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Advanced time–series analysis to provide a spatiotemporal framework for the evolution, expansion and technological innovation of Homo sapiens (DFG)

PI:Prof. Dr. Martin TrauthUP, trauthgeo.uni-potsdamde
PI:PD Dr. Norbert MarwanPIK
PI:Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kaboth-BahrFU

PD Dr. Wolfgang Schwanghart

Members:Dr. Markus FischerUP
Partners:Dr. Nadine BernerBMW
 Dr. Verena FörsterUniversity of Cologne, Germany
 Prof. Asfawossen AsratUniversity of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
 Prof. Frank SchäbitzUniversity of Cologne, Germany
 Prof. Henry LambUniversity of Aberystwyth, UK
 Dr. Manfred MudelseeClimate Risk Analysis and UP
 Prof. Michael PetragliaAustralian Research Centre for Human Evolution
 Prof. Eleanore ScerriMPI Jena
Funding:Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft TR419/21-1 since November 2022

The archaeological, morphological and genetic findings show that Homo sapiens emerged and evolved from reproductively semi-isolated populations, connected by sporadic gene flow through green corridors and networks which change in the course of climate change. This proposal seeks funding to create a spatiotemporal paleoclimatic framework for testing current hypotheses about a multiregional origin of our species. The principal research questions addressed by the project are: (1) How do spatiotemporal climate fluctuations affect human evolution, expansion and innovation? and (2) How does the physical character of the landscape affect human evolution, expansion and innovation? The project's goals may lead to important insights into the environmental changes occurring at the same time as speciation, brain expansion, dispersal of H. sapiens out of Africa and cultural innovations. The project's quantitative reconstructive approach will also provide the necessary data to validate and improve current ecological models for the living conditions of early humans. The results will also help to expand paleoanthropological investigations into neglected areas of Africa that at least at times provided favorable conditions for humans.

Publications:Trauth, M.H., Asrat, A., Fischer, M.L., Hopcroft, P.O., Foerster, V., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Kindermann, K., Lamb, H.F., Marwan, N., Maslin, M.A., Schaebitz, F., Valdes, P.J. (2024) Early Warning Signals of the Termination of the African Humid Period(s), Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-47921-1.
 Trauth, M.H., Asrat, A., Fischer, M. L., Foerster, V., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Lamb, H., Marwan, N., Roberts, H. M. & Schaebitz, F. (2024) Combining orbital tuning and direct dating approaches to age-depth model development for Chew Bahir, Ethiopia. Quaternary Science Advances.
 Fischer, M.L., Munz, P.M., Foerster, V., Schaebitz, F., Marwan, N., Schwanghart, W., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Trauth, M.H. (2024) Spatio-temporal variations of climate along possible African-Arabian routes of H. sapiens expansion. Quaternary Science Advances.
 Antary, N., Trauth, M.H., Marwan, N. (2023) Interpolation and sampling effects on recurrence quantification measures. Chaos, 33, 103105.

