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Heinz Völler

Prof. Dr. med. Heinz Völler


Campus Golm
Am Mühlenberg 9
Haus 62, Raum 2.05
14476 Potsdam


nach Vereinbarung

Prof. Dr. med. Heinz Völler

Beruflicher Werdegang

Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Kardiologie, Sozialmedizin

Zusatzqualifikation Sportkardiologie

1993 Habilitation an der Charité, Universitätsmedizin Berlin; seit 2001 apl. Professor

Seit 1995 Ärztlicher Direktor der „Klinik am See“, Rehabilitationsklinik für Innere Medizin

April 2012 bis März 2020 zusätzlich Leiter der Professur für Rehabilitationswissenschaften an der Universität Potsdam

Seit April 2020 Leiter der Professur für Rehabilitationsmedizin der Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften Brandenburg an der Universität Potsdam

Forschungsschwerpunkte und -interessen

Sekundärprävention der Koronaren Herzerkrankung

Versorgungsmanagement bei Herzinsuffizienz/Antikoagulation

Trainingskonzepte nach Klappenkorrektur


Vorsitzender des Promotionsausschusses der Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften Brandenburg

Member of Cardiac Rehabilitation Section, European Association of Preventive Cardiology

Geschäftsführender Sprecher des Rehabilitationswissenschaftlichen Verbundes Berlin, Brandenburg und Mitteldeutschland (BBMD)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie (DGK)/ Projektgruppe Prävention

Mitglied des  Wissenschaftsrates der Fachhochschule für Sport und Management Potsdam der Europäischen Sportakademie Land Brandenburg gemeinnützige GmbH

Vorstandsmitglied der Gemeinschaft zur Förderung gesundheitswissenschaftlicher Forschung e. V.



Baritello O, Taxis T, Stein H, Luizink-Dogan M, Völler H, Salzwedel A. Multicomponent rehabilitation to improve independence and functioning in elderly patients with common age-associated diseases: a scoping review. BMJ Open  . 2025 Jan 21;15(1):e083733. 



Hansen D, Beckers P, Neunhäuserer D, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Piepoli MF, Rauch B, Völler H, Corrà U, Garcia-Porrero E, Schmid JP, Lamotte M, Doherty P, Reibis R, Niebauer J, Dendale P, Davos CH, Kouidi E, Spruit MA, Vanhees L, Cornelissen V, Edelmann F, Barna O, Stettler C, Tonoli C, Greco E, Pedretti R, Abreu A, Ambrosetti M, Braga SS, Bussotti M, Faggiano P, Takken T, Vigorito C, Schwaab B, Coninx K. Standardised Exercise Prescription for Patients with Chronic Coronary Syndrome and/or Heart Failure: A Consensus Statement from the EXPERT Working Group. Sports Med. 2023 Nov;53:2013-2037.

Sündermann SH, Bäck C, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Dehbi HM, Szekely A, Völler H, Niebauer J. Preinterventional frailty assessment in patients scheduled for cardiac surgery or transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a consensus statement of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) and the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2023 Oct 4;64:ezad181.

Niebauer J, Bäck C, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Dehbi HM, Szekely A, Völler H, Sündermann SH. Preinterventional frailty assessment in patients scheduled for cardiac surgery or transcatheter aortic valve implantation: a consensus statement of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) and the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2023 Oct 7:zwad304. Online ahead of print.

Streibelt M, Zollmann P, Völler H, Falk J, Salzwedel A.[Work Participation after Multimodal Rehabilitation due to Cardiovascular Diseases - Representative Analyses using Routine Data of the German Pension Insurance]. Rehabilitation (Stuttg). Rehabilitation 2024;63:169-79.

Kiefer T, Lüders C, Völler H, Daeschlein G. Update on the risk assessment of a rehabilitation stay for patients after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Transpl Immunol. 2023 Aug:79:101865.

Valgimigli M, Aboyans V, Angiolillo D, Atar D, Capodanno D, Halvorsen S, James S, Jüni P, Kunadian V, Landi A, Leonardi S, Mehran R, Montalescot G, Navarese EP, Niebauer J, Oliva A, Piccolo R, Price S, Storey RF, Völler H, Vranckx P, Windecker S, Fox KAA. Antithrombotic treatment strategies in patients with established coronary atherosclerotic disease. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother. 2023 Jul 29;9:462-496.

Hansen D, Coninx K, Beckers P, Cornelissen V, Kouidi E, Neunhauserer D, Niebauer J, Spruit MA, Takken T, Dendale P; EXPERT Network working group. Appropriate exercise prescription in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: why this skill remains to be improved among clinicians and healthcare professionals. A call for action from the EXPERT Network. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2023 Jul 17:zwad232.

Kiefer T, Lüders C, Völler H, Daeschlein G. Impact of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on rehabilitation of patients after high-dose chemotherapy with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: results of a monocentric, retrospective analysis. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2023 Jul;149:4783-4788.

Baritello O, Stein H, Wolff LL, Hamann M, Völler H, Salzwedel A. Effect of multicomponent rehabilitation on independence and functioning in elderly patients with common age-associated diseases: protocol for a scoping review (REHOLD)BMJ Open 2023 May 18;13:e068722.

Rubesch-Kütemeyer V, Reibis R, Völler H, Gielen S. [The ECG in cardiac rehabilitation]. Herzschrittmacherther Elektrophysiol. 2023 Mar;34:3-9. German.

Kiefer T, Lüders C, Völler H, Daeschlein G. Rehabilitation of patients after CAR T-cell therapy. Experiences on 5 patients. Transpl Immunol. 2023 Feb:76:101770.


Schwaab B, Kindermann I, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Preßler A, Niebauer J, Rauch B, Völler H, Reibis R. Viral myocarditis: a forbidden indication for cardiac rehabilitation? Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2022 Nov 8;29:2064-2068.

