We, the confidants of the University of Potsdam, offer our support to members of all status groups – whether students, staff and/or lecturers – in university-related conflict situations.
The aim is to provide an internal university authority that can be consulted at a low threshold. You have the opportunity to talk about your problem in a calm and friendly atmosphere and to reflect on the stressful situation together with the confidant and develop possible solutions. In addition, the confidants can provide information for further steps and, if necessary, refer you to other counselling services.
Potential conflict scenarios include:
- You feel down or burdened by worries.
- You have been feeling uncomfortable in your team for some time.
- You are experiencing a conflict you would like to speak about with a neutral person.
The commitment of the confidants is voluntary and honorary. The confidants are regularly trained and further qualified in their counselling skills. They work according to the following principles:
- Independence
The confidants act as autonomously as possible, independent of their assignment to departments or institutions. - Neutrality
The concerns are dealt with neutrally, without prejudice to the outcome and in a solution-oriented manner. - Confidentiality
Concerns are treated confidentially. - Appreciation
The confidants always show esteem for the persons concerned and their concerns.
The Code of Conduct is available here.
As an affected person you can freely choose from the following list to which confidant you would like to address your concerns. The list is arranged according to location, but this does not have to play a role in the selection.
Would you like to become a confidant yourself to support a conflict-positive university climate? Then please contact the team at theEqual Opportunities Coordination Office, which organises this service.
Choose how you would like to contact us. You may contact a specific confidant directly by telephone or email (see list below). The location, institution and languages spoken are indicated for your guidance. It is entirely up to you who you choose. Alternatively, you may also use the contact form below. Your message will then be sent to all the confidants and one of them will contact you as soon as possible. This method is ideal in urgent cases or if you are unable or unwilling to choose a person.
Contact information of the confidants

Niels Blaum
Campus Golm | Maulbeerallee
Institut für Biochemie und Biologie
consulting hours
By appointment - on site, via Zoom and by phone.
Languages spoken: German, English

Simone Brockmann
Manchmal beginnt ein neuer Weg nicht damit Neues zu entdecken, sondern damit, Altbekanntes mit ganz anderen Augen zu sehen.
Institut für Biochemie und Biologie
consulting hours
By appointment - on site, via Zoom and by phone.
Languages spoken: German

Tom Fritzsche
We spend a relatively large amount of time at work or studying. It is important to me that there is a pleasant atmosphere and that everyone enjoys coming to the university.
Campus Golm
Humanwissenschaftliche Fakultät | Department Linguistik | BabyLAB
consulting hours
By appointment - on site, via Zoom and by phone.
Languages spoken: German, English

Benjamin Klages
Weniger Aneinander vorbeireden und mehr miteinander Auseinandersetzen. Klingt einfach, erfordert aber im Alltag zumeist eine gewisse Anstrengung, die sich letztlich lohnt. Denn was als Ideal in der Wissenschaft gilt, kann auch in anderen Lebensbereichen neue Möglichkeitsräume eröffnen!
Campus Am Neuen Palais
ZfQ | Zentrum für Qualitätsentwicklung in Lehre und Studium
consulting hours
By appointment - on site, via Zoom and by phone.
Languages spoken: German, English

Cindy Knispel-Haase
"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Institut für Germanistik
consulting hours
By appointment - on site or via Zoom.
Language spoken: German

Petra Lenz
"Wenn es funktioniert – mach mehr davon. Wenn das, was du tust, nicht funktioniert, dann mach etwas anderes." (Steve de Shazer)
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Philosophische Fakultät | Institut für Lebensgestaltung-Ethik-Religionskunde
consulting hours
By appointment - on site or via Zoom.
Language spoken: German

Claudia Moriena
Campus Am Neuen Palais
ZESSKO | Zentrum für Sprachen und Schlüsselkompetenzen
consulting hours
By appointment.
Languages spoken: German, Spanish

Francis Osei
To err is human and to forgive is divine. Here to be a mediator for finding solutions relating to conflicts.
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Department of Medical Sociology and Biopsychology
consulting hours
By appointment - on site or via Zoom.
Language spoken: English

Claudia Rößling
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Welcome Center Potsdam
consulting hours
by appointment.
Language spoken: German, English

Kirsten Sachse
Seit 2012 bin ich als engagierte Vertrauensperson an der Uni Potsdam tätig. Gerne möchte ich meine Erfahrung einsetzen, um Probleme zu entschärfen und gemeinsam eine Lösung zu finden. "Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind." (Albert Einstein)
Campus Golm
Institut für Physik und Astronomie | Abteilung Biologische Physik
consulting hours
By appointment - on site, via Zoom and by phone.
Languages spoken: German, English

Franziska Stimming
Campus Griebnitzsee
Dekanats WSF | Haus 1
consulting hours
By appointment - on site, via Zoom, by phone.
Language spoken: German

Franziska Stutz
Campus Golm
Humanwissenschaftliche Fakultät | Department Grundschulpädagogik Deutsch
consulting hours
By appointment - on site, via Zoom and by phone.
Languages spoken: German, English

Thomas Sommerer
Campus Griebnitzsee
Professur für Politikwissenschaft, insbesondere Internationale Organisationen
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät
consulting hours
By appointment via e-mail or phone.
Languages spoken: German, English, Swedish

Magdalena Vock
Conflicts are human - and cannot always be solved by one's own efforts. Talking to an outsider often opens up new perspectives. It is important to me that everyone finds an open ear when they need it.
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Dezernat für Studienangelegenheiten, Zentrale Studienberatung
consulting hours
By appointment - on site, via Zoom and by phone.
Language spoken: German

Mirko Wendland
Campus Golm
Zentrum für Lehrerbildung
consulting hours
By appointment.
Language: German