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Third-Party Funded Projects

Henriette Herz Hackathons

Henriette Herz Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

With our concept of the "Henriette Herz Hackathons", the University of Potsdam has been awarded the Henriette Herz Prize of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

ReFA Vizual

ReFa: Restaging Fashion - Digital Contextualization of Vestimental Sources

The interdisciplinary research and digitization project "Restaging Fashion" develops new perspectives on historical clothing in a web-based environment.



03/2021 ist das Verbundprojekt »Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure« gestartet. Potsdam bearbeitet im Co-Lead mit F. Fischer das WP »Building the Ecosystem of and for Programmable Corpora«

Kollisionen Illustration

KOLLISIONEN Media collisions as drivers of innovation for new approaches to cultural heritage

The project studies the potential of immersion and narration for the visualization of cultural heritage collections and conceives novel interaction and visualization techniques for cultural collection

Falte Illustration

BMBF Project FoLD (Digital Research and Learning)

Since October 2019, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has been funding the interdisciplinary project: FoLD (Digital Research and Learning).


Networking-Understanding-Communicating: Amazonia as a future laboratory

Starting from collection objects, overcome borders and create spaces of networking, understanding and mediation.