inversion: the case of Orcines, France. In: 15th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection (ICAP2023), Kiel, Germany, 355-358.
Koyan, P., Tronicke, J. (2023): The gradient structure tensor (GST): An efficient tool to analyze 3D GPR data for archeological prospection. In: 15th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection (ICAP2023), Kiel, Germany, 423-425.
Tronicke, J., Lück, E. (2023): Multi-scale analysis and interpretation of multi-method geophysical data sets. In: 15th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection (ICAP2023), Kiel, Germany, 439-442.
Koyan, P., Tronicke, J. (2022): 3D classified GPR facies models from multi-frequency data volumes: A synthetic study. In: 19th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Golden, Colorado, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 139-142.
Stephan, S., Allroggen, N., Tronicke, J. (2022): Experimental investigation of GPR signal quality using different stacking values. In: 19th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Golden, Colorado, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 143-146.
Tronicke, J., Koyan, P., Allroggen, N. (2020): The redundant wavelet transform to process and interpret GPR data. In: 18th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Golden, Colorado, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 400-403.
Allroggen, N., Tronicke, J. (2020): Ground-penetrating radar surveying using antennas with different dominant frequencies. In: 18th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Golden, Colorado, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 316-319.
Koyan. P., Tronicke, J. (2020): Analyzing 3D multi-frequency GPR data simulated across a realistic sedimentary model. In: 18th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Golden, Colorado, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 275-278.
Koyan, P., Tronicke, J., Allroggen, N., Kathage, A., Willmes, M. (2018): Estimating moisture changes in concrete using GPR velocity analysis: potential and limitations. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Rapperswil, Switzerland, 664-669.
Guillemoteau, J., Koyan, P., Tronicke, J. (2017): Processing of densely sampled electromagnetic induction data collected across peat deposits. 23rd European Meeting on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics EAGE-NSG, Malmö, Sweden (four pages).
Tronicke, J., Lück, E. (2017): Data adaptive denoising of magnetic anomaly maps. 23rd European Meeting on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics EAGE-NSG, Malmö, Sweden (four pages).
Sandring, F., Allroggen, N., Tronicke, J. (2017): A physical modeling study to analyze the horizontal resolution limits of GPR reflection imaging. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop of Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR 2017), Edinburg, Scotland (four pages).
Allroggen, N., Jakisch, C., Tronicke, J. (2017): Four-dimensional gridding of time-lapse GPR data. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop of Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR 2017), Edinburg, Scotland (four pages).
Schennen, S., Tronicke, J. (2015): The potential of common-offset GPR surveying in complex permafrost environments: an example from Northern Siberia. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop of Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR 2015), Florence, Italy (four pages).
Allroggen, N., Tronicke, J. (2015): Analysis of time lapse GPR data to visualize preferential flow paths. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop of Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR 2015), Florence, Italy (three pages).
Tronicke, J., Schennen, S., Allroggen, N. (2015): Spectral enhancement of GPR data: some practical considerations. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop of Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR 2015), Florence, Italy (four pages).
Guillemoteau, J., Tronicke, J. (2014): Mapping small conductive objects by vertical EM38 acquisition. 20th European Meeting on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics EAGE-NSG, Athens, Greece (four pages).
Allroggen, N., van Schaik, L., Tronicke, J. (2014): Time-lapse 3D GPR imaging of brilliant blue infiltration experiments. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Brussels, Belgium, 643-647.
Tronicke, J., Hamann, G. (2014): Deriving hydrological parameters from VRP data: accounting for uncertainties in inverted velocities and petrophysical models. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Brussels, Belgium, 176-180.
Paasche, H., Tronicke, J. (2014): Global joint inversion of tomographic data: appraisal of model reconstruction ambiguity. 27th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Boston, MA (six pages; invited contribution, “Best of 2013 EAGE/NSGD”).
Tronicke, J., Böniger, U. (2013): Detailed topographic models for supporting the analysis and interpretation of near-surface geophysical data. 19th European Meeting on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics EAGE-NSG, Bochum, Germany (four pages).
Tronicke, J., Böniger, U. (2013): Steering kernel regression: an adaptive denoising tool to process GPR data, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop of Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR 2013), Nantes, France, 97-100.
Allroggen, N., Tronicke, J., Delock, M., Böniger, U. (2013): Topographic migration of GPR data with vertically variable velocities, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop of Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR 2013), Nantes, France, 59-63.