Castellano JM, Pocock SJ, Bhatt DL, Quesada AJ, Owen R, Fernandez-Ortiz A, Sanchez PL, Marin Ortuño F, Vazquez Rodriguez JM, Domingo-Fernández A, Lozano I, Roncaglioni MC, Baviera M, Foresta A, Ojeda-Fernandez L, Colivicchi F, Di Fusco SA, Doehner W, Meyer A, Schiele F, Ecarnot F, Linhart A, Lubanda JC, Barczi G, Merkely B, Ponikowski P, Kasprzak M, Fernandez Alvira JM, Andres V, Bueno H, Collier T, Van de Werf F, Perel P, Rodriguez-Manero M, Alonso Garcia A, Proietti M, Schoos MM, Simon T, Fernandez Ferro J, Lopez N, Beghi E, Bejot Y, Vivas D, Cordero A, Ibañez B, Fuster V; SECURE Investigators. Polypill Strategy in Secondary Cardiovascular Prevention. N Engl J Med. 2022 Sep 15;387:967-977.

Hagström E, Steg PG, Szarek M, Bhatt DL, Bittner VA, Danchin N, Diaz R, Goodman SG, Harrington RA, Jukema JW, Liberopoulos E, Marx N, McGinniss J, Manvelian G, Pordy R, Scemama M, White HD, Zeiher AM, Schwartz GG; ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Investigators. Apolipoprotein B, Residual Cardiovascular Risk After Acute Coronary Syndrome, and Effects of Alirocumab. Circulation. 2022 Aug 30;146:657-672.

Noutsias M, Hauptmann M, Völler H. Pointing a FINGER at the contribution of lifestyle to cardiovascular events and dementia. Eur Heart J. 2022 Jun 1;43:2062-2064.

Völler H, Bindl D, Nagels K, Hofmann R, Vettorazzi E, Wegscheider K, Fleck E, Störk S, Nagel E. The First Year of Noninvasive Remote Telemonitoring in Chronic Heart Failure Is not Cost Saving but Improves Quality of Life: The Randomized Controlled CardioBBEAT Trial.  Telemed J E Health. 2022 Mar 21;28:1613-1622.

Schwaab B, Rauch B, Völler H, Benzer W, Schmid JP. Beyond randomised studies: recommendations for cardiac rehabilitation following repair of thoracic aortic aneurysm or dissection. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2022 Feb 3;28:e17-e19.

Hansen D, Abreu A, Ambrosetti M, Cornelissen V, Gevaert A, Kemps H, Laukkanen JA, Pedretti R, Simonenko M, Wilhelm M, Davos CH, Doehner W, Iliou MC, Kränkel N, Völler H, Piepoli M. Exercise intensity assessment and prescription in cardiovascular rehabilitation and beyond: why and how: a position statement from the Secondary Prevention and Rehabilitation Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2022 Feb 19;29:230-245.

Hadzic M, Eichler S, Völler H, Salzwedel A für die Arbeitsgruppe ReMove-It. Akzeptanz und Nutzung eines telemedizinischen Rehabilitationsprogramms für Patienten mit Knie- oder Hüft-Totalendoprothese (Acceptance and Use of a Telemedical Rehabilitation Program for Patients with Total Knee or Hip Replaceme). B&G Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport. 2022,38:20-25.


Dobberke J, Baritello O, Hadzic M, Völler H, Eichler S, Salzwedel A. Test-Retest Reliability of Center of Pressure Measures for Postural Control Assessment in Older Cardiac Patients. J. Gaitpost.2022.92:359-363.

Salzwedel A, Reibis R, Völler H. Kardiovaskuläre Rehabilitation bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit. Herzmedizin 2021,5:8-12.

Baritello O, Salzwedel A, Sündermann SH, Niebauer J, Völler H. The Pandora’s Box of Frailty Assessments: Which Is the Best for Clinical Purposes in TAVI Patients? A Critical Review. J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 4506.

Verch R, Stoll J, Hadzic M, Quarmby  S, Völler H. Whole-Body EMS Superimposed Walking and Nordic Walking on a Treadmill—Determination of Exercise Intensity to Conventional Exercise. Front. Physiol., 04 October 2021.

Schraplau A, Block A, Häusler A, Wippert PM, Rapp M, Völler H, Bonaventura K, Mayer F. Mobile diagnostics and consultation for the prevention of the metabolic syndrome and its secondary diseases in Brandenburg-study protocol of a regional prospective cohort study: the Mobile Brandenburg Cohort.Pilot Feasibility Stud. 2021:7:166.

Wittlinger T, Schwaab B, Völler H, Bongarth C, Heinze V, Eckrich K, Guha M, Richter M., Schlitt A. Efficacy of Lipid-Lowering Therapy during Cardiac Rehabilitation in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus and Coronary Heart Disease. J. Cardiovasc. Dev. Dis. 2021, 8:105.

Salzwedel A, Völler H. Kardiologische Rehabilitation: patientenberichtete Ergebnisparameter ausschlaggebend für Erfolg. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2021; 118: 505-6.

Schwaab B, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Meng K, Albus C, Salzwedel A, Schmid JP, Benzer W, Metz M, Jensen K, Rauch B, Bönner G, Brzoska P, Buhr-Schinner H, Charrier A, Cordes C, Dörr G, Eichler S, Exner AK, Fromm B, Gielen S, Glatz J, Gohlke J, Grilli M, Gysan D, Härtel H, Hahmann H, Herrmann-Lingen C, Karger G, Karoff M, Kiwus U, Knoglinger E, Krusch CW, Langheim E, Mann J, Max R, Metzendorf MI, Nebel R, Niebauer J, Predel HG, Preßler A, Razum O, Reiss N, Saure D, von Schacky C, Schütt M, Schultz K, Skoda EM, Steube D, Streibelt M, Stüttgen M, Stüttgen M, Teufel M, Tschanz H, Völler H, Vogel H and Westphal R. Cardiac Rehabilitation in German Speaking Countries of Europe—Evidence-Based Guidelines from Germany, Austria and Switzerland LLKardReha-DACH—Part 2. J. Clin. Med. 2021,10:3071.

