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Workshops (summer term 2024)

Working materials
Photo: Nicolaus / Zessko


Module Paper Workshop: 12th - 30th August 24

In  August, a brand new round of our Module Paper Workshop will begin. A small group of students will be supported and accompanied in writing a (module) paper in English.

Students of all disciplines are welcome to join.


Do you know the topic you want to write about but feel a little bit lost, not knowing where to start? You want to learn more about how to structure the reading process, grow or plan the outline of your text, or how to revise and edit your chapters? Here is the answer: Join us for our 3-week Module Paper Workshop! You will learn about your individual writing process, get to know different writing tools and have a chance to try out methods which will help you to write a ready-to-hand-in text within 3 weeks.

What to expect:

  • 3 weeks: 12th  - 30th August 24
  • every monday and thursday
  • 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • online via Zoom

If you sign up you have to be ready to attend all meetings. You will get enough time to write individually, exchange ideas in groups, and get feedback from our trained writing tutor,  Lea Thelow and Fiona Wünsch.  At the end of the process, you will be rewared with a text which is ready to be read.

All you need:

  1. An idea! Bring a topic idea for your term paper.
  2. Time and commitment! You will have to write every day for an hour throughout theses 2-3 weeks.

Sign up here if you want to participate.

Please note: our workshops start as indicated at the full hours. 

Please note: Our workshops are mainly addressed at students of the University of Potsdam. If you are affiliated with another university please send an e-mail before your registration and ask whether we have capacities for external participants.

We regularly offer workshops both in German and English. You can find information about topics, dates, locations, and registration instructions usually first on our German-language website.

We are always trying to improve our seminars. Do you have any ideas or specific topics you would like us to address? Send an e-mail to:

Potsdam Graduate School

If you are a PhD student at the University of Potsdam we recommend the workshops offered by the Potsdam Graduate School.


If you have general questions concerning admission, registration or credit points etc. please have a look at our FAQ website.