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Workshop on "innovative approaches to measuring irregular migration" (Brussels, 25.4.2023)


On the 25th of April, the expert workshop "Innivative approaches to measuring migration" took place at the VUB premises in Brussels. The workshop aimed to explore new ways of measuring irregular migration by employing innovative data sources and methods. The workshop was organized as part of Work Package 6 ("Methods lab") led by the University of Potsdam within in the EU-funded project "Measuring Irregular Migration and Related Policies (MIRREM)".

The series of videos presented here cover topics such as social media data, machine learning methods, and other innovative data sources, such as satellite data, and methodological innovations (such as online survey experiments, causal inference methods) that could be used to measure migration. The videos also discussed the current standard approaches that employ register data and traditional statistical methods.


The workshop was divided into four main sessions.

1) The first session focused on recent innovation for the study of migration using digital data sources with contributions from Stefano Iacus, Umberto Minora, and Ingmar Weber. Click here to watch the video recording.

2) The second session discussed the key challenges in working with digital data with presentations from Franceso Rampazzo, Steffen Pötzschke, and Albert Ali Salah.

Click here to watch the video recording.

3) In the third session, pilot studies were presented by Ettore Recchi and Luca Bernasconi, Alejandra Rodríguez Sánchez, Jasper Tjaden, and Johan Surkyn (Note: videos are not available for this given that this is research under development).

4) The fourth session was focused on current approaches to estimating irregular migration with presentations by Marcello Carammia, Ismael Gálvez-Iniesta, Roland Hosner, and Jan Braat.

Click here to watch the video recording

By the end of this series of videos, viewers will have a better understanding of how innovative data sources and methods could be used to measure irregular migration in comparison to traditional methods.