Rauch B, Salzwedel A, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Albus C, Meng K, Schmid JP, Benzer W, Hackbusch M, Jensen K, Schwaab B, Altenberger J, Benjamin N, Bestehorn K, Bongarth C, Dörr G, Eichler S, Einwang HP, Falk J, Glatz J, Gielen S, Grilli M, Grünig E,  Guha M, Hermann M, Hoberg E, Höfer S, Kaemmerer H, Ladwig KH, Mayer-Berger W, Metzendorf MI, Nebel R, Neidenbach RC, Niebauer J, Nixdorff U, Oberhoffer R, Reibis R, Reiss N, Saure D, Schlitt A, Völler H, von Känel R, Weinbrenner S, Westphal R and on behalf of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Guideline Group. Cardiac Rehabilitation in German Speaking Countries of Europe - Evidence-Based Guidelines from Germany, Austria and Switzerland LLKardReha-DACH—Part 1. J Clin Med. 2021 May 19;10:2192.

Pedretti RFE, Iliou MC, Israel CW, Abreu A, Miljoen H, Corrà U, Stelbrink C, Gevaert AB, Theuns DA, Piepoli MF, Reibis R, Schmid JP, Wilhelm M, Heidbuchel H, Völler H. Comprehensive Multicomponent Cardiac Rehabilitation in Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices Recipients. A Consensus Document from the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC; Secondary Prevention and Rehabilitation Section) and the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA).Europace. 2021 Feb 26:euaa427.


Kather F, Hadzic M, Hehle T, Eichler S, Klein J, Voeller H, Salzwedel A. Test-retest reliability of the Mini Nutritional Assessment– Short Form (MNA-SF) in older patients undergoing cardiac rehabilitationGeriatr Cardiol 2020,17(9):574-9.

Schwaab B, Rauch B, Völler H, Benzer W, Schmid JP.  Beyond randomised studies: recommendations for cardiac rehabilitation following repair of thoracic aortic aneurysm or dissection. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2020 Jul 9:2047487320936782. Online ahead of print.

Scherrenberg M, Wilhelm M, Hansen D,Völler H, Cornelissen V, Frederix I, Kemps H, Dendale P. The future is now: a call for action for cardiac telerehabilitation in the COVID-19 pandemic from the secondary prevention and rehabilitation section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2020 Jul 2:2047487320939671. Online ahead of print.

Völler H, Schwaab B. Kardiologische Rehabilitation.Kardiologe 2020; 14:106-112.

Reibis R, Völler H. Nicht pharmakologische Sekundärprävention und Rehabilitation: aktuelle Evidenz. Aktuel Kardiol 2020;9:297-302.

Abreu A, Frederix I, Dendale P, Janssen A, Doherty P, Piepoli MF, Völler H; Secondary Prevention and Rehabilitation Section of EAPC Reviewers: Marco Ambrosetti, Davos CH. Standardization and Quality Improvement of Secondary Prevention Through Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Programmes in Europe: The Avenue Towards EAPC Accreditation Programme: A Position Statement of the Secondary Prevention and Rehabilitation Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC). Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2020 Jun 1:2047487320924912.

Salzwedel A, Koran I, Langheim E, Schlitt A, Nothroff J, Bongarth C, Wrenger M, Sehner S, Reibis R, Wegscheider K, Völler H; OutCaRe investigators. Patient-reported Outcomes Predict Return to Work and Health-Related Quality of Life Six Months After Cardiac Rehabilitation: Results From a German Multi-Centre Registry (OutCaRe). PLoS ONE 2020;15(5):e0232752.

Eichler S, Völler H, Reibis R, Wegscheider K, Butter C, Harnath A, Salzwedel A. Geriatric or cardiac rehabilitation? Predictors of treatment pathways in advanced age patients after transcatheter aortic valve implantation. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2020 Apr 6;20:158.

Reibis RK, Schlitt A, Langheim EH, Guha M, Halle M, Boscheri A, Hegeler-Molkewehrum C, Völler H. Rehabilitation bei Herzinsuffizienz. PhysMedRehab. 2020;30:1-4.

Salzwedel A, Jensen K, Rauch B, Doherty P, Metzendorf MI, Hackbusch M, Völler H, Schmid JP, Davos CH. Effectiveness of Comprehensive Cardiac Rehabilitation in Coronary Artery Disease Patients Treated According to Contemporary Evidence Based Medicine: Update of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Outcome Study (CROS-II). Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2020 Nov;27:1756-1774.

Ambrosetti M, Abreu A, Corrà U, Davos CH, Hansen D, Frederix I, Iliou MC, Pedretti RF, Schmid JP, Vigorito C, Voller H, Wilhelm M, Piepoli MF, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Berger T, Cohen-Solal A, Cornelissen V, Dendale P, Doehner W, Gaita D, Gevaert AB, Kemps H, Kraenkel N, Laukkanen J, Mendes M, Niebauer J, Simonenko M, Zwisler AO. Secondary prevention through comprehensive cardiovascular rehabilitation: From knowledge to implementation. 2020 update. A position paper from the Secondary Prevention and Rehabilitation Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2020 Mar 30:2047487320913379.

Kiefer T, Krahl D, Hirt C, Völler H, Völkel L, Daeschlein G. Influence of Treatment Caused Impairments on Anxiety and Depression in Patients With Cancer of the Esophagus or the Esophagogastric Junction. J Gastrointest Cancer. 2020 Mar;51:30-34.

Eichler S, Hadzic M, Völler H,Salzwedel A. Octogenarians in Interventional Cardiology: Feasibility and Safety of Functional and Nutritional Assessments for a New Patient Group in Cardiac Rehabilitation. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2020 Dec,27:2345-7. 

Salzwedel A, Jensen K, Rauch B, Doherty P, Metzendorf MI, Hackbusch M, Völler H, Schmid JP, Davos CH. Effectiveness of Comprehensive Cardiac Rehabilitation in Coronary Artery Disease Patients Treated According to Contemporary Evidence Based Medicine: Update of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Outcome Study (CROS-II). Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2020 Nov;27:1756-1774.

Schwaab B, Kindermann I, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Preßler A, Niebauer J, Rauch B, Völler H, Reibis R. Viral Myocarditis – a forbidden indication for Cardiac Rehabilitation? Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2020 Dec.

