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“Text as Data” Spring School in Digital Humanities

What is happening?

A one-week intensive "Text as Data" school in digital methods of text analysis in the humanities. "Text as Data" features intensive discussions, workshops, and lectures tailored for students across all humanities disciplines who are interested in computational approaches to text. The school provides an introduction to several computational methods and offers an opportunity to dig deeper into participants' own projects. 

More details in the call for participation!

For whom?

Intended for students and early-career scholars starting their way in Digital Humanities and interested in working with textual sources.  

The language of the school is English.


University of Potsdam, Campus »Am Neuen Palais«


The school starts on March 31, 2025 and ends on April 4, 2025

How to apply?

Apply here by filling the form.

If you need a travel grant, apply separately here

What about the accommodation for the students?

We have reserved a pool of 20 rooms at 'B&B Hotel Potsdam' for the period from March 30 till April 5. The price for one room is 70,17 euro pro night, which will have to be paid by the participants themselves.  Alternatively, the participants are free to look for accommodation on their own. Unfortunately, at the moment we cannot provide free accommodation on our part, only the aforementioned travel grant of max. 300 euro. The school will start no earlier than 10:00 each day, so that the participants staying in Berlin could also make it in time.

DH 2025 school in Potsdam Poster
Photo: DH Potsdam / DALLE
DH 2025 school in Potsdam Poster
Photo: DH Potsdam / DALLE