Niederleithinger, E., Baessler, M., Herten, M., Rumpf, M., Tronicke, J. (2012): Geotechnical and geophysical characterisation of a pile test site in post-glacial soil. In: Coutinho, R.C., Mayne, P.W. (eds.): Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization 4, CRC Press.
Hamann, G., Tronicke, J., Weber, M. (2012): Observation of sedimentary deposition in an artificial lake using 3D ground-penetrating radar. 18th European Meeting on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics EAGE-NSG, Paris, France (five pages).
Rumpf, M., Tronicke, J., Böniger, U., Paasche, H. (2012): Joint Global Inversion of Crosshole P-wave and GPR Traveltimes: a Field Example. 18th European Meeting on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics EAGE-NSG, Paris, France (five pages).
Tronicke, J. (2012): Integrierte Erkundungsstrategien zur quantitativen Charakterisierung des oberflächennahen Untergrundes. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Sonderband II/2012: 3-12.
Hamann, G., Tronicke, J. (2011): Assessing uncertainties in determining GPR ground wave velocities: an approach based on spectral velocity analysis, 6th International Workshop of Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR 2011), Aachen, Germany (four pages).
Tronicke, J., Paasche, H., Böniger, U. (2011): Joint global inversion of GPR and P-wave seismic traveltimes using particle swarm optimization, 6th International Workshop of Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR 2011), Aachen, Germany (four pages).
Böniger, U., Tronicke, J. (2010): Symmetry based 3D GPR feature enhancement and extraction. 13th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Lecce, Italy (five pages).
Niederleithinger, E., Tronicke, J. (2010): Traveltime inversion of parallel-seismic data for foundation length estimation, 16th European Meeting on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics EAGE-NSG, Zurich, Switzerland (five pages).
Paasche, H., Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P. (2010): Zonal Cooperative Inversion of Data Sets with Partially Co-located Model Areas, 16th European Meeting on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics EAGE-NSG, Zurich, Switzerland (five pages).
Rumpf, M., Böniger, U., Tronicke, J. (2010): Investigating a creeping hillslope by layer-based inversions of seismic first arrival times, 16th European Meeting on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics EAGE-NSG, Zurich, Switzerland (five pages).
Schmelzbach, C., Scherbaum, F., Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P. (2010): Mixed-phase deconvolution of ground-penetrating radar data, 16th European Meeting on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics EAGE-NSG, Zurich, Switzerland (five pages).
Paasche, H., Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P. (2009): Zonal cooperative inversion of partially co-located crosshole tomographic P- and S-wave traveltime data sets under automated incorporation of a priori information, Proceedings of the 11th SAGA Biennial Conference and Exhibition, Swaziland, South African Geophysical Association, 325-329.
Paasche, H., Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P. (2009): Rapid and objective integration and zonation of partially co-located models, 15th European Meeting on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics EAGE-NSG, Dublin, Ireland (five pages).
Schmelzbach, C., Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P. (2009): Combining ground-penetrating radar reflection surveying and direct push measurements for high-resolution subsurface imaging: A field example, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop of Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR 2009), Granada, Spain (five pages).
Linder, S., Paasche, H., Tronicke, J., Niederleithinger, E. (2008): Zonal cooperative inversion of crosshole tomographic data. 14th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Karków, Poland (five pages).
Böniger, U., Tronicke, J. (2008): Spectral decomposition of GPR data using Tree-Based Pursuit. 12th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Birmingham, UK (six pages).
Tronicke, J., Böniger, U. (2008): Efficient and flexible TPS based 3-D GPR surveying: An archaeological case study. 12th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Birmingham, UK (four pages).
Paasche, H., Tronicke, J., Peter Dietrich (2008): Cooperative inversion based on fuzzy c-means cluster analysis - application to field data. 21st Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Philadelphia, PA (invited presentation, six pages).
Paasche, H., Tronicke, J., Peter Dietrich (2007): Cooperative inversion based on fuzzy c-means cluster analysis - application to field data. 13th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Istanbul, Turkey (four pages).
Paasche, H., Günther, T., Tronicke, J., Green, A.G., Maurer, H.R., Holliger, K. (2007): Integrating multi-scale geophysical data for the 3D characterization of an alluvial aquifer. 13th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Istanbul, Turkey (four pages).
Tronicke, J. (2006): Einsatz und Potential des Georadars zur 2-D/3-D Erkundung des oberflächennahen Untergrundes: Akquisition, Bearbeitung, Interpretation. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Sonderband II/2006: 41-54.
