The USP Think Tanks
What is a Think Tank?
The think tank is a special format developed by the University of Potsdam as part of its Deutschlandstipendium program. Think tanks are based on the university's own concept for the future, which focuses on the promotion and development of its scholarly personalities. The university aims to offer both outstanding teaching and student research opportunities in a think tank. A think tank consists of 10 to 15 students who receive the university scholarship for one year and work together on a research topic. Through their involvement in the think tank, the scholarship holders deepen their skills in scientific work and conduct independent research in an interdisciplinary environment. They exchange ideas with researchers and gain insights into the world of science. Starting in October 2021, two think tanks will be launched, the "Scriptio Continua" think tank, which focuses on antiquity and the contemporary world, and the "Helmholtz Think Tank", in which STEM students make science education more exciting for the classroom.
How does the "Denkfabrik" work?
The "Denkfabrik" is a creative, non-hierarchical place where students tap into their potential from a variety of academic perspectives and approaches. Thus, the think tank goes beyond the boundaries of traditional university teaching. Using a variety of methods and accompanied by academics, students work in small groups to find out how to achieve a better understanding of the respective topic of the think tank and develop their own ideas and perspectives. In addition to their regular meetings, the think tank students meet
1. at a BarCamp to identify topics at the end of October 2021,
2. at a "Bergfest" in the middle of the funding year, and
3. at a presentation of the results, which rounds off a research year at the think tank.
Those interested in a place in the think tank go through the general application process for the University of Potsdam Scholarship before starting their joint research work. A University of Potsdam expert committee - especially assembled for this purpose - ensures that the best talents are selected for the scholarships. Depending on the topic of the think tank, certain courses of study can apply for it.
Please note that working in a think tank requires a very good knowledge of the German language.
Vice President for International Affairs and Fundraising„We are particularly proud of our newly developed formats. The promotion and networking of excellent young researchers in thematically focused think tanks puts emphasis on the development of all potentials.“
Supporting Bright Ideas and Minds
We are constantly looking for supporters to help us implement the think tanks. Support 15 students from different disciplines in a think tank with a total of 35,000 euros per year:
- 15 scholarships of 1,800 euros each (a total of 27,000 euros).
- The Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany contributes the same amount (matching funds).
- 8,000 euros will be used for the design of the program, e.g. for BarCamp, "Bergfest" or the presentation of the results.

University Scholarship Potsdam
Marianna Bähnisch
Universität Potsdam
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam