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Weather Horoscope

References and links

Climate Horoscope

  • Campion, N. (2015). Astrology as Cultural Astronomy. In C. L. N. Ruggles (Ed.), Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy (pp. 103-116). New York, NY: Springer New York.
  • Siebenpfeiffer, H. (2016). Astrologie. In B. Bühler & S. Willer (Eds.), Futurologien: Ordnungen des Zukunftswissens (pp. 379-392). Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.

What is the project about?

Weather Horoscope draws on the popularity of astrology apps such as Co-Star. Whereas Co-Star advertises that it uses “NASA data to know exactly where the stars are”, Weather Horoscope draws on future climate data based on models to predict the future weather of a given place. This future weather is presented to the user as both a station plot and a machine-learning generated forecast. Weather Horoscope experiments with the metaphorology of astrology in order to sound out the ambiguities and uncertainties around predicting future climate change.

References and links

Climate Horoscope

  • Campion, N. (2015). Astrology as Cultural Astronomy. In C. L. N. Ruggles (Ed.), Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy (pp. 103-116). New York, NY: Springer New York.
  • Siebenpfeiffer, H. (2016). Astrologie. In B. Bühler & S. Willer (Eds.), Futurologien: Ordnungen des Zukunftswissens (pp. 379-392). Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.

What is your research question?

How can one make sense of local, future weather in the face of global climate change?

How is the project and/or case situated?

Aside from astrology apps, the project is situated within the broad field of visualising and communicating climate change.

What methods, data sets, and tools are used?

Who is part of the team?

Lukas Diestel, Jonas Parnow, Giacomo Marinsalta, Birgit Schneider, Maximilian Hepach, May Ee Wong