Zoch-Lesniak B, Dobberke J, Schlitt A. Bongarth C, Glatz J, Spörl-Dönch S, Koran I, Völler H, Salzwedel A. Performance Measures for Short-Term Cardiac Rehabilitation in Patients of Working Age: Results of the Prospective Observational Multicenter Registry OutCaRe. Arch Rehabil Res Clin Transl.2020;2:100043.


Kiefer T, Krahl D, Kohlmann T, Nogai A, Baurmann H, Schüler F, Krüger W, de Wit M, Pink D, Dietz M, Völler H, Buhlert H, Daeschlein G. Does rehabilitation pose a risk to patients suffering from haemato-oncological diseases? Results of a monocentric, retrospective analysis in Germany. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2019 Dec 6:e13201. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/ecc.13201

Salzwedel A, Reibis R, Heidler MD, Wegscheider K, Völler H. Determinants of Return to Work After Multicomponent Cardiac Rehabilitation.Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2019 Dec;100:2399-2402.

Hansen D, Kraenkel N, Kemps H, Wilhelm M, Abreu A, Pfeiffer AF, Jordão A, Cornelissen V, Völler H. Management of patients with type 2 diabetes in cardiovascular rehabilitation. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2019 Dec;26:133-144. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/2047487319882820

Eichler S, Salzwedel A, Rabe S, Mueller S, Mayer F, Wochatz M, Hadzic M, John M, Wegscheider K, Völler H. The Effectiveness of Telerehabilitation as a Supplement to Rehabilitation in Patients After Total Knee or Hip Replacement: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol. 2019 Nov 7;6:e14236. doi: 10.2196/14236

Salzwedel A, Wegscheider K, Schulz-Behrendt C, Dörr G, Reibis R, Völler H. No impact of an extensive social intervention program on return to work and quality of life after acute cardiac event: a cluster-randomized trial in patients with negative occupational prognosis. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2019 Nov;92:1109-1120. doi: 10.1007/s00420-019-01450-3.

Kiefer T, Krahl D, Kohlmann T, Nogai A, Baurmann H, Schüler F, Krüger W, de Wit M, Pink D, Dietz M, Völler H, Buhlert H, Daeschlein G. Does Rehabilitation Pose a Risk to Patients Suffering From Haemato-Oncological Diseases? Results of a Monocentric, Retrospective Analysis in Germany.Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2019 Mar;29:e13201.

Salzwedel A, Völler H, Reibis R. Vocational reintegration in coronary heart disease patients - the holistic approach of the WHO biopsychosocial concept. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2019 Sep;26:1383-1385. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/2047487319850699

Hansen D, Abreu A, Doherty P, Völler H. Dynamic strength training intensity in cardiovascular rehabilitation: is it time to reconsider clinical practice? A systematic review. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2019 Sep;26:1483-1492. doi: 10.1177/2047487319847003

Reibis R, Salzwedel A, Abreu A, Corra U, Davos C, Doehner W, Doherty P, Frederix I, Hansen D, Christine Iliou M, Vigorito C, Völler H; Secondary Prevention and Rehabilitation of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC). The importance of return to work: How to achieve optimal reintegration in ACS patients. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2019 Sep;26:1358-1369.

Ray KK, Colhoun HM, Szarek M, Baccara-Dinet M, Bhatt DL, Bittner VA, Budaj AJ, Diaz R, Goodman SG, Hanotin C, Harrington RA, Jukema JW, Loizeau V, Lopes RD, Moryusef A, Murin J, Pordy R, Ristic AD, Roe MT, Tuñón J, White HD, Zeiher AM, Schwartz GG, Steg PG; ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Committees and Investigators. Effects of alirocumab on cardiovascular and metabolic outcomes after acute coronary syndrome in patients with or without diabetes: a prespecified analysis of the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES randomised controlled trial.Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2019 Aug;7:618-628.

Boujemaa H, Yilmaz A, Robic B, Koppo K, Claessen G, Frederix I, Dendale P, Völler H, van Loon LJ, Hansen D. The effect of minimally invasive surgical aortic valve replacement on postoperative pulmonary and skeletal muscle function.Exp Physiol. 2019 Jun;104:855-865.

Wochatz M, Tilgner N, Mueller S, Rabe S, Eichler S, John M, Völler H, Mayer F. Reliability and validity of the Kinect V2 for the assessment of lower extremity rehabilitation exercises. Gait Posture. 2019 May;70:330-335.  doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2019.03.020.

Salzwedel A, Reibis R, Heidler MD, Wegscheider K, Völler H. Determinants of Return to Work after Multi-Component Cardiac Rehabilitation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2019 May 1. pii: S0003-9993(19)30288-6. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2019.04.003. [Epub ahead of print]

Kiefer T, Völler H, Nothroff J, Schikora M, von Podewils S, Sicher C, Bartels-Reinisch B, Heyne K, Haase H, Jünger M, Daeschlein G.  [Multiresistant Pathogens in Oncological and Cardiological Rehabilitation - Results of a Surveillance Study in Brandenburg]. Rehabilitation (Stuttg). 2019 Apr;58:136-142. German. doi: 10.1055/a-0638-9226

Salzwedel A, Reibis R, Hadzic M, Buhlert H, Völler H. Patients' expectations of returning to work, co-morbid disorders and work capacity at discharge from cardiac rehabilitation. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2019;15:301-8. doi: 10.2147/VHRM.S216039

Reibis R, Salzwedel A, Abreu A, Corra U, Davos C, Doehner W, Doherty P, Frederix I, Hansen D, Christine Iliou M, Vigorito C, Völler H; Secondary Prevention and Rehabilitation Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC). The importance of return to work: How to achieve optimal reintegration in ACS patients. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2019 Jan;26(1):46-55. doi: 10.1177/2047487319839263

Salzwedel A, Heidler MD, Meng K, Schikora M, Wegscheider K, Reibis R, Völler H. Impact of cognitive performance on disease-related knowledge 6 months after multi-component rehabilitation in patients after an acute cardiac eventEur J Prev Cardiol.2019;26:46-55. doi: 10.1177/2047487318791609

Salzwedel A, Haubold K, Barnack B, Reibis R, Völler H. Quality Performance Measures in Cardiac Rehabilitation - Results of a Delphi Survey of Members of the German Society for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Cardiovascular Diseases (DGPR). Die Rehabilitation. 2019;58: 31–38. doi: 10.1055/s-0044-101048

Kiefer T, Krahl D, Hirt C, Völler H, Völkel L, Daeschlein G. Influence of Treatment Caused Impairments on Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Cancer of the Esophagus or the Esophagogastric Junction.J Gastrointest Cancer. 2020 Mar;51(1):30-34.

