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PD Dr. phil. habil. Frank Burchert

Frank Burchert

Lehre / Teaching: hier, aktuelle Evaluation durch Studierende

Doktoranden in Betreuung / Current PhD students: Tina Marusch, Judith Heide

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Akademische Selbstverwaltung / Services to the scientific community


Forschungsschwerpunkte / Research interests (keywords)


Topics in Neuro- and Psycholinguistics:

  • Normale und gestörte Sprachverarbeitung auf Satzebene / Normal and impaired sentence processing
  • Morphologische Verarbeitung und Störungen bei Aphasie / Morphological processing and disorders in aphasia


Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte / Running research projects


Abgeschlossene Forschungsprojekte / Previous research projects

  • DFG: On-line sentence processing, aphasic impairments, computational modeling (Vasishth, Burchert, De Bleser)
  • DFG: Morphologische Verarbeitung polymorphematischer Wörter. Ver- präfigierte Verben im Deutschen / Morphological processing of polymorphematic words. Ver- prefixed verbs in German (Burchert, Meinunger)
  • DAAD IKYDA: A comparative cross-linguistic investigation into the abilities of German and Greek agrammatic aphasics and its clinical implications (Burchert, Stavrakaki)
  • DFG Wiss. Netzwerk: Die linke Satzperipherie bei Aphasie / The left periphery of sentences in aphasia (Burchert)
  • BMBF (Deutschland), MOS (Israel): A cross-linguistic study of syntactic disorders in aphasia: From theory to therapy (De Bleser, Burchert, Friedman)
  • DFG: Syntaktische Störungen bei Agrammatismus / Syntactic disorders in aphasia (De Bleser, Burchert)


Forschungskooperation / Research cooperation

  • VasishthLab (Computational modeling of sentence comprehension in aphasia)
  • TreatmentLab (Develpment of treatment material for aphasic disorders)


Aktuelle Publikationen / Recent journal papers (peer-reviewed) 

Google Scholar,PubMed

Adelt, A., Lassotta, R., Adani, F., Stadie, N. & Burchert, F. (submitted). Feature dissimilarities in the processing of German relative clauses in aphasia. Journal of Neurolinguistics

Umesh, P., Hanne, S., Burchert, F., De Bleser, R., & Vasishth, S. (2016). A computational evaluation of representational and processing accounts of aphasia. Cognitive Science, 40, 5-50.

Darkow, R., Martin, S., Meinzer, M., Burchert, F. & Flöel, A. (2015). Effekte von Benenntraining und Diskurstraining auf Spontansprache bei Aphasie: Ein Einzelfall unter transkranieller Gleichstromstimulation. Sprache, Stimme, Gehör, 39, 140-145.

Hanne, S., Burchert, F. & Vasishth, S. (2015). On the nature of the subject–object asymmetry in wh-question comprehension in aphasia: evidence from eye tracking, Aphasiology, DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2015.1065469

Hanne, S., Burchert, F., De Bleser, R. & Vasishth, S. (2015)Sentence comprehension and morphological cues in aphasia: What eye-tracking reveals about integration and prediction. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 34, 83-111.

Schröder, A., Burchert,F. & Stadie, N. (2015). Training-induced improvement of non-canonical sentence production does not generalize to comprehension: Evidence for modality-specific processesCognitive Neuropsychology, 32, 195-220.

Lorenz, A., Heide, J., & Burchert, F. (2014). Compound naming in aphasia: effects of complexity, part of speech, and semantic transparency. Language and Cognitive Processes, 29(1), 88-106.

Burchert, F., Hanne, S., & Vasishth, S. (2013). Sentence comprehension disorders in aphasia: The concept of chance performance revisitedAphasiology, 27(1), 112-125.

Marusch, T., von der Malsburg, T., Bastiaanse, R., & Burchert, F. (2012). Tense morphology in German agrammatism: The production of regular, irregular and mixed verbs. The Mental Lexicon, 7(3), 351-380.

Burchert, F., Lorenz, A., Schröder A., De Bleser, R. & Stadie, N. (2011). Sätze Verstehen: Neurolinguistische Materialien für die Untersuchung von syntaktischen Störungen beim SatzverständnisHofheim: NAT-Verlag.

Hanne, S., Sekerina, I. A., Vasishth, S., Burchert, F., & De Bleser, R. (2011). Chance in agrammatic sentence comprehension: What does it really mean? Evidence from eye movements of German agrammatic aphasic patients. Aphasiology25(2), 221–244.

Patil, U., Hanne, S., Vasishth, S., Burchert, F., & De Bleser, R.. (2011). Modeling offline and online (eye movements) sentence comprehension in aphasia using cue-based retrieval architecture. Procedia - Social and Bevavioral Sciences, 23, 96-97.


Aktuelle Vorträge und Präsentationen / Recent talks 

Adelt, A., Lassotta, R., Adani, F., Stadie, N. & Burchert, F. (2015). Pronouns can help! The impact of pronominalization on the processing of German relative clauses in aphasia. (Talk at the Experimental Psycholinguistic conference, Madrid)

Adelt, A., Lassotta, R., Adani, F., Stadie, N. & Burchert, F. (2015). What causes the processing advantage in the comprehension of German object relative clauses? (Academy of Aphasia)

Adelt, A., Stadie, N. & Burchert, F. (2014). On-line processing of German Number-marked Relative Clauses in the Visual World Paradigm (Poster presented at the Academy of Aphasia)

Adelt, A., Stadie, N. & Burchert, F. (2014). Do pronouns make a difference? On-line processing of Relative Clauses in the Visual World Paradigm (Poster presented at the Science of Aphasia)

Marusch, T., Neiss, L., Nickels, L. & Burchert, F. (2014). Long-lag morphological priming and picture naming: a behavioral study (Poster presented at the Mental Lexicon conference)

Frank Burchert


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