Academic Essays (Modularbeiten)
Term papers (Modularbeiten) need a focus on a relevant topic of EFL teaching and learning. It is recommended to choose a topic you have encountered in one of your seminars and to ask the seminar’s lecturer to supervise and mark your term paper. Do not forget to hand in a statement of originality (Eigenständigkeitserklärung) and follow the "Guidelines for Submitting Papers and Theses in English Language Education (ELE)" and the “Citation Guidelines”.
Before you register
Please visit the Moodle page for module papers, where you will find a video with general information on how to write a term paper in the ELE Department (e.g., writing an abstract, a research question, structuring and formatting your paper). Please watch the video before you contact your supervisor.
Once you have watched the video, hand in a short abstract (max. one page) explaining the concept of your term paper. This abstract should include:
- the problem you want to tackle,
- the question you want to answer,
- the goal of the paper,
- a short outline of how you want to deal with the topic, and
- a list of references you may or will use.
At this point you should be well-read in your chosen topic. This abstract will then serve as a basis for a consultation with your supervisor. The abstract and the consultation are obligatory.
If you need further assistance, you can contact the University’s Schreibberatung Team.
When to register?
Winter semester: 15.10. - 15.02.
Summer semester: 15.04. - 15.08.
For registration, please contact one of the ELE lecturers during their office hours. Please check the research and teaching interests of the lecturers before registration and be prepared to present your abstract. Please note that we cannot assure the supervision of your paper if you register or hand it in later than the given deadlines.
When to hand in?
Winter semester: 28.02
Summer semester: 30.08
Where to hand in?
Please hand in your paper as pdf file via email to your supervisor, including a signed statement of originality. Please note that we will not send you a confirmation for receipt of your term paper, so please refrain from asking for a confirmation via email.