Salzwedel A, Heidler MD, Meng K, Schikora M, Wegscheider K, Reibis R, Völler H. Impact of cognitive performance on disease-related knowledge 6 months after multi-component rehabilitation in pa-tients after an acute cardiac event. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2019;26:46-55.


Schwartz GG, Steg PG, Szarek M, Bhatt DL, Bittner VA, Diaz R, Edelberg JM, Goodman SG, Hanotin C, Harrington RA, Jukema JW, Lecorps G, Mahaffey KW, Moryusef A, Pordy R, Quintero K, Roe MT, Sasiela WJ, Tamby JF, Tricoci P, White HD, Zeiher AM; ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Committees and Investigators. Alirocumab and Cardiovascular Outcomes after Acute Coronary Syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2018 Nov 29;379:2097-2107.

Heidler MH, Salzwedel A, Jöbges M, Lück O, Dohle Ch, Seifert M, von Helden A, Hollweg W, Völler H. Decannulation of tracheotomized patientsafter long-term mechanical ventilation–results of a prospective multicentric studyin German neurological early rehabilitationhospitals.BMC Anesthesiology. 2018; 18:65.

Salzwedel A, Rabe S, Zahn T, Neuwirth J, Eichler S, Haubold K, Wachholz A, Reibis R, Völler H [User Interest in Digital Health Technologies to Enhance Physical Activity in Students and Staff of a University]. Gesundheitswesen. 2018 Nov;80:1023-1025. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-103951. German.

Salzwedel A, Haubold K, Barnack B, Reibis R, Völler H. Quality Performance Measures in Cardiac Rehabilitation - Results of a Delphi Survey of Members of the German Society for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Cardiovascular Diseases (DGPR). Rehabilitation (Stuttg).2018; online ahead of print, doi:10.1055/s-0044-101048. 

Mainka S, Wissel J, Völler H, Evers S. The Use of Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation to Optimize Treadmill Training for Stroke Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Front Neurol. 2018 Sep 14;9:755.

Salzwedel A, Völler H, Reibis R, Bonaventura K, Behrens S, Reibis R. [Regional Aspects in Treatment of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction in the North-East of Germany]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2018;143:51-58. German.

Hansen D, Niebauer J, Cornelissen V, Barna O, Neunhäuserer D, Stettler C, Tonoli C, Greco E, Fagard R, Coninx K, Vanhees L, Piepoli MF, Pedretti R, Ruiz GR, Corrà U, Schmid JP, Davos CH, Edelmann F, Abreu A, Rauch B, Ambrosetti M, Braga SS, Beckers P, Bussotti M, Faggiano P, Garcia-Porrero E, Kouidi E, Lamotte M, Reibis R, Spruit MA, Takken T, Vigorito C, Völler H, Doherty P, Dendale P. Exercise Prescription in Patients with Different Combinations of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors: A Consensus Statement from the EXPERT Working Group. Sports Med. 2018 Aug;48:1781-1797.

Granacher U, Völler H. Gait speed is not magic, but is prognostically important in older patients. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2018 Jan;25:209-211.

Kiefer T, Krahl D, Osthoff K, Thuss-Patience P, Bunse J, Adam U, Jansen MH, Ott R, Pfitzmann R, Pross M, Kohlmann T, Daeschlein G, Buhlert H, Völler H, Hirt C. Importance of Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy after Surgery of Cancer of the Esophagus or the Esophagogastric Junction. Nutr Cancer. 2018 Jan;70:69-72.


Reibis R, Kühl U, Salzwedel A, Rasawieh M, Eichler S, Wegscheider K, Völler H. Return to work in heart failure patients with suspected viral myocarditis. SAGE Open Med. 2017;5:1-7

Eichler S, Salzwedel A, Harnath A, Butter C, Wegscheider K, Chiorean M, Völler H, Reibis R. Nutrition and mobility predict all-cause mortality in patients 12 months after transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Clinical Research in Cardiology. 2017;107:304-311

Haupt T, Wolschke M, Rabe S, Scholz I, Smurawski A, Salzwedel A, Thomas F, Reich H, Völler H, Liebach J, Eichler S. ReMove-It – Entwicklung einer telemedizinisch assistierten Bewegungstherapie für die Rehabilitation nach Intervention an der unteren Extremität. B&G Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport. 2017;33:221-226.

Eichler S, Rabe S, Salzwedel A, Müller S, Stoll J, Tilgner N, John M, Wegscheider K, Mayer F, Völler H and on behalf of the ReMove-It study group. Effectiveness of an interactive telerehabilitation system with home-based exercise training in patients after total hip or knee replacement: study protocol for a multicenter, superiority, no-blinded randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2017;18:438.

Fayyaz S, Japtok L, Schumacher F, Wigger D, Schulz TJ, Haubold K, Gulbins E, Völler H, Kleuser B. Lysophosphatidic Acid Inhibits Insulin Signaling in Primary Rat Hepatocytes via the LPA3 Receptor Subtype and is Increased in Obesity. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2017;43:445-456.

Reibis R, Salzwedel A, Bonaventura K, Völler H, Wegscheider K. Improvement of left ventricular ejection fraction in revascularized postmyocardial patients: indication for statistical fallacy. BMC Res Notes. 2017;10:244.

Hansen D, Dendale P, Coninx K, Vanhees L, Piepoli MF, Niebauer J, Cornelissen V, Pedretti R, Geurts E, Rovelo Ruiz G, Corra U, Schmid JP, Greco E, Davos C, Edelmann F, Abreu A, Rauch B, Ambrosetti M, Sarzi Braga S, Barna O, Beckers P, Bussotti M, Fagard R, Faggiano P, Garcia-Porrero E, Kouidi E, Lamotte M, Neunhauserer D, Reibis R, Spruit M, Stettler C, Takken T, Tonoli C, Vigorito C, Voller H, Doherty P. The European Association of Preventive Cardiology Exercise Prescription in Everyday Practice and Rehabilitative Training (EXPERT) tool: A digital training and decision support system for optimized exercise prescription in cardiovascular disease. Concept, definitions and construction methodology. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2017;24:1017-1031.