Corboz, P., Horstmeyer, H., Tronicke, J., Nobes, D., Campbell, J., Green, A.G. (2005): High-resolution geophysical surveying at the Springfield Fault, New Zealand, 11th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Palermo, Italy (four pages).
Tronicke, J., Holliger, K. (2004): Porosity models for heterogeneous alluvial aquifers based on conditional geostatistical simulations using hydrogeophysical data, 74th Ann. Meet. Soc. Expl. Geophys., Denver, Colorado, paper NSG 3.3 (four pages).
Tronicke, J., Vilamor, P., Green, A. (2004): Estimating vertical displacement within the Ngakuru Graben, New Zealand, using 2-D and 3-D georadar, Tenth International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar: Delft, The Netherlands, Proceedings, 547-550.
Tronicke, J., Holliger, K. (2004): Influence of the borehole and its filling medium on crosshole georadar data: experimental evidence and numerical simulations, Tenth International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar: Delft, The Netherlands, Proceedings, 237-240.
Paasche, H., Tronicke, J. (2003): Improving the reliability of electrical imaging by using adapted starting models, EAGE 65th Conference & Exhibition - Stavanger, Norway, P094 (four pages).
Tronicke, J., Paasche, H., Holliger, K., Green, A.G. (2002): Combining Crosshole Georadar velocity and attenuation tomography for site characterization: a case study in an unconsolidated aquifer, in Koppenjan, S., and Lee, H., eds., Ninth International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar: Santa Barbara, CA, Proceedings, SPIE Vol. 4758, 170-175.
Paasche, H., Ormuz, N., van der Kruk, J., Tronicke, J. (2002): Avoiding miss-interpretation of GPR measurements in forested areas, Proc. of the 8th meeting of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society - European Section, Aveiro, Portugal, 93-96.
Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P. (2002): Einsetzbarkeit und Möglichkeiten des Georadar Verfahrens als "Logging Tool" in Lockersedimenten (Applicability and possibilities of georadar as "logging tool" in unconsolidated sediments). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Sonderband I/2002: 109-112.
Becht , A., Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P., Appel, E. (2002): Angepasste Auswertestrategien zur Verbesserung der Interpretation von Tomogrammen bei isolierten Anomalien: Inversion von Teildatensätzen (Adapted analysis strategies for improving the interpretation of tomographic with isolated anomalies: inversion of data subsets). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Sonderband I/2002: 90-95.
Brauchler, R., Dietrich, P., Tronicke, J. (2002): Einfluss der Messgeometrie auf die Ergebnisse radar-tomographischer Messungen in oberflächennahen Lockersedimenten (Influence of survey geometry on the results of georadar tomography in near-surface environments). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Sonderband I/2002: 84-89.
Tronicke, J., Patzelt, A., Appel, E. (2001): Coincident reflector and tomographic imaging: a georadar case study for fracture and void detection. Proc. of the 7th meeting of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society - European Section, Birmingham, UK, 178-179.
Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P., Appel, E. (2000): Pre-processing and quality assessment of crosshole georadar data, in Noon, D. A., Stickley, G. F. and Lonstaff, D., eds., 8th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar: Gold Coast, Australia, Proceedings, SPIE Vol. 4084, 579-583.
Tronicke, J., Dietrich, P., Appel, E. (2000): Georadar velocity determination: a comparison of different techniques. Proc. of the 6th the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society - European Section, Bochum, Germany, GR01 (four pages).
Tronicke, J., Heinz, J., Appel, E. (1999): Geophysical radar techniques for the characterization of heterogeneous Quarternary gravel deposits. Proc. of the 5th meeting of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society - European Section, Budapest, Hungary (two pages).
Teutsch, G., Dietrich, P., Tronicke, J. (1999): Seismische tomographische Messungen zur Erkundung des Untergrundes am Standort Bitterfeld (Seismic tomographic surveying for subsurface investigations at the Bitterfeld site). In: Weiß, H. & Daus, B. (eds.): SAFIRA 2, Status Report, 27-34.
Röhl, M.,Tronicke, J., Werner, A., Appel, E., Böcker, R. (1999): Einsatz geophysikalischer Meßmethoden in der Moorrenaturierung (Application of geophysical methods in peatland renaturation). In: Umweltforschung im Dialog - aktuelle Beiträge aus dem mittleren Neckarraum. 31. Hohenheimer Umwelttagung. Verlag Günther Heimbach. 173-180.