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3rd Meeting of the Virus Biology and Biophysics Network

The 3rd Meeting of the Virus Biology and Biophysics Network (VBBN) will be held at HZI Braunschweig, Germany from August 29-30, 2024 (planned as noon to noon).

The meeting will bring together international researchers from virus biology and biophysics. Sessions on imaging, advanced model systems, virus-host interaction and antivirals are planned. An invited speaker will launch each session, followed by short presentations of selected abstracts. In addition, we will offer room for a poster session to engage in lively exchanges. We anticipate around 50 participants.

Registration is free of charge and includes coffee breaks as well as a joint dinner on the first day. To register, please visit https://nanoinfection.org/registration

Invited Speakers:

  • Stephan Block, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
  • Petr Chlanda, Heidelberg University (Germany)
  • Selma Dahmane, FMI Basel (Switzerland)
  • Susann Kummer, Robert Koch-Institute (Germany)
  • Don C. Lamb, LMU Munich (Germany)
  • Sergio Padilla-Parra, King's College London (UK)
  • Ursula Rescher, Universität Münster (Germany)
  • Kathrin Sutter, Universität Duisburg-Essen (Germany)


  • Christian Sieben, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (Germany)
  • Roland Schwarzer, UK Essen (Germany)
  • Annett Petrich, Heidelberg University (Germany)


  • Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research
  • PicoQuant
  • MucosaTec GmbH
Flyer of the meeting
Bild: C. Sieben
Flyer of the meeting
Bild: C. Sieben

Click on the flyer to enlarge