Algharably EA, Bolbrinker J, Lezius S, Reibis R, Wegscheider K, Völler H, Kreutz R. Uromodulin associates with cardio-renal function in patients with hypertension and cardiovascular disease. J Hypertens.2017;35:2053-2058.

Vigorito C, Abreu A, Ambrosetti M, Belardinelli R, Corrà U, Cupples M, Davos CH, Hoefer S, Iliou MC, Schmid JP, Voeller H, Doherty P. Frailty and cardiac rehabilitation: A call to action from the EAPC Cardiac Rehabilitation Section. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2017;24:577-590.

Salzwedel A, Rabe S, Zahn TP, Neuwirth J, Eichler S, Haubold K, Wachholz A, Reibis RK, Völler H. User interest in digital health technologies to encourage physical activity – Results of a Survey in students and staff of a German university. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2017;5:51.

Salzwedel A, Rabe S, Zahn T, Neuwirth J, Eichler S, Haubold K, Wachholz A, Reibis R, Völler H. [User Interest in Digital Health Technologies to Enhance Physical Activity in Students and Staff of a University]. Gesundheitswesen. 2017, doi: 10.1055/s-0043-103951. German.

Eichler S, Salzwedel A, Reibis RK, Nothroff J, Harnath A, Schikora M, Butter C, Wegscheider K, Völler H. Multicomponent cardiac rehabilitation in patients after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: predictors of functional and psychocognitive recovery. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2017;24:257-264.

Linden M, Bernert S, Funke A, Dreinhöfer KE, Jöbges M, von Kardorff E, Riedel-Heller SG, Spyra K, Völler H, Warschburger P, Wippert PM. [Medical rehabilitation from a lifespan perspective]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2017;60:445-452. German.

Heidler MD, Bidu L, Völler H, Salzwedel A. [Predictors of cognitive outcome in ventilated early rehabilitation patients]. Nervenarzt. 2017;88:905-10. German.

Reibis R, Salzwedel A, Falk J, Völler H. [Return to work after acute myocardial infarction]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2017;142:1-8. German.

Salzwedel A, Heidler MD, Haubold K, Schikora M, Reibis R, Wegscheider K, Jöbges M, Völler H. Prevalence of mild cognitive impairment in employable patients after acute coronary syndrome in cardiac rehabilitation. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2017;13:55-60.

Schulz-Behrendt C, Salzwedel A, Rabe S, Ortmann K, Völler H. [Subjective Aspects of Return to Work and Social Reintegration in Patients with Extensive Work-related Problems in Cardiac rehabilitation – Results of a Qualitative Investigation]. Rehabilitation (Stuttg). 2017;56:181-188. German.


Rauch B, Davos CH, Doherty P, Saure D, Metzendorf MI, Salzwedel A, Völler H, Jensen K, Schmid JP; on behalf of the ‘Cardiac Rehabilitation Section’, European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC), in cooperation with the Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics (IMBI), Department of Medical Biometry, University of Heidelberg, and the Cochrane Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders Group, Institute of General Practice, Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany. The prognostic effect of cardiac rehabilitation in the era of acute revascularisation and statin therapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized and non-randomized studies – The Cardiac Rehabilitation Outcome Study (CROS). Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2016;23:1914-1939.

Eichler S, Völler H. Advances in cardiac rehabilitation: cardiac rehabilitation after transcatheter aortic valve implantation.Monaldi Arch Chest Dis. 2016;86:758.

Reibis R, Salzwedel A, Buhlert H, Wegscheider K, Eichler S, Völler H. Impact of training methods and patient characteristics on exercise capacity in patients in cardiovascular rehabilitation. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2016.23:452-9.

Reibis RK, Schlitt A, Glatz J, Langheim EH, Guha M, Halle M, Boscheri A, Hegeler-Molkewehrum C, Völler H. [Rehabilitation in Heart Failure]. Die Rehabilitation. 2016;55:1–15. German.

Salzwedel A, Reibis R, Wegscheider K, Eichler S, Buhlert H, Kaminski S, Völler H. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing is predictive of return to work in cardiac patients after multicomponent rehabilitation.Clin Res Cardiol. 2016;105:257–67.

Galiè N, Humbert M, Vachiery JL, Gibbs S, Lang I, Torbicki A, Simonneau G, Peacock A, Vonk Noordegraaf A, Beghetti M, Ghofrani A, Gomez Sanchez MA, Hansmann G, Klepetko W, Lancellotti P, Matucci M, McDonagh T, Pierard LA, Trindade PT, Zompatori M, Hoeper M, Aboyans V, Vaz Carneiro A, Achenbach S, Agewall S, Allanore Y, Asteggiano R, Paolo Badano L, Albert Barberà J, Bouvaist H, Bueno H, Byrne RA, Carerj S, Castro G, Erol Ç, Falk V, Funck-Brentano C, Gorenflo M, Granton J, Iung B, Kiely DG, Kirchhof P, Kjellstrom B, Landmesser U, Lekakis J, Lionis C, Lip GY, Orfanos SE, Park MH, Piepoli MF, Ponikowski P, Revel MP, Rigau D, Rosenkranz S, Völler H, Luis Zamorano J. 2015 ESC/ERS Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension: The Joint Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS): Endorsed by: Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC), International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT). Eur Heart J. 2016;37:67-119.


Salzwedel A, Rieck A, Reibis RK, Völler H. Routine initial exercise stress testing for treatment stratification in comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation. Int J Rehabil Res. 2015;38:344-9.

