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The conference location is the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig (Address: HZI, Building X, Forum X0.13, Inhoffenstraße 7, 38124 Braunschweig, Germany). The HZI can be conveniently reached by public transport from the the central train station (Hauptbahnhof). To reach the HZI, you can take the Bus line421 or Tram line 1from central station (Hauptbahnhof) – Braunschweig to stop 'Stöckheimer Markt'. After getting off at 'Stöckheimer Markt', either walk to 'Inhoffenstraße' or continue by bus in the direction of 'Wolfenbüttel Linden', get off at 'Senefelderstraße', and walk the remaining short distance to Inhoffenstraße. Walking from 'Stöckheimer Markt', turn left into 'Mascheroder Weg' and after 500m turn right into 'Inhoffenstraße'.

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