Eduardo Acostamadiedo
Eduardo Acostamadiedo promoviert am Lehrstuhl für angewandte Sozialforschung und Public Policy zur Erhebung von Migrationsabsichten, insbesondere der Migration ohne Dokumente, mittels Fragebogendaten und Listenexperimenten. Zuvor forschte er zur Zukunft der Immigration in die Europäische Union in 2030 und verglich die dazu verwendeten methodischen Ansätze. Außerdem beschäftigte er sich mit der Frage inwiefern sich Migrationsabsichten von Afrika in die Europäische Union verwirklichen und erhob Einstellungen gegenüber Migranten innerhalb Afrikas. Eduardo hat einen B.A. in Politikwissenschaften an der Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá absolviert sowie einen M.A. in Public Policy an der Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. Seine Masterarbeit wurde durch das European Research Centre for Anti-Corruption and State-Building veröffentlicht. Eduardo arbeitet als Data Officer im Global Migration Data Analysis Centre der International Organization for Migration.
Eduardo Acostamadiedo is a PhD candidate at Potsdam University. His research focuses on assessing aspirations to migrate and intentions to migrate without the necessary documents with survey data and list experiments. Previously, Eduardo has researched the future of immigration to the European Union in 2030 through Delphi surveys and future scenarios, and compared the main approaches that attempt to predict future migration. He has analysed the degree to which aspirations to migrate from Africa to the European Union materialise. He has also examined attitudes towards migrants within Africa. Eduardo completed a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Universidad de Los Andes and a Master of Arts in Public Policy from the Hertie School of Governance. His master thesis was published at the European Research Centre for Anti-Corruption and State-Building. Eduardo is a part-time Data Officer at the International Organization for Migration's Global Migration Data Analysis Centre.
Selected publications
- Sohst, R. R., Acostamadiedo, E., & Tjaden, J. (2023). Reducing uncertainty in Delphi surveys. Demographic Research, 49, 983-1020
- Acostamadiedo, E.; and E. Dankenbring. 2023. "Community conversations: The impact of awareness-raising forums on migration attitudes in Ethiopia". International Organization for Migration, Geneva.
- de Valk, H.; Acostamadiedo, E.; Guan, Q.; Melde, S.; Mooyaart, J.; Sohst, R.; and J. Tjaden. 2022. "How to predict future migration: Different methods explained and compared", in: Introduction to Migration Studies, 463.
- Acostamadiedo, E.; Sohst, R; Tjaden, J.; Groenewold, G; and H. de Valk. 2020. "Assessing immigration scenarios for the European Union in 2030 – relevant, realistic and reliable?" International Organization for Migration, Geneva, and the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, the Hague.
- Borgnäs, E.; and E. Acostamadiedo. 2020. "Public opinion on immigration in North and West Africa: Exploration of the available evidence", in: Migration in West and North Africa and across the Mediterranean: Trends, risks, development and governance, 406-417.

Professur für angewandte Sozialforschung und Public Policy
Campus Griebnitzsee
August-Bebel-Str. 89
14482 Potsdam