Aufsätze in Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden
- “Jewish Masculinities in German-Occupied Warsaw (1939-1942)”, in: Holocaust and Genocide Studies [in Vorbereitung].
- “Law as Jewish Defense Weapon. Emil Sommerstein and the Jewish Struggle for Dignity in Interwar Poland”, in: Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook, 2025 [in Begutachtung].
- “But everyone rides! Jews of Warsaw and of Buenos Aires and the Public Transport”, in: E. Zohar (Hg.): Mobility and Visibility. Jews and the Public Transport (Sde Boker: Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel & Zionism, 2024) [im Erscheinen].
- “Plowing Argentine and Canadian Soil: Jewish Colonization the Memoirist Writing” in: D. S. Koffman und D. M. Sheinin (Hg.): Promised Lands North and South: Jewish Argentina and Jewish Canada Compared. Boston: Brill 2024, S. 161-176.
- “Jewish, Masculine and Professional. Intersections of Profession and Masculinity in Yoshue Perle’s Novellas Gelt and Nayn a zeyger inderfri”, in: European Journal of Jewish Studies 17 (2023), S. 1-23.
- “Jewish Immigration to Latin America”, in: A. E. Feldmann, J. Durand, S. Schütze, und X. Bada (Hg.): The Routledge History of Modern Latin American Migration. New York: Routledge, 2022, S. 144-156.
- “When the “Ostjuden” Returned: The Linguistic Continuities in German-language Writing about East European Jews”, in: Neharaim. Journal of German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History 15, 2 (2021): S. 287-309.
- “Yiddish Buenos Aires and the Struggle to Leave the Margins”, in: East European Jewish Affairs, special volume “Jews and the City” 50, 1/2 (2020): S. 115-133.
- “Dorfisze jidn. Wieś w twórczości Pereca Hirszbejna”, in: Kwartalnik Historii Żydów 273, 1 (2020): S. 69-89.
- “Let them understand!” Salomón Resnick, Argentine Translations from Yiddish and Expanding the Borders of Jewishness”, in: O. Terpitz (Hg.): Yiddish and the Field of Translation. Agents, Strategies, Concepts and Discourses across Time and Space. Vienna: Böhlau 2020, S. 281-311.
- “Yiddish at the Andes. Unbearable Distance, Devoted Activists and Building Yiddish Culture in Chile”, in: Jewish Culture and History 20, 4 (2019): S. 297-316.
- “Anticolonial Orientalism: Perets Hirshbeyn´s Yiddish Indian Travelogue”, in: In Geveb. A Journal of Yiddish Studies (July 2019).
- “We Hope to Find a Way Out from Our Unpleasant Situation - Polish-Jewish Refugees, Latin America and Escaping the Nazi Europe” in: American Jewish History 103, 1 (2019): S. 25-49.
- “Żydowscy polacos. Znaczenia polskości dla żydowskich imigrantów w Argentynie” in: R. Raczyński (Hg.): Polacy i ich potomkowie w Ameryce Łacińskiej. Gdynia: Muzeum Emigracji 2017, S. 407-415.
- “Becoming Polacos: Landsmanshaftn and the Making of a Polish-Jewish Subethnicity in Argentina,” in: R. Rein, S. Rinke, N. Zysman (Hg.): The New Ethnic Studies in Latin America. Leiden, Boston: Brill 2017, S. 32-51.
- “Buenos Aires Seen from Warsaw: Poland’s Yiddish Press Reporting on Jewish Life in Argentina” in: Studia Judaica 17, 1 (2014), S. 85-107.
- “Foreign Civil Marriage in Israeli Legal System”, in: Judaica Olomucensia. New Voices in Jewish Studies 1 (2013), S. 45-57.
- “Izraelskie Prawo Małżeńskie. Wybrane zagadnienia”, in: Przegląd Prawa Wyznaniowego 4 (2012), S. 87-109.