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Study Preparation Brandenburg - Set-up and objectives

  • Courses in the scope of the ESiSt network - Successful start in university studies for international students in the state of Brandenburg
  • for prospective students of the University of Potsdam, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the University of Applied Sciences Brandenburg
  • financed by the state of Brandenburg
  • Regulations


Study Preparation Brandenburg begins each year in the winter semester and ends in the following summer semester. There are teaching and learning offerings in German as a foreign language and two foundation modules.

To acquire basic knowledge and skills in specific fields of study, the following foundation modules are to be attended:

Fields of Study Foundation Module 1 Foundation Module 2
Humanities, Cultural Studies, Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Economics and Business Studies
Mathematics/Computer Sciences/Natural Sciences Mathematics for STEM subjects Physics and Computer Sciences (for future students of Computer Sciences)
Economics and Business Studies Economics and Business Studies Mathematics for Economics and Business Studies
Engineering* Mathematics for STEM subjects* or Economics and Business Studies Physics and Computer Sciences (for future students of Computer Sciences) or Mathematics for Economics and Business Studies*
Music (teacher education) Humanities and Social Sciences Economics and Business Studies
Sports Humanities and Social Sciences Economics and Business Studies

* The “Mathematics for STEM subjects” foundation module cannot be combined with the “Mathematics for Economics and Business Studies” foundation module .

The classes are for ca. 28 hours/week and take place from 8:00 to 16:00, at the latest.

There is one online day per week.

The annual intake capacity is up to 40 participants.

The annual examination capacity is up to 60 participants.

The graphic above shows the sequence of Study Preparation Brandenburg.

Grafik Ablauf SVB
Photo: C. Marx


  • Preparing for the university entrance examination
  • development of German skills and subject competences for successful university studies,
  • preparation for university studies in terms of specialist language, scientific methodology, and intercultural skills
  • support in study preparation with individual advice on learning