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Drittmittelgeförderte Projekte

Understanding and assessing irregular migration (MIRREM), 2023-2025

As part of the international consortium, the University of Potsdam leads the "methods lab" Work Package where we will test various innovative ways to measure irregular migration including Facebook, Flight data, hospital data etc. 

  • Funding: Horizon Europe -
  • Kooperationspartner: Vrije University Brussels; University of Oxford; Sciences Po Paris 
  • Team: Alejandra Rodriguez-Sanchez; Jennifer van Hook (Penn State University); Jasper Tjaden


The Senegal Migration Panel: Understanding Mobility in a Climate-Stressed Population, 2023-2026

In einem interdisziplinären Team aus Ökonom:innen, Soziolog:innen, und Politikwissenschaftler:innen soll im Projekt am Beispiel von Senegal untersucht werden, welchen Einfluss der Klimawandel auf Einstellungen zur Migration und tatsächliche Migrationsentscheidungen hat. Durch Befragungen von Individuen und Haushalten in 150 senegalesischen Dörfern werden verschiedene Faktoren, die Migrationsentscheidungen beeinflussen, analysiert: die Relevanz von extremen Wetterereignissen, die Rolle von lokalen Netzwerken und deren Narrativen über den Klimawandel, ökonomische Zwänge sowie eine veränderte Nachfrage an Qualifikationen durch den Arbeitsmarkt aufgrund des Klimawandels.

  • Funding: Leibnitz-Gesellschaft
  • Kooperationspartner: RWI Essen; Columbia University
  • Team: Niklas Murken; Jasper Tjaden 


Laufende Lehrstuhl-Projekte

Exposure to political content on social media 

The Potsdam Social Media Monitor (PSMM) was founded in 2024 at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Potsdam. Our mission is to develop methods to measure the use, content and impact of social media and to create accountability tools for social media platforms. PSMM utilizes a variety of interdisciplinary approaches, including from sociology, political science and computer science. Our pilot project is a TikTok election monitor for the regional elections in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg taking place in September 2024. The focus is on first-time voters and how their use of TikTok influences political opinion formation and attitudes. The second project is a large-scale, cross-plattform, audit study on political content on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, X in the context of the German Federal Elections in 2025. 

Team: Prof. Dr. Roland Verwiebe (Co-PI), Prof. Dr. Jasper Tjaden (Co-Pi), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kohler (Co-PI), Johannes Wolfgram (Data Mining), Aaron Philip (Data Analyst), Sarah Weissman (Researcher), Licia Bobzien (PostDoc)


Re-migration preferences

In collaboration with the International Organization for Migration, this study conducts a Discrete Choice Experiment with migrant that have returned to countries in East Africa. The experiment elicits migrants’ preferences towards re-migrating abroad.

Team: Jasper Tjaden; Ulf Liebe (University of Warwick); Davide Bruscoli (IOM) 


Gender disparities in the recognition of academic titles in Germany

The project examines whether female academics are less likely to be addressed with their formal titles compared to their male peers.

Team: Lena Hipp (WZB); Jasper Tjaden




Abgeschlossene Projekte


The effect of shared housing on the integration of refugees

This project explores the effects of various refugee integration polices including integration courses and language acquisition; residential mobility restrictions;  and legal status assignment. The work has a particular interest in the role of regions, districts and municipalities as well as policy changes introduced since 2015. 

Team: Jasper Tjaden; Samir Khalil


Was there a Merkel-Effect on migration? 

In 2015, German Chancellor Angela Merkel decided to allow over a million asylum seekers to cross the border into Germany. One key concern at the time was that her decision would signal an open-door policy to aspiring migrants worldwide – thus, increasing migration to Germany in the long-term. With the continued global rise in forced displacement, Merkel’s decision in 2015 provides a unique case study for the fundamental question of whether welcoming migration policies have sustained effects on migration towards destination countries. We analyze an extensive range of data on migration inflows, intentions, and interest between 2000 and 2020. 

Team: Jasper Tjaden; Tobias Heidland (ifW Kiel)


Vaccine hestinancy among migrant communities in Germany

Using online experiments via Facebook and interviews with migrants, this project explores the barriers to higher vaccine uptake among migrant communities in Germany. 

Team: Jasper Tjaden, Esther Haarmann (IOM), Rowan Hanno


Measuring migration behaviour through WhatsApp use

This project investigates the potential of WhatsApp for follow-up phone surveys in low-income settings to measure migration. In this methodological study, the team compares response rates across various survey modes.

Team: Jasper Tjaden; Felix Ndashimye (IOM)


The role of information in the decision-making process of potential irregular migrants

The project in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration, funded by the Government of the Netherlands investigates the role of various drivers of irregular migration, including information on costs, earnings, and risks, among potential migrants in West Africa and Ethiopia. The project involves large scale primary data collection and experimental and quasi-experimental designs.

Team: Jasper Tjaden; Oumarou Hebie (IOM); Felix Ndashimye (IOM)