Galiè N, Humbert M, Vachiery JL, Gibbs S, Lang I, Torbicki A, Simonneau G, Peacock A, Vonk Noordegraaf A, Beghetti M, Ghofrani A, Gomez Sanchez MA, Hansmann G, Klepetko W, Lancellotti P, Matucci M, McDonagh T, Pierard LA, Trindade PT, Zompatori M, Hoeper M; Authors/Task Force Members. 2015 ESC/ERS Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension: The Joint Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS)Endorsed by: Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology (AEPC), International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT). Eur Heart J. 2016;37:67-119. Eur Respir J. 2015;46:903-75.

Hofmann R, Völler H, Nagels L, Bindl D, Vettorazzi E, Dittmar R, Wohlgemuth W, Neumann T, Störk S,  Bruder O, Wegscheider K,  Nagel E, Fleck E and on behalf of the CardioBBEAT Investigators. First outline and baseline data of a randomized, controlled multicenter trial to evaluate the health economic impact of home telemonitoring in chronic heart failure – CardioBBEAT. Trials. 2015;16:343.

Huber M, Lezius S, Reibis R, Treszl A, Kujawinska D, Jakob S, Wegscheider K, Völler H, Kreutz R. A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism near the CYP17A1 Gene Is Associated with Left Ventricular Mass in Hypertensive Patients unter Pharmacotherapy. Int J Mol Sci. 2015;16:17456-68.

Noack F, Schmidt B, Amoury M, Stoevesandt D, Gielen S, Pflaumbaum B, Girschick C, Völler H, Schlitt A. Feasibility and safety of rehabilitation after venous thromboembolism. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2015;11:397-401.

Völler H. [Increased risk for gastrointestinal bleeding only in elderly people?]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2015;140:1042. German.

Muckelbauer R, Englert H, Rieckmann N, Chen CM, Wegscheider K, Völler H, Katus HA, Willich SN, Müller-Nordhorn J.  Long-term effect of a low-intensity smoking intervention embedded in an adherence program for patients with hypercholesterolemia: Randomized controlled trial. Prev Med. 2015;77:155-61.

Skobel E, Kamke W, Bönner G, Alt B, Purucker HC, Schwaab B, Einwang HP, Schröder K, Langheim E, Völler H, Brandenburg A, Graml A, Woehrle H, Krüger S. Risk factors for, and prevalence of, sleep apnoea in cardiac rehabilitation facilities in Germany: The Reha-Sleep registry. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2015;22:820-30.

Schlitt A, Kamke W, Guha M, Haberecht O, Völler H. [Cardiac rehabilitation in patients with atrial fibrillation]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2015;140:1006-12. German.

Salzwedel A, Wegscheider K, Herich L, Rieck A, Strandt G, Völler H. Impact of clinical and sociodemographic patient characteristics on the outcome of cardiac rehabilitation in older patients. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2015;27:315-21.

Völler H, Salzwedel A, Nitardy A, Buhlert H, Treszl A, Wegscheider K. Effect of cardiac rehabilitation on functional and emotional status in patients after transcatheter aortic-valve implantation. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2015;22:568-74.

Völler H. [Cardiac rehabilitation reduces morbidity and improves quality of life]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2015;140:641. German.

Reibis RK, Huber M, Karoff M, Kamke W, Kreutz R, Wegscheider K, Völler H. Target organ damage and control of cardiovascular risk factors in hypertensive patients : Evidence from the multicenter ESTher registry. Herz. 2015;40:209-16.

Reibis R, Jannowitz C, Halle M, Pittrow D, Gitt A, Völler H. Management and outcomes of patients with reduced ejection fraction after acute myocardial infarction in cardiac rehabilitation centers. Curr Med Res Opin. 2015;31:211-9.

Piepoli MF, Corrà U, Abreu A, Cupples M, Davos C, Doherty P, Höfer S, Garcia-Porrero E, Rauch B, Vigorito C, Völler H, Schmid J. Challenges in secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases: A review of the current practice. Int J Cardiol. 2015;180:114-9.

Heidler MD, Bidu L, Friedrich N, Völler H. [Oral feeding of long-term ventilated patients with a tracheotomy tube : Underestimated danger of dysphagia.]. Med Klin Intensivmed Notfmed. 2015;110:55-60. German.

Röhrig B, Salzwedel A, Linck-Eleftheriadis S, Völler H, Nosper M. [Outcome Based Center Comparisons in Inpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation - Results from the EVA-Reha® Cardiology Project]. Rehabilitation (Stuttg). 2015;54:45-52. German.


Heidler MD, Salzwedel A, Liero H, Jöbges M, Völler H. Decannulation of critically ill patients after long-term mechanical ventilation – predictors from clinical routine data. Advances in Rehabilitation. 2014;28:5-11. 

Gaede-Illig C, Limbourg T, Jannowitz C, Völler H. [Predictors of exercise capacity improvement in patients after an acute coronary event during inpatient rehabilitation]. Rehabilitation 2014;53:341-5. German.     

Völler H, Gitt A, Jannowitz C, Karoff M, Karmann B, Pittrow D, Reibis R, Hildemann S. Treatment patterns, risk factor control and functional capacity in patients with cardio-vascular and chronic kidney disease in the cardiac rehabilitation setting. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2014;21:1125-33.

Dissmann R, Cromme LJ, Salzwedel A, Taborski U, Kunath J, Gäbler F, Heyne K, Völler H. [Computer aided dosage management of phenprocoumon anticoagulation therapy. Clinical validation]. Hamostaseologie. 2014;34:226-32. German.

Reibis RK, Gaede-Illig C, Völler H. [Rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction]. Rehabilitation (Stuttg).2014;53:191-201. German.

Reibis R, Völler H, Gitt A, Jannowitz C, Halle M, Pittrow D, Hildemann S. Management of patients with ST-segment elevation or non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes in cardiac rehabilitation centers. Clin Cardiol. 2014;37:213-21.

Ladwig KH, Lederbogen F, Albus C, Angermann C, Borggrefe M, Fischer D, Fritzsche K, Haass M, Jordan J, Jünger J, Kindermann I, Köllner V, Kuhn B, Scherer M, Seyfarth M, Völler H, Waller C, Herrmann-Lingen C. Position paper on the importance of psychosocial factors in cardiology: Update 2013. Ger Med Sci. 2014;12:Doc09.

