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Project A03

Bond activation and molecular dynamics on metal nanoparticles derived from X-ray spectroscopy

Principal investigators: Markus Gühr, Alexander Föhlisch, Peter Saalfrank

This project aims at establishing microscopic governing principles of optically excited selective and efficient reaction pathways of functionalized thiophenols on metal nanoparticles. A stringent, atomic-level description of the elemental reaction steps on their relevant timescales will be developed, from femtoseconds for electronic excitation and relaxation to pico- and nanoseconds for vibrational energy relaxation and intersystem crossings. Soft X-ray spectroscopy yields atomic level sensitivity on orbital occupation, chemical and spin state on all relevant timescales, which is supported by theory using a combination of quantum chemistry and non-adiabatic molecular dynamics.

Position 1 (ID no. CRC1636A03-1/2023; Prof. Alexander Föhlisch, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie):


Experimental preparation of samples for solution, colloidal and surfaces anchored moieties, soft X-ray synchrotron spectroscopy and time-resolved x-ray spectroscopy of samples as well as interpretation of data.


Excellent Master's degree in chemistry, physics or similar at the time of project start. The candidate should be open-minded, communicative and keen to work in an interdisciplinary group of scientists. Ideal candidates have a background in ultrafast science, X-ray spectroscopy, and/or plasmonics. Experience in physical chemistry, colloid science etc. will be helpful.

Position 2 (ID no. CRC1636A03-2/2023; Prof. Markus Gühr, DESY Hamburg):


Preparation of isolated gas phase and metal nanoparticle-molecule samples on surfaces, synchrotron spectroscopy of the samples, ultrafast X-ray spectroscopy of samples together with PhD student 1, interpretation of data.


Excellent Master's degree in chemistry, physics or similar at the time of project start. The candidate should be open-minded, communicative and keen to work in an interdisciplinary group of scientists. Ideal candidates have a background in ultrafast science, X-ray spectroscopy, and/or plasmonics. Experience in physical chemistry, colloid science etc. will be helpful.