Research Fellows
Dr. Werner Krause
Principal Investigator of DFG Project: Powerful Polls?
University of Potsdam
Chair of Comparative Politics
August-Bebel-Straße 89
14482 Potsdam
House 1, Room 1.71
Phone: +49 331-977-3482
Office Hours:
Tue, noon - 2pm, Please make an appointment via email.
- Since 04/2023 University of Potsdam, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chair of Comparative Politics (Prof. Steffen Ganghof)
- 03/2022 - 03/2023 University Assistant at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Vienna
- 04/2020 - 02/2022 Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Social Sciences at the Humboldt University of Berlin
- 09/2018 - 12/2018 Visiting Researcher at the Department of Government, University of Essex
- 10/2016 - 03/2020 Doctoral Student at the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS)
- 02/2016 - 03/2020 Research Fellow in the Department "Democracy & Democratization" at the Social Science Research Center Berlin WZB (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung)
- Studied History and Social Sciences at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económica (CIDE, Mexico), the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM, Mexico) and the New School for Social Research (NSSR, USA).
Publications (Selection):
- Should We Include Margins of Error in Public Opinion Polls? (mit Christina Gahn). European Journal of Political Research. Online First, 2023, 1-26.
- Comparative Vote Switching: A New Framework for Studying Dynamic Multi-Party Competition (with Denis Cohen and Tarik Abou-Chadi). Journal of Politics. Online First, 1-25.
- Does Right-Wing Violence Affect Public Support for Radical Right Parties? Evidence from Germany (with Miku Matsunaga). Comparative Political Studies. 56 (14), 2023, 2269-2305.
- Does Accommodation Work? Mainstream Party Strategies and the Success of Radical Right Parties (with Denis Cohen and Tarik Abou-Chadi). Political Science Research and Methods. 11 (1), 172-179.
- Voter Turnout and Party Responsiveness (with Lawrence Ezrow). British Journal of Political Science. 53 (1), 85-103.
- Putting Electoral Competition Where it Belongs: Comparing Vote-Based Measures of Electoral Competition (with Aiko Wagner). Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties. 33 (2), 210-227.
- Becoming Part of the Gang? Established and Nonestablished Populist Parties and the Role of External Efficacy (with Aiko Wagner). Party Politics. 27 (1), 161-173.
- The Causal Effect of Radical Right Success on Mainstream Parties’ Policy Positions: A Regression Discontinuity Approach (with Tarik Abou-Chadi). British Journal of Political Science. 50 (4), 829-847.
- Appearing Moderate or Radical? Radical Left Party Success and the Two-Dimensional Political Space. West European Politics. 43 (7), 1365-1387.
- Shifting Welfare Policy Positions: The Impact of Radical Right Populist Party Success Beyond Migration Politics (with Heiko Giebler). Representation. 56 (3), 331-348.
- Women’s Participation in Peace Negotiations and the Durability of Peace (with Jana Krause and Piia Bränfors). International Interactions, 44 (6), 985-1016.
Blog Posts and Opinion Pieces:
- How powerful are polls in influencing election outcomes? The Loop. ECPR’s Political Science Blog, Feb 12 2024. (mit Christina Gahn)
- Die Macht der Sonntagsfrage. Sollten wir über ihre Regulierung nachdenken? Verfassungsblog, Dez 21 2023. (mit Christina Gahn)
- Right-Wing Violence and the Persistence of Far-Right Popularity. The Loop. ECPR's Political Science Blog, Sep 29 2023. (mit Miku Matsunaga)
- Rechts nur noch die Wand? Verfassungsblog, Feb 7 2023. (mit Tarik Abou-Chadi und Denis Cohen)
- Copying the far right doesn't help mainstream parties. But it can boost the far right. The Guardian, Apr 13 2022. (mit Tarik Abou-Chadi und Denis Cohen)
- La Izquierda Radical, Sus Altibajos Y Cuándo Triunfa/The Ups and Downs of the Far Left, When do Radical Left Parties Succeed? Agenda Pública - Analistas de Actualidad, Nov 4 2021.
- Popular populists: Do anti-establishment voters stick with populist parties after they enter the mainstream? LSE EUROPP Blog, Aug 13 2019. (mit Aiko Wagner)
- Rechtspopulisten nach der Europawahl 2019. WZB Democracy Podcast, 2019.
- Radical Right Success and Mainstream Parties’ Anti-Immigrant Policy Shifts. Democratic Audit UK Blog, Jul 24 2018. (mit Tarik Abou-Chadi)
- Populist Voters. WZB Democracy Podcast, 2018. (mit Aiko Wagner and Marcus Spittler)
In the Media (Selection):
- Umfragen - Lässt sich von einigen Menschen auf alle schließen? Deutschlandfunk, Mar 7 2024.
- Wissenschaft: Wie repräsentativ sind repräsentative Umfragen wirklich? Deutschlandfunk, Mar 7 2024.
- Wahlumfragen in der Kritik. Wie repräsentativ sind sie heute noch? Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Mar 7 2024.
- Brandenburgs SPD – Regierungschef Woidke kämpft gegen den Absturz. Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Feb 14 2024.
- Countdown für Wagenknecht-Partei läuft in Brandenburg. Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, RBB, Feb 13 2024.
- Politologe über Migrationspolitik: „Das hilft der AfD“. taz, Die Tageszeitung, Feb 4 2024.
- BSW in Brandenburg – Wie stellen sich die anderen Parteien darauf ein. Deutschlandfunk, Jan 18 2024.
- Was passieren würde, wenn die AfD in Brandenburg regiert. Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung, Jan 18 2024.
- Beeinflussen Umfragen Wähler? Darüber entscheiden auch Schwankungsbreiten. Der Standard, Dez 29 2023.
- Mano dura con la inmigración: ¿victoria de la extrema derecha o antídoto? El País, Dez 24 2023.
- Het nieuwe migratiepact van de EU lost nauwelijks wat op, maar speelt radicaal-rechts intussen wel in de kaart. NRC, Dez 22 2023.
- La extrema derecha multiplica su influencia en las nuevas políticas migratorias de Europa. El Periódico, Dez 10 2023.
- The 'Firewall' to Germany's Far Right is Crumbling. Deutsche Welle, Jul 23 2023.
- Un análisis de 40 años de elecciones en 12 países demuestra que imitar a los ultras no los desactiva. infoLibre, Sep 20 2022.
- Copiar a la extrema derecha no ayuda a los partidos tradicionales y puede potenciarla. El Diario, Apr 19 2022. (mit Denis Cohen & Tarik Abou-Chadi)
- 'Yes to Europe, No to Europe': How a German Satirical Party Ended Up in the European Parliament.Haaretz, Jul 20 2019.
- A Far-Right Warning From Germany. Mainstream parties need to consider broader coalitions if they want to avoid partnering with the extreme right The Atlantic, Feb 18 2019.