Ringwald J, Lehmann M, Niemeyer N, Seifert I, Daubmann A, Wegscheider K, Salzwedel A, Luxembourg B, Eckstein R, Voeller H.Travel habits and complications in patients treated with vitamin K antagonists: A cross sectional analysis. Travel Med Infect Dis. 2014;12:258-63.

Müller-Nordhorn J, Muckelbauer R, Englert H, Grittner U, Berger H, Sonntag F, Völler H, Prugger C, Wegscheider K, Katus HA, Willich SN. Longitudinal Association between Body Mass Index and Health-Related Quality of Life. PLoS One. 2014 Mar 26;9:e93071.

Röhrig B, Nosper M, Linck-Eleftheriadis S, Strandt G, Salzwedel A, Völler H. [Method of the assessment of patients outcome in cardiac rehabilitation by means of quality indicators--a description of the method]. Rehabilitation (Stuttg). 2014;53:31-7. German.

Salzwedel A, Nosper M, Röhrig B, Linck-Eleftheriadis S, Strandt G, Völler H. Outcome quality of in-patient cardiac rehabilitation in elderly patients--identification of relevant parameters. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2014;21:172-80.


Cromme L, Völler H, Gäbler F, Kunath J, Salzwedel A, Taborski U. Wirkstoffdosierung der oralen Antikoagulationstherapie in der Praxis 2013. Diabetes, Stoffwechsel und Herz, 2013;22:29-37.

Huber M, Treszl A, Reibis R, Teichmann C, Zergibel I, Bolbrinker J, Scholze J, Wegscheider K, Völler H, Kreutz R. Genetics of melatonin receptor type 2 is associated with left ventricular function in hypertensive patients treated according to guidelines. Eur J Intern Med. 2013;24:650-5.

Gohlke H, Albus C, Bönner G, Darius H, Eckert S, Gohlke-Bärwolf C, Gysan D, Hahmann H , Halle M, Hambrecht R, Mathes P, Predel HG, Sauer G †, von Schacky C, Schuler G,  Siegrist J, Thiery J, Tschöpe D, Völler H, Wirth A. Empfehlungen der Projektgruppe Prävention der DGK zur risikoadjustierten Prävention von Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen; Teil 3: Fettstoffwechselstörungen, arterielle Hypertonie und Glukosestoffwechsel. Kardiologie. 2013;7:141-156.

Gohlke H, Albus C, Bönner G, Darius H, Eckert S, Gohlke-Bärwolf C, Gysan D, Hahmann H, Halle M, Hambrecht R, Mathes P, Predel HG, Sauer G †, von Schacky C, Schuler G, Siegrist J, Thiery J, Tschöpe D, Völler H, Wirth A. Empfehlungen der Projektgruppe Prävention der DGK zur risikoadjustierten Prävention von Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen, Teil 4. Kardiologe. 2013;7:297-306.

Völler H. [New options in the treatment of atrial fibrillation]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2013;138:2579. German.


Gitt A, Jannowitz C, Karoff M, Karmann B, Horack M, Völler H. Treatment patterns and risk factor control in patients with and without metabolic syndrome in cardiac rehabilitation. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2012;8:265-74.

Reibis R, Treszl A, Bestehorn K, Karoff M, Schwaab B, Wirth A, von Horlacher J, Jannowitz C, Pittrow D, Wegscheider K, Völler H. Comparable short-term prognosis in diabetic and non-diabetic patients with acute coronary syndrome after cardiac rehabilitation. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2012;19:15-22.

Gohlke H, Albus C, Bönner G, Darius H, Eckert S, Gohlke-Bärwolf C, Gysan D, Hahmann H , Halle M, Hambrecht R, Mathes P, Predel HG, Sauer G, von Schacky C, Schuler G, Siegrist J, Thiery J, Tschöpe D, Völler H, Wirth A. Empfehlungen der Projektgruppe Prävention der DGK zur risikoadjustierten Prävention von Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen; Teil 1: Risikostratifikation und Umsetzung der Prävention. Kardiologe. 2012;6:63-76.  

Gohlke H, Albus C, Bönner G, Darius H, Eckert S, Gohlke-Bärwolf C, Gysan D,  Hahmann H , Halle M, Hambrecht R, Mathes P, Predel HG, Sauer G †, von Schacky C, Schuler G, Siegrist J, Thiery J, Tschöpe D, Völler H, Wirth A. Empfehlungen der Projektgruppe Prävention der DGK zur risikoadjustierten Prävention von Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen; Teil 2: Lebensstil und kardiovaskulares Risiko. Kardiologe. 2012;6:249-262.  

Heneghan C, Ward A, Perera R; Self-Monitoring Trialist Collaboration, Bankhead C, Fuller A, Stevens R, Bradford K, Tyndel S, Alonso-Coello P, Ansell J, Beyth R, Bernardo A, Christensen TD, Cromheecke ME, Edson RG, Fitzmaurice D, Gadisseur AP, Garcia-Alamino JM, Gardiner C, Hasenkam JM, Jacobson A, Kaatz S, Kamali F, Khan TI, Knight E, Körtke H, Levi M, Matchar D, Menéndez-Jándula B, Rakovac I, Schaefer C, Siebenhofer A, Souto JC, Sunderji R, Gin K, Shalansky K, Völler H, Wagner O, Zittermann A. Self-monitoring of oral anticoagulation: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data. Lancet. 2012;379:322-34.  

Reibis R, Treszl A, Wegscheider K, Bestehorn K, Karmann B, Völler H. Disparity in risk factor pattern in premature versus late-onset coronary artery disease: a survey of 15,381 patients. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2012;8:473-81.

Huber M, Treszl A, Wehland M, Winther I, Zergibel I, Reibis R, Bolbrinker J, Stoll M, Schönfelder G, Wegscheider K, Völler H, Kreutz R. Genetic variants implicated in telomere length associated with left ventricular function in patients with hypertension and cardiac organ damage. J Mol Med (Berl). 2012;90:1059-67.

Heinz Völler


Prof. Dr. med. Heinz Völler


Campus Golm
Am Mühlenberg 9
Haus 62, Raum 2.05
14476 